(I don't own Detective Conan or Magical Kaito. Thanks for the reviews!)

12:00 P.M.

Ran hurried to the door of the Nakamori household and rang the bell persistently.

"Calm down Neechan." Hattori grabbed her hand. "The girl said you could pick him up I'm sure that means they're home."

"The sooner we get the kid back the sooner I can get back to finding my sister." Hondou said standing beside Sonoko like normal.

"Eisuke-kun! What a thing to say!" Sonoko tapped her foot impatiently. "The sooner Conan-kun gets back the sooner we can have a lunch break." They both laughed.

"Ano, Conan-kun's sick so I'm taking him straight- Oh!" The front door opened to reveal a boy. "Sh-Shinichi…?" She stared at him. Then she realized it wasn't Shinichi, but possibly the boy Sonoko and she had seen downtown once or twice. The boy blinked before extending a hand.

"Konnichiwa, I'm Kuroba Kaito." Sonoko shoved Ran out of the way to shake his hand first.

"Sonoko Suzuki."

"A pleasure." Kaito smiled.

"You're Kaito, as in Kid-sama?" She asked still shaking his hand. Kaito made her let go and shook hands with Ran.

"No, but you're no the first person to ask about that." He moved to Hattori.

"You're name's are very similar. There's just a slight difference in pronunciation." Hattori supplied.

"Yeah, I wish there wasn't. Hakuba-kun keeps accusing me of being Kid. I'm a way better magician than him." Kaito said arrogantly.

"You're a magician?" Hondou shook hands with him.

"Show us a trick!" Kazuha said eagerly. Kaito smirked and made a rose appear.

"Mou! Kaito!" A girl that looked similar to Ran came to the door. Ran supposed this was Aoko.

"Aoko-chan?" Ran asked.

"Hai. You must be Ran-chan. Tousan said we looked a little alike, he wasn't kidding." She stared at the almost mirror image of herself.

"This is Toyama Kazuha," Kazuha bowed. "Suzuki Sonoko," A bow from Sonoko. "Hattori Heiji," Heiji bowed. "And Hondou Eisuke." Hondou bowed. "Otousan's in the car." She pointed to the rented van.

"Nice to meet you all. Would you like to stay for breakfast? I made enough for everyone I think."

"She's still cooking" Kaito mouthed.

"Sure. I'll get Tousan. Ran turned around and headed towards the car. Aoko led them all inside.

"I wasn't expecting so many people to come get Conan-kun." She confessed leading them into the living room. "I'll go wake him up." She started to head up stairs. Kaito grabbed her arm.

"Let Mouri-san." He whispered. Aoko blinked and then nodded.

"I'll just wake up Keiko-chan then." She left. Kaito watched as Ran closed the door and slipped off her shoes. She walked up and looked around.

"Where did Aoko-chan go?"

"To wake up Keiko." Kaito gestured for them all to sit. "I'll bet you want to see Conan-kun now, ne?" He asked Ran. She nodded.

"Could I?" Kaito smiled.

"Yeah, follow me." He gestured, heading to the stairs. Ran noticed the house was really clean.

"I wish Tousan could keep his office this clean." She muttered.

"Aoko does nothing but clean. She loves it as much as she loves chasing me around with a mop." He got to the door. "Here you are." He opened it. Ran smiled and stepped in. She was elated to see Conan sleeping peacefully.

"Arigatou gozaimasu." She whispered over her shoulder. Kaito smiled and headed back down. Ran sat lightly on the bed and gently stroked his cheek.

"Conan-kun, okinesai." She said sweetly. Conan stirred and started to slowly open his eyes. He let his eyes focus fully before recognizing her.

"Ran-neechan!" He said excitedly, sitting up. Shinichi was surprised to find his headache was gone, and then he remembered Aoko had given him Tylenol earlier that morning.

"Satou-Keigi said that Nakamori-keibu said you weren't feeling well." She felt his forehead. Conan nodded.

"But Aoko-neechan gave me some Tylenol." Ran smiled.

"You don't have much of a fever. Ne, are you hungry?"

"Hai." Conan nodded, remembering he hadn't eaten since breakfast the previous day.

"Come down when you want. Aoko-chan is making breakfast." She touched his cheek lightly, in a motherly way.

"Oh. Gomen." Keiko had come in with Conan's clothes. "His clothes are dried." She set them on the bed.

"You must be Mouri-san. I'm Momoi Keiko." She said heading back to the door.

"Nice to meet you Keiko-chan." Ran said kindly before turning back to Conan. "I'll let you get dressed and then you can come down, ne?" She smiled at him.

"A-ah…" He nodded as Ran stood up and walked out the door. Ran shut the door and returned to the living room.

"How is he neechan?" Hattori almost ran into her. Ran blinked before shaking her head.

"He's fine, a little sick though."

"That's because he stood out in the rain." Kaito supplied helpfully as the phone rang. "Oi Aoko!" He called into the kitchen.

"You get it! I'm busy." Kaito shrugged and went to pick up the phone.

"Taku… this isn't my house." He complained before putting the phone to his ear. "Moshi, moshi?"

"Kuroba-kun." Hakuba was on the other end. Kaito groaned slightly.


"Is Nakamori-chan around?" Kaito sighed.

"She's busy. Is there a reason you're calling?" he said grumpily, slumping into the couch.

"I was calling to talk to her."

"Invite him over, and Akoko-chan!" Aoko's voice came from the kitchen. Kaito rolled his eyes.

"Aoko says to come over, and bring Akoko, I'm not calling her." He hung up. Conan came down the stairs slowly. After slamming his face on the concrete stairs, caution didn't seem like a bad idea.

"Ah Ku-Conan-kun." Hattori greeted him. Conan sighed. I would think after he's had to call me Conan for so long, he'd get used to it. Shinichi thought to himself.

"Heiji-niichan?" He really hadn't expected Hattori to be there. He looked around and saw that Kogoro, Sonoko, Hondou, and Kazuha were all there. "Sonoko-neechan, Eisuke-niichan, Kazuha-neechan too?" They all nodded.

"You had us all worried Conan-kun." Ran told him.

"Gomen ne." He said humbly. Kogoro chose that moment to round on him.

"Don't ever do that again." He said pointing a finger at Conan.

"I didn't mean too." He said defensively. "I didn't even realize I was lo- ano separated from everyone until it was too late." Kogoro huffed and Aoko came back in as Hakuba and Akoko arrived.

"Well Breakfast's ready." She blinked at their perfect timing.

"Hakuba-kun?" Ran recognized him.

"Mouri-chan." He smiled charmingly at her. "I'd like you to meet Koizumi Akoko." He introduced them.

"Breakfast…" Aoko said meekly, feeling forgotten.

"Oi! Aoko says breakfast id ready!" Kaito got all of their attention.

"Oh." They all headed in to eat the hundred of pancakes Aoko had prepared.

(There you go. I finished! Now I feel accomplished. But now I've been hit with more vicious plot bunnies, so I'm about to start a new Fanfic.)