It was a wonder that so many hamsters all fit into the small area of the town square. Though the town itself was tiny, there were many occupants. None of them, however, seemed to notice how cramped it was, for all their attentions seemed to be on a gray statue of a girl, her paws outstretched towards the sky and a peaceful expression upon her face.

At first look, you might see this as a joyous occasion. All the townspeople gathered around the beautiful statue of the young ham woman. But if you looked closer, you'd see that some of them had worried expressions. Small children were clinging to their parent's paws, and some hamsters even had crystal tears in their eyes.

And if you looked even closer, you'd see the statue. Just looking at it alone would be enough for you to understand why these people looked the way they did, heartbroken and troubled.

Though a look of calmed happiness was visible on the statue's face, a sense of lingering sadness still could be felt when if you stood by it. The girl's paw was lifted into the air, as if calling out to someone. Calling and waiting.

"This is horrible…" spoke a young housewife. "How could this have happened?"

"If she had only listened to her prophecy, she could have prevented it." Another said, this time an old man.

"Knowing the prophecy would not change what happened." The town elder spoke. "Fate cannot be altered. The decision she made may have been better, not knowing what was going to become of her. This way she didn't spend her life worrying."

Many hamsters nodded. A long silence followed, and shortly after, the inhabitants of the town, one by one, trudged back into their shabby homes.

The next day, a great snow came and no matter how long the hamsters waited, it would not stop falling. Eventually, everyone moved away.

Alone in the abandoned village, the beautiful young girl of stone was slowly covered with powdery snow…



Two Centuries Later…

Maxwell listened intently as the teacher spoke the words written on the blackboard.

"Today we will be discussing the legend of the Village of Eternal Snow." Spoke the teacher, waving a paw at the board. He took out a textbook and began to read.

"About two hundred years ago," he began. "The was a small village known as Celtic Hamica. The village was small, but was bustling with life. Celtic Hamica was led by the Elders, a group of hamsters that were old and wise."

"In that village, children were not common. So when a child was born, a celebration was held. The tradition was to not name the child until they were ten hamster-years old. The parents would decide the name by taking their child to an old woman in the village.

"These women were called 'Foreseers' because they gave a prophecy about the child, and came up with the appropriate name. The child was supposed to listen to the prophecy so they would know of their future and what was to come."

"But," the teacher continued. "There was on exception. The youngest elder just happened to have a daughter. When she was ten years old, he brought her to the Foreseer. But the girl ran out before she gave the prophecy, saying that she didn't want to know her future."

"For many days, the hamsters of the village talked about that girl, and how she ran out before her prophecy was given. Because she left, the girl still remained nameless. The Foreseers told the town that the girl was trouble, and so everyone should avoid her. They heeded their words and stayed away. Even her parents wouldn't talk to her. When anyone spoke of her, she was called 'The Nameless One.'"

"But she was not lonely for long, because long after that, when she was sixteen, a boy riding a noble white dog moved into the village. The boy and the girl became fast friends. She eventually fell in love with him, and they were engaged to be married."

"But right before the wedding, however, the boy was called to war, and left to fight. He promised the girl he'd be back someday. The girl waited and waited, but he never came back. Eventually, word got around that he had died in the war. But the girl didn't even look glum. She just stood at the cliff looking over the ocean by Celtic Hamica, and kept waiting. She stopped eating, and rarely spoke to anyone."

"One day, the villagers went outside to find that the girl had turned to stone. She was a statue, a calm happiness dancing in her stony eyes, and her paw outstretched towards the sky. Nobody knows why she looked so happy, or why she reached towards the sky."

"Soon after the girl turned to stone, a long and cold snow came upon Celtic Hamica. The villagers couldn't stand the harsh climate, and they all moved away. Nobody knows where the statue is now, but the village was renamed The Village of Eternal Snow. The snow was unpredictable and unusual for the area, but some think the girl's spirit is still there, waiting for her true love."

"Some people say that she made a deal with some sort of demon for eternal life so that she may wait for her beloved. Some say that she just withered away. Nobody knows for sure."

A silence fell across the room after the teacher finished. The bell rang soon after, and all the students filed out of the room to go home.

"That was some story, eh Maxwell?" Stan asked, nudging him in the ribs. "A beautiful maiden turning to stone and a village buried in snow? Sounds kinda funny to me."

"I thought it was beautiful!" Pashmina squealed. "A girl waiting for her true love…"

"Yeah." Maxwell agreed. "I liked it too."

"What did you think of it, Sandy?" Bijou asked, smiling at her friend.

"I don't know…" Sandy shrugged. "I can't shake this feeling that I've heard it before."

"I'm sure it'll wear off sometime, Sandy." Maxwell grinned shyly. "You'll just bounce back up like you always do."

"I…" Sandy's face turned red extremely fast. "Thanks, Maxwell."

"You're welcome!" he said cheerily.

Maxwell, Sandy thought. I've known you for so long. But for some reason, today it feels like a whole lot longer.

"Well, I'll see you all later!" Pashmina walked off. Bijou left at the next stop, and Stan left by the soccer field for practice.

Sandy and Maxwell walked along the sidewalk.

"You know Maxwell," Sandy smiled. "The first time I met you, I thought right away that you reminded me of someone."

"Who?" Maxwell asked.

"I think…well…" Sandy thought. "I…I guess I don't really know. But you definitely remind me of someone."

Maxwell sighed. "You can be really forgetful sometimes, Sandy." But he didn't way it aggressively. He grinned and patted her on the back. This turned into a full on hug.

"Maxwell…" Sandy said, not expecting this to happen. "What are you…?"

"Sandy…" he bored into her eyes. The he closed his, and when he opened them again, his face was unusually close to Sandy's.

"What are you doing, Maxwell?" Sandy asked, looking red. "Are you like, okay?"

"Sandy I…" he scooted away. "I don't think you're like any other girl."


"What do you…" Sandy said.

"I mean," Maxwell added. "That you're special."

This isn't happening…

"I've never felt for anybody else as strongly as I've felt for you, Sandy."

It can't be happening. This isn't real…

"Sandy I…"

Don't say it. Don't…Please…

"Sandy, I love you."

No…! You didn't say anything…

I don't know why but, I have this feeling that…

You weren't supposed to love me back…

You weren't supposed to love me back…


She opened her eyes, realizing that she must have looked troubled.

"I…no…" Sandy said. "You weren't supposed to…this isn't real…this isn't happening!"

The pain, it's engulfing me now.

Somehow I knew this would happen…

"Sandy!" Maxwell yelled as she fell down to her knees. She was shaking.

I know I should be happy right now but…

For some reason, I feel like I've lost everything…

"Sandy!" Maxwell called to her as her head hit the sidewalk. "Sandy! "SANDY!"

I'm fading away.

Not forever but, I feel like it won't be the same when I return…

