New Beginnings

By Vampyra142001

A/N: Yes this is the final chapter of New Beginnings, but there will be a sequel. Please read the note at the bottom for more info.

Disclaimer: I just realized I forgot to put one of these on the previous chapter ... oops. Anyway, I don't own any of Square-Enix and/or Disney characters. If I had anything to do with them KH2: Final Mix+ would've been released in America at the same as Japan's release of it.


"I'll start!" said Kairi excitedly. The others nodded as they found comfortable seating on her pink plush carpet.

"Roxas, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied without hesitation.

"The chef is baking cookies for dessert. Get me one," ordered the red head with an evil grin. He left quickly, apprehension clear on his face.

"I wish Mom didn't think letting you two sleep over 'isn't proper'. She lets Selphie and girls from school sleep over," Kairi sighed.

"I guess she is a bit old fashioned, but I understand her not wanting guys sleeping over," said Naminé.

"Still..." Roxas slammed the door behind him and leaned against it. He had a chocolate chip cookie in one hand and a spatula-shaped welt on the other.

"You chef needs new glasses - He called me Sora again," Roxas grumbled, tossing the cookie to Kairi, which she happily bit into.

"Your turn," urged Sora.

"Naminé, truth or dare?" Roxas asked, plopping down next to her.

"Truth," she said shrugging.

"Why do your drawings vary so much?"

"It's mostly caused by whether I'm using crayons or colored pencils." A mischievous grin crept onto her face.

"Truth or dare, Ri-ku?" inquired Naminé.

"Dare, of course," he said, smirking back at her. Her grin grew as Kairi nodded to her. The girl went over to one of Kairi's dressers and dug to the bottom. She quickly handed Riku something made of black cloth, then pointed to the door.

"You can't be serious," whined Riku, then sighed. "How long?"

"Twenty-four hours," she stated. Riku left mumbling under his breath, only to return a few minutes later blushing. Naminé and Kairi were laughing hard enough to bring tears to their eyes.

"I don't get it. I thought you gave him his blindfold back," said Sora. The two girls only laughed harder. Roxas frowned, apparently thinking. He grabbed Sora and whispered something into his ear.

"A what?!" demanded Sora. Roxas repeated himself, still whispering. A second later and Riku was the only one not laughing.

"If you guys are through, it's MY turn," the silver haired boy said loudly. The four quieted immediately.

"Roxas, truth or dare?"

"Dare," said Roxas.

"I want a cookie too." The spikey haired blond paled, but left to complete the task.

"That was mean Riku," Kairi scolded.

"He didn't have to tell Sora," defended Riku. He squirmed in his seat uncomfortably.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"And neither is a cookie."

"It is when the chef has a knife in his hands," Roxas growled as he entered the room. A thin welt crossed the back of his hand.

"Got you with the back of the knife didn't - mnf!" Riku was cut off by the cookie being jammed into his mouth. The two shot each other daggers as Roxas sat down.

"Sora, truth or dare?" asked Roxas.

"Dare," Sora said.

"I dare you." Sora just blinked at him.

"You know what I mean."

"No!" Sora shook his head and waved his hands in front of himself, blushing vividly all the while.

"You can't back out."

"He's right," agreed Naminé.

"You don't know what he's asking. And I can't do that right now!" Sora argued.

"You can too. Now is perfect," stated Roxas. Sora dropped his head, hiding his crimson face. His hands curled into fists.

"Riku ... This isn't part of the game, but you have to answer truthfully," Sora said softly.

"Alright," said Riku.

"Do you want to share a paopu with me?"

"Of course! It's taken you three days and prodding from Roxas to ask me the obvious?"

"I - You ... Yes."

"When you asked for proof he thought you meant something other than simply asking the question," Roxas explained.

"That's so SWEET!" squealed Kairi. "I've got to call Selphie." The three boys groaned.

"Dinner!" a male voice yelled up to them. The Nobodies disappeared and the remaining trio went downstairs to dine with the Mayor and his wife. Everyone was seated in the huge dinning at one end of the long banquet table.

"So, how was work Dad?" asked Kairi.

"Hectic as usual. I still haven't gotten used to communicating with some of the other worlds' leaders. I'm not sure which throws me more - talking to a skeleton or a lion. King Triton, now he's a down-to-earth man, so to speak. Anyway, enough of that. What's new with you, sweetie? I heard from Sora's mother that you visited a couple other worlds today," the Mayor said.

"Nothing much. We met Riku's dad. Oh, and my two best friends just pretty much admitted they're gay," said Kairi easily. Sora choked on a bite of salad, while Riku smacked his forehead.

"How exactly do you 'pretty much' admit something like that?"

"They've been flirting ALL day and right before you called us down to eat they said they wanted to share a paopu fruit together."

"Well, that is ... interesting," her father said, clearly uncomfortable.

"So, Riku, did you invite your father to the next Parent Teacher Conference?" inquired Kairi's mother. Sora started laughing, muffling the noise with his napkin.

"No. Somehow I got the impression that he's not really the parenting type," Riku said, amusement clear in his voice.

"And why is that?"

"He didn't know I existed until today, he's not fully human, and truthfully, I don't think he's all there." Riku tapped the side of his head to emphasize his point.

"Not fully human?" asked the Mayor.

"Sora knows more about it than I do."

"Perhaps we should move on to a more appropriate topic," Kairi's mother interjected.

"We actually visited four other worlds today, including Jack Skellington and Simba's worlds," said Sora.


After dinner Kairi's mother asked if Riku and Sora were spending the night.

"No, we were going to stay at Sora's again. Thanks anyway Mom," Kairi answered. The trio headed outside.

"I'm surprised your mother asked that," said Riku. Kairi giggled.

"Why do I get the feeling that in her mother's mind we're now in the 'girl category'?" Sora whined.

"You're probably right," agreed Kairi, stilling laughing.

"You're definitely effeminate enough to be in that category," Riku teased.

"What?!" yelled Sora indignantly. Kingdom Key appeared in his hand a he charged Riku. The silver haired boy drew Way to the Dawn, but did not attempt to fight Sora. Instead he took off running. He struck a tree as he passed beside it, the brunet on his heels. A coconut landed on Sora's head, sending him sprawling into the sand, unconscious. Riku raced to his friend's side as soon as he noticed that the boy wasn't moving.

"Come on Sora, don't do this," Riku pleaded, shaking him lightly.

"What happened?" demanded Kairi when she caught up to them.

"He was just supposed to trip over it, like always, but it hit him."

"We're not too far from the house. You carry him, I'll run ahead and tell his mom." She ran away before he could even agree. Riku scooped the younger boy into his arms.

"Wake up Sora. You have to at least try to walk - I did when you carried me," Riku urged. "Please, wake up." He stopped walking and started digging around in his pockets, Sora held to his chest by one arm.

"Let this work," whispered Riku. He tossed something into the air. "C'mon, Sora." Getting no response he picked the boy up again and continued towards the house.

Sora's mother stood in the doorway, Kairi hovering behind her when Riku walked up. She ushered him inside and indicted him to set her son on the couch. He quickly did so and got out of the way as she examined Sora.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be fine, there isn't even a bump," she breathed. "You gave him a potion?"

"An elixir."

"Good, good. He'll probably wake up soon, so if you'll stay here Kairi and I will go get some Sea-Salt ice-cream from the store for us to share." Kairi opened her mouth then closed it, like she was going to say something and decided against it. Instead, she just nodded.

"We'll be fine," assured Riku as he flopped onto the floor in front of the couch. Sora's mother and Kairi left.

"Someone got hurt and it's my fault AGAIN." He shook his head. "Why do I always end up hurting people?!"

"It always works out in the end," said a low voice.

"You're awake!"

"Did anybody get the number on that Gummi Ship?"

"I am SO sorr--" Sora cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth.

"We live on an island, Riku. Everyone's been hit by a coconut or two."

"But it's my fault, you could - Hn?" This time Sora leaned forward and silenced him with a chaste kiss, shocking him thoroughly.

"It's okay," Sora soothed. Riku leaned in for another kiss, only to be blinded by a bright flash. They heard female laughter. Standing in the kitchen doorway, Sora's mother held a camera and Kairi fanned a Polaroid to help it develop.

"Just wait till Selphie sees this!" Kairi beamed, grinning. Sora and Riku were up in an instant, chasing down the picture.


A/N: Finished. I will start the M-rated sequel soon, but don't expect me to be posting it for a while - I'm way behind on another story of mine and the fanart that go with this one. In, the sequel all questions will answered, including what Roxas told Kairi and what that black cloth was that Naminé gave Riku (as if it wasn't obvious). To those of you that don't read M-rated stories, when I get the sequel up I can send/tell you an edited version so that you aren't left out. Until then, everyone can read my other KH fanfics; they're short, but more comical.

Sorry this took so long to post. Recently, I was introduced to the World of Warcraft game and have been spending quite a bit of time on that. I'm usually on there at least three nights a week, so if any of you play WoW you can find my Night Elf Druid, Ginhane, in the Nordrassil Realm and say hi or yell at me to work on my posts.

Thank you all for your reviews and I hope you all will continue enjoying my work.