Dear Readers,
It is with a heavy heart that I finally admit I just no longer have the time to write fanfiction. My last ditch attempt to finish them by posting them to my livejournal, with my last upload being almost a year ago, unfortunately did not work. I'm sorry to those of you who followed me there that I was unable to finish them.
I am placing all my uncompleted stories up for adoption. If you choose to adopt a story, please pm me (on ) so that I may let those interested know by posting your penname in the story in question.
I will very shortly be privatizing the fanfiction posts on my livejournal (if I haven't already), and hosting them solely on . The few fanfictions that were introduced to my livejournal but not on , will be posted on fanfiction shortly after. I will also be uploading any remaining written portions and notes for each chapter to fanfiction. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your time,
I didn't have any notes for this story, but done forget to check out Gift from the Gods/Gift from the Gods: STONE too, if you choose to adopt this story.
Feel free to adopt this story. If you do, please remember to PM me so I may add your penname below.
Adopted by:
guardin of dragons (userid: 1336178)