For every hero, there is a villain, and for every villain, there is a hero. When heroes move on, new ones must take their place. And when new heroes take their villains must arise. But...sometimes, when the heroes are powerful, strong, and noble, the villains are that much worse. And while good slowly awakens, evil has taken shape. And, in the end, it doesn't matter who is good and who is evil, but merely who is more powerful...this is the tale of the powers of Good and Evil, the final tale to see which is truly greater.


Danny Fenton shook his head. Not here, not know...

"I AM THE BOX GHOST! FEAR ME!" cried the great blue idiot. Danny smacked his forehead, and right in the middle of class, too…

Students went flying everywhere, while Mr. Lancer yelled at them to stay in their seats. Danny was running to, but not for the same reasons…

"Goin' Ghost!" came the battle cry, as twin rings of white energy surrounded Danny, and changed him from the inside out. His outfit changed from normal clothes to a solid black outfit, with white trim, white gloves and white boots. On his chest, a D with a P inside symbol showed itself, white amongst the black, as his hair turned pure white as his eyes turned an unearthly shade of glowing green.


Danny just shook his head, then reached behind him and uncorked the Fenton Thermos. Aiming, he pushed a button that sucked the Box Ghost inside of it, allowing the blue nimrod to yell out one last time. "Hmm, this thing's getting pretty full…better go-"

Danny never got to finish his sentence, as he disappeared in a blue flash of light.

A teen super being of New York City was swinging on lines that seemed to come out of his wrists. He wore a red and blue costume with two spider emblems emblazoned on his costume. He felt a tingling and quickly swung to his right quickly.

"Hey, watch it!" He cried out as a silver tentacle almost hit him.

"Parker…" The man in the trench coat and green tight jumpsuit said as he retracted one of his tentacles.

"Now what did your mommy tell you about your toys?" 'Parker' chided him as he swung close and launched a roundhouse punch to the guy with four silver tentacles.

"You will be mine Parker." The Tentacle terror said as he dodged the punch and threw his tentacles at him.

"Dude, are you gay?" Quipped the smaller and much more agile form as he quickly slammed himself into the wall and looked down. "'Cause, I'm…"

As a blue flash took him leaving the form of a confused tentacle freak of nature spellbound…

The redhead known as Kim shook her head, her long hair whipping around wildly, yet not a hair being messed up. One really wondered how she could do that…

She rolled her eyes, as she shot up into the air, using the wall as a spring board, and slammed her foot into the back of Shego's head, knocking the fire blaster out cold. "Feh, Dr. Drakken, you are SO lame. I mean, cyber death commando TEDDY BEARS? Please," she finished, smirking at the great blue idiot…the OTHER great blue idiot, Drakken.

Drakken's eyes widened, as he fell to the ground, whimpering, "Please don't hurt me…"

"Way to go KP!" Ron Stoppable yelled, with his naked mole rat agreeing, running up to her, slapping her on the back.

"No problem. After all, it was only Drakken. Still though, I can't get the felling out of my head that something's going to hap-" she was cut short as a flash of blue light consumed both her and Ron.

"Yo! Am-Dragon is going to turn yo into ASH!" laughed a red dragon, not that much larger then a rather large man, circling and armored skeletal helmet warrior.

"You're skull will belong to me, American Dragon! HAH!" a bolt of green energy blasted from his, the Huntsman's, staff, which Jake the American Dragon, narrowly avoided.

"Dude, you couldn't hit the broad side of-" however, he was unable to finish his taunt, as the entire room was consumed in a bluewhite light.

"All right wiseguy! Put DOWN the Weaszlewarp and NO ONE GETS HURT!" ordered an Asian girl with a red streak in her hair, as she landed in front of some goofylooking creature.

"Ju-JUNIPER LEE!" it cried.

"Yeah that's right! Now put it down or else I'll have to kick your BUTT!" She said, clenching her fist tight.

"Wha-what ever ya say!" The creature put down the weaszlewarp, really it was just a weasel with four extra limbs, and ran away crying.

"Humph. Now to..." as with the others, she never got to finish her sentence, disappearing into a flash of blue light.

This was a problem. It seemed like his ship being destroyed didn't quiet kill Vilgax...and had risen up an entire army of robotic fiends. He stood and watched as Ben Tenison, now in the form of XLR8, literally ran through half of his small army.

"Aw man! This is getting tough!" XLR8 complained, his arms sore from so many thrown punches. But he had to stop them. He had to. He had no clue how he could stop Vilgax though...but he'd find a way. He always did. Then he saw it. A shadow, quickly growing.

He was gone within the second, as Vilgax slammed himself down into the earth, causing a massive shockwave that knocked XLR8 head over tail and landing in a heap. His timer started to beep. "Oh no...not NOW!" And then he was just Ben.

Vilgax started towards him, slowly. The foolish child could not use the Omnitrix again, not this soon. There was nothing to save the boy now. Nothing. However, fate would prove him wrong, as, in a flash of blue light, he was gone.

Chapter Two: Explanations and Choice.

They were the Teen Titans. Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, and finally the last member of the core team, Jinx. Incase you are wondering, Jinx joined the main Titans after the events that we saw play out in the finale of the show. Now, it was five years later, and the 'Teen Titans' were anything but.

As a matter of fact...Robin was now known as Nightwing, Beast Boy was known as Beast Spirit, and Jinx was known as Luck. That was who they were. They had aged, grew, matured...and moved on. Since they were no longer Teenagers, and were of age, the Justice League asked them to join them.

They accepted. The other divisions of the Titans had already disbanded, most moving on to join the League, some becoming freelance heroes. And so they were the last team to disband. They didn't want to...not really. But they knew they had to. Nothing much happened in the city anymore. Slade had disappeared completely, and most would-be villains learned that the Teen Titans had some powerful friends, so they generally skipped out on causing trouble. And so, here they were: the Teen Titans, leaving for one last time. The building would stay, if only as a memorial. Maybe they'd make it into another base for the Justice League.

At least, that was the plan. Then he came. He was a strange being, holding a clockstaff and looked, for lack of a better word, like a ghost. A very strange ghost at that, for he continually changed his age. To clarify, he changed from a baby, to an adult, to an old man. He called himself Clockwork.

He had informed the 'former' Titans that he was bringing in some replacements for them.

"But...why?" Nightwing asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Because this city will soon be in danger...a kind of danger that you and your friends can not defeat. A new kind of evil. All that I request is use of your tower. You may take charge of them, if that is what you so wish."

Cyborg and Beast Spirit shared looks, basically saying 'What the hell?' before Raven answered. "If what you say is true..."

"And I assure you, miss, that it is."

"Then how can we help them?"

"Make them comfortable. I will bring them in one week. I will leave a list of things for you to decorate their rooms with, and so forth." Clockwork said, turning away from the Titans.

"What do you think, Fearless? This guy for real?" Cyborg asked.

"My instincts tell me yes...he is. I guess we'd better do as he asked..." Nightwing replied, as the group got together, and started work. They were actually glad, in some ways, that the Tower would still be of use, that the Teen Titans wouldn't die out.

Notes: Yeah, yeah. No new story with the Teen Titans X. So shoot me. I wanted to get some things out of the way that would seem strange in the next episode. Like how all the rooms will be specified to each of the new Titan's liking and such. As for the new names...Nightwing IS what Robin would change his name into, Beast Spirit sounds like something BB would choose if he ever got older, and Luck...well, she wanted good luck at the end of the series, so why not?