New Beginnings

By Vampyra142001

A/N: This takes place after KH2. Also this is a yaoi, meaning that Sora and Riku are gay (though that is not the main focus of this story), if you have a problem with that hit the back button. You have been warned, so I will not tolerate flames.

Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own any of the Square-Enix and/or Disney characters or Godzilla, nor do I hold the patent for the Gameboy.

"Earth to Sora," Riku said. He rapped his knuckles on the other boys forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?" whined Sora.

"You were spacing again," Riku laughed. "And blushing."

"Was not."

"Were you thinking about Kairi?" prodded Riku.

"No..I mean yes...I mean...Leave me alone," Sora stammered, blushing vividly.

"Aw, what's got poor So-wa all mad?"


"Then what were you thinking about?"

" mostly."

A questioning look slid into the elder boy's face.

"I realized that until I got the Keyblade I only had a few friends, and you and Kairi were my closest friends. You and I were also close rivals, pushing each other to the limit. Like that race we had before all this started."

"I won, I remember. You going somewhere with this?"

(A/N: Those of you that did win should remember that Riku tells Sora that the 'paopu thing' was just a joke.)

"You never gave the paopu fruit to Kairi, you didn't even act like you were going to get one."

"So?" Riku said, turning away.

"Were you waiting for something?" asked Sora, craning forward to see his friend's face.


"While I was asleep in that pod I had a lot of time to think, and admittedly it took me a while to figure things out."

"What are you going on about?" snapped Riku.

"The day before the race, you tossed me a paopu and said 'C'mon, I know you wanna try it,' then ran off laughing."

"Yeah, I did."

"When you did that I thought you meant for me to share it with Kairi. I got confused, because I didn't want to share one with her."

"Yeah? So you wanted to share one with Selphie?"

"No. And I'm certain you wouldn't share a paopu fruit with either of them, either," Sora said with a nod.

"And why wouldn't I?"

"Because you wanted- want to share one with me," said Sora, blushing again.

Riku looked away.

"Or maybe I over thought it and have completely embarrassed myself." He rubbed the back of his head.

"Prove it."


"Prove that you're right," Riku said simply.

"How do I do that?"

"Figure it out."

The silver-haired boy walked off, leaving Sora to think.

A while later, Sora slid off the paopu tree and walked home muttering to himself.

"I hope he doesn't take too long. Then again, he could just assume one way or the other and leave it alone," Riku said to himself. He crawled into bed and turned off his lamp.

The next day Sora wasn't at school, and no one had seen him.

"What is he thinking? You were both held back for missing a year, he can't go skipping classes," said Kairi.

"Must you keep going back to that?"Riku demanded.

"Well, I missed you guys. Plus, I could've used your help on homework."

Riku wasn't listening.

"Maybe he's home sick," Tidus suggested.

"No, I already called his mom. She said he left his bookbag and his boat was gone," said Kairi.

"Ya coulda said sometin' earlier," Wakka stated.

"I forgot, okay?"

"Never mind. Let's go find Sora," said Riku.

As usual, Riku's boat made it to the island first, followed by Tidus, Wakka, Kairi, and Selphie's boats. The group split up to search the island.

Riku walked across the bridge, his mind far away, remembering himself stepping into the darkness with blind confidence. A splash jerked him back into the present. Near the ladder leading into the water, sat Sora with a disgusted look on his face and his tongue hanging out.

"Blehk, live fish. Even if you were cooked I wouldn't eat you. I promised Ariel," he told the small fish that was hastily retreating into deeper water.

"I thought you like sushi," teased Riku.

"Oh, hey Riku."

"And who is Ariel?"

"A mermaid I know."

"A mermaid, huh? That explains why you swim differently now," Riku observed.

"I had to learn to swim with a dolphin's tail."

The older boy cocked his eyebrow.

"From the waist down I was dolphin, and from the waist up human. It was awesome!" beamed Sora.

"That's neat and all, but why'd you skip school to come here?"

Kairi walked up behind Riku.

"Good, you found him," she said, then asked "Well Sora?"

"I- I came out here to think."

"Before you walked up he was telling me about a mermaid and his fish-butt," Riku informed her.

"Dolphin's aren't fish," defended Sora.

"Mermaid? I bet she was pretty," Kairi said in a daydreamy voice.

"She was, and she really did have a fish's tail. But I think you'd make a better mermaid, Kairi."

Riku raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Really?" she asked.

"Donald gave me the spell," Sora said with a huge grin.

"I don't know..."

With a clack the Oblivion appeared in Sora's hand. He muttered something and pointed the weapon at Kairi. She fell down, unable to stand.

A brown tail replaced her legs and two large shells covered her naked chest.

"That's not a mermaid's tail," stated Kairi.

"She's right, it looks like a seal's," Riku added.

Sora climbed the ladder high enough to see her.

"Donald said the magic picks the shape," Sora explained. "But at least it worked."

Kairi stuck her tongue out at him.

"Let's see you swim Kairi," urged Riku. He picked her up.

"No! I'll drown!"

"A seal drowning?"

"We'll save you," Sora promised.

Riku walked out onto the paopu tree, being careful not to slip in the trail of water leading up most of its length.

"Whatcha doing?" Tidus asked. Wakka and Selphie stood behind him.

Sora jumped in surprise and lost his grip.

"Wha!" Splash.

"They're trying to drown me," whined Kairi.

"You can breath underwater now," Sora informed her.

"How's dat possible?" asked Wakka.

"Sora turned her into a seal-girl," Riku said.

"Put me down Riku!"

He dropped he into the deeper water.

"You jerk!" she yelled once she bobbed to the surface.

"Move your tail up and down to swim," couched Sora.

She floundered around for a while before figuring out how to swim in a straight line.

"Me next!" Selphie cried.

"I should turn her back anyway. Hey, Kairi, get onto dry sand!"

Riku and Sora had to drag her out of the water. One spell later and she was human again.

"Aw, I wanted a turn," whined Selphie.

"I think we all do," Tidus said.

"Maybe another time, guys. I'm tired," Sora said with a yawn.

"Lazy bum," commented Kairi. He grinned back at her.

As they headed to their boats, Kairi dropped to the back of the group next to Sora.

"The tree's grown since you two left. You can't reach the fruit the way Riku did before. Wakka figured out a new way, though," she said quietly.

"Why would I need a paopu fruit?" he asked, blushing.

"I saw the trail of water. Anyway, you should be able to wrap you arms around the trunk, climb to the top, wrap your legs around it, and grab a paopu. One more thing: fish will eat the fruit if you drop it when you let go."


"You can thank me after you get one."

She caught up to Selphie and started chatting with her.

When all the boats reached the main island, each of the kids hurried to to do their homework, except one; he hurried home to apologize to his mom.

"She won't be mad," Sora said to himself. "I wonder if she made meatloaf."

"Why doesn't he think? He could've gotten in real trouble," Riku ranted to Kairi over the phone.

"We both know how Sora is. And you don't think much more than he does before throwing yourself into things," scolded Kairi.

"Yeah, yeah."

"I told him how to get a paopu."

"I figured my method wouldn't work anymore."

"It doesn't."

"Two of them were missing. You think he smashed them with the Keyblade?"

"Positive. After you THREW me into the water, I saw a couple chunks of yellow on the bottom."

"I didn't throw you. I just made sure you didn't land in the shallows," Riku informed her.

"Anyway, if we all stay away from our island I'm sure he'll get a paopu by tomorrow night," Kairi said confidently.


"I can't wait!"

"Oh, really? Well, I gotta go to bed. 'Night."

"Good night Riku."

After they hung up, Kairi called the other three and told them not to go to the island so that Sora could get a paopu fruit without embarrassing himself. She had to threaten Wakka and Tidus against teasing Sora, but in the end they all agreed to stay away.

After school, the next day, Sora ran off, leaving the rest of the gang to have ice cream and wonder.

"Bets anyone?" Tidus asked.

"Nah, Sora's determined," Wakka said.

"It's so romantic," sighed Selphie.

"You're hopeless," Riku said.

"Think he's gotten one yet?" asked Tidus.

"Let's go see if his boat's gone," suggested Selphie.

They headed over to the docks to find Sora's boat tied with the rest.

"Well, maybe he got one and went home," Kairi rationalized.

They found him in the middle of cleaning his room.

"Didn't you go to the island?" asked Kairi.

"No, Mom grounded me. She said I couldn't do anything or go anywhere until my room was spotless. I came home, did my homework, and have been cleaning ever since," explained Sora.

"You'll be in here forever then," Riku teased from his seat on a pile of dirty laundry.

"If you guys help..." prodded Sora.

"No way," Tidus stated.

"Count me out, mon," said Wakka.

"Eew," Selphie said.

"I'll give orders," offered Kairi.

"I'll watch," Riku said.

"Some help you guys are."

"We're always there for you," said Kairi.

"Even if we're gone," added Tidus before following Selphie and Wakka out the window.

"You guys are pathetic," Riku called after them.

"Naw, we're just lazy!" answered Wakka.

"At least you two stayed."

"Not helping, watching," Riku said flatly.

"You're hopeless without us. You take twice as much time to do something when we're not there to push you along. Right Riku?" accused Kairi.

"Right." Riku waved Sora on to continue his work.

Over the next hour Kairi and Riku repeatedly had to move to a new seat till they found a place out of Sora's way. Riku on the window sill and Kairi on the half-cleared off desk.

"Can't you stay on one task for longer the 10 minutes?" Kairi asked.

"I'm still cleaning my room," protested Sora.

"Never mind. I'm going to get something for us all to drink."

As soon as she was out of earshot, Riku asked," So, think of anything more original than the paopu?"

Sora flashed him a grin then went back to work. Kairi returned, carrying a tray with three glasses of iced tea and two ice creams.

"Why do you only have two?" asked Sora.

"Your mother said you could have yours when you finished your room," Kairi answered.

While Sora stuffed clothes he couldn't wear into bags, Riku and Kairi sat watching and eating sea-salt ice cream.

Sora stopped to glower at them for a moment, then said," You guys suck."

Riku choked and fell backwards out the window. The other two rushed over to check on him.

"Are you alright?" Kairi asked.

He was on his knees coughing, ice cream melting in the sand past him.

"Fine." He shot Sora a this-is-your-fault look before reclaiming his seat.

"What?" Sora asked. His confused look faded into a grin as he realized what Riku blaming him for.

"Sora, get back to work," ordered Kairi.

"Okay, okay-- Calm down, Kairi."

He retreated back to his cleaning.

"So what was that about?" Kairi asked Riku sweetly.

"Nothing. Leave it alone," he answered.

"For now."

A beep drew their attention back to Sora, who was nowhere to be seen. Riku crept towards to open closet and looked inside. He motioned Kairi forward, then reached around the frame and snatched something. Riku held a Gameboy over his head.

"Hey, give that back!" Sora yelled.

He flying-tackled Riku, sending them both to the floor. Sora ended up sitting on the other boy's waist, reaching with both hands for the game, while one of Riku's hands was stretched as far away from his grasping fingers as possible and the other hand pushed against his chest.

"Gimme!" yelled Sora.

"Gimme, gimme never gets," Riku taunted, pushing the younger boy back. (A/N: I got the idea from Heartlesscloud. stormed over and grabbed Sora's ear, pulling him to his feet.

"Ow, ow, OW! Le'go!" he whined.

"You have work to do, so quit playing around!" ordered Kairi. She gave his ear a tug before releasing him.


He rubbed his ear and went back to cleaning, with Kairi watching him from her perch on the desk. Riku shook the dust out of his hair, then returned to his seat on the sill and played the Gameboy.

The garbage bags were taken out and Sora was carrying an armload of wearable clothes to the laundry room. As he passed he stuck out his elbow and knocked Riku out of the window.

"Hey!" Riku exclaimed, climbing to his feet.

"He's already down the hall," Kairi told him.

When Sora came back in, Riku had resumed his game, but the volume was all the way up, taunting the younger boy.

Half-way through sweeping, Sora 'accidentally' bumped into Riku. This time the elder boy was ready and grabbed the window frame to steady himself, preventing another fall.

"You can't win," said Riku.

"I will in the end," Sora promised.

He finished sweeping and so finished cleaning.

"Time for ice cream!" cried Sora.

"Sorry bucko, dinner time," his mother said from the doorway.

"Wha!" Sora yelled in surprise. Kairi and Riku laughed at him.

"I called your parents-- They said you could stay for dinner and spend the night if you wanted," Sora's mother told the other two.

"Thank you," Kairi and Riku each said.

"What are we having?" asked Sora.



After dinner the trio swung by Riku and Kairi's houses for their overnight bags.

"Sora, meatloaf shouldn't have pickled squash in it," Riku said flatly.

"Mom throws leftovers into her meatloaf to use them up and make it different," explained Sora.

"It wasn't bad, I just didn't expect to get a bite of ramen noodles," Kairi said.

"Ramen...Oh, the cheese ramen from last night."

"Great," Kairi said weakly.

"Not gonna get sick are you?" teased Riku.


"I always like Mom's meatloaf."

"But you'd eat just about anything," stated Riku.

"Yeah, I guess." He gave Riku a grin, who just blinked in shock.

"That does it!" Roxas said, stepping out of Sora.

"Don't do that!" yelled Sora in surprise and jumped back.

Roxas pulled Namine out of Kairi by the hand and lead her a ways from the stunned trio.

"Namine, I thought Sora liked Kairi," said Roxas.

"He does, but only as friend and she knows it," Namine said.

"But the dreams--," Roxas started.

"You only had half of his memories and none of his thoughts or emotions."

"Right, but I'm not--"

"What about you and Axel?"

"We were best friends."

"He was right."


"Nobodies do not age, so when Sora released his heart and created you he was still very childish. Meaning you always will be childish. Axel decided a long time ago to never bring it up to you."

"'You make me feel like I have a heart.' He said it a lot."

"You can love with the memory of a heart, it's just harder."

Roxas' eyes dropped to the sand.

"If his world was restored, then Axel returned to the person he was before. You can find him."

"Thanks Namine."

"You might want to apoligise to Sora," added Namine.

They walked back to the other three.

"Um...Sorry," Roxas said to Sora.

"For what?" asked Sora.

"Walking out and being rude."

"No big," Sora said with a grin.

Roxas looked at Riku and Kairi, then walked over to Kairi and whispered something into her ear. She nodded.

The two Nobodies returned to their respective others.

"That is still kind-of creepy," said Sora.

"Hm...Wouldn't know," Riku half-teased.

"It doesn't bother me," said Kairi.

"What did he tell you?" Sora asked.

"Something you know and Riku doesn't."

"And that would be?" asked Riku.

Kairi made a mouth zipping motion.

Sora thought hard, then shrugged.

"You won't tell," Riku accused, then turned his back on Sora.

"But I don't know what she's talking about," whined Sora.

"Oh really?"


"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Well...there is one thing, but Roxas shouldn't know much about that. And I'm certain he wouldn't tell Kairi about it," Sora said with a michevious grin.

Riku cocked an eyebrow. "Should I even ask?"


"Are you guys coming or what?" called Kairi from further up the path. They raced after her.

"So you guys would've actually stayed there?" Kairi asked.

"Well, yeah. You were safe and so was the Relm of Light. I'd have been okay to sit on that beach in the dark," said Sora.

"What about you, Riku?"

"I've sat on that beach many times, but with Sora sitting to me, I would've stayed," Riku said.

"We would've missed you though," added Sora.

"He's right."

"Still, you would've left me out again?" Kairi near whined.

"As long as you were safe," confirmed Riku.

"But I was supposed to go with you."

"We didn't plan on getting separated."


"Do you hear that?" Riku asked suddenly.


In the distance they could hear humming and soft popping.

Kairi looked around for Sora, "That little sneak!" She got off the couch and went into the kitchen.

Sora was singing under his breath as he poured three glasses of soda. There was a large empty bowl on the counter and popcorn cooking in the microwave.

"Are you okay?" asked Riku.

Sora gave them a cheesy grin, but didn't resume his song.

"What were you singing?" Kairi wondered.

"Hakuna Matata," he said over his shoulder.


"It means 'no worries'."

"Where'd you learn that?" asked Riku.

"In the Pride Lands. It's one of the worlds I visited. I was a lion cub, Goofy was a turtle, and Donald was a bird, but not a duck."

"A lion cub?"


"So you were a baby lion?" Kairi asked, picking up Riku's taunt.

"No and tomorrow we're going there."

Nice to be asked," said Kairi.

The microwave alarm went off, causing them all to jump. Sora retrieved the popcorn and dumped it into the bowl, while Kairi grabbed napkins. They brought the stuff into the living room.

"Dids!" said Kairi.

"Dibs!" said Sora quickly.

"I'll wait," resigned Riku.

Kairi went to the bathroom to change clothes, while Sora went to his room and changed. She came out wearing an over-sized purple t-shirt and small black shorts, whereas Sora just threw on a blackand white t-shirt and baggy red shorts.

Riku took his turn in the bathroom and stepped out looking annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Sora asked.

"I forgot my tank top at home," sighed Riku. He was wearing his blue pants, but still had on the black sleeveless shirt.

"That zipper's gonna dig into your skin," Kairi warned.


"Quit being modest. It's not like we haven't seen you shirtless before."

"It's not-"

"What? That wing tatoo? We've seeen it, remember? You've had it your entire life."

"Not anymore."


"I don't have a tatoo anymore," stated Riku. He took the shirt off and turned around. Folded tightly against his right shoulder was a black feathered wing.

", when did you get that?"

"Shortly after I left Castle Oblivion my tatoo decided to burst out of my skin."

Kairi and Sora gave him a sympathetic look.

"Uh, Sora? Could you help me unstick it? Having it folded this tightly for so long makes it lock," Riku asked akwardly.

"Sure," said Sora. "So, how do I do this?"

"Slide your fingers between the wing and my shoulder. Grab it just below the joint and pull."

The younger boy lightly placed his hands where he was told.

"It isn't delicate- just do it!" Riku said sharply.

Sora yanked the wing free, lost his balance, and jerked the older boy on top of himself in one motion.

"Get your elbow out of my stomach," gasped Sora.

"I'd love to, but your arm is pinning my wing to the floor."

It took them a minute to untangle themselves without hurting the other.

Sora sat on the floor rubbing his sore stomach, while Riku stood and stretched, fanning each feather to its fullest extent.

"Ah, much better," Riku said.

"That makes two worlds we're going to visit tomorrow," said Sora, thinking aloud.


"The Pride Lands and Radiant Garden."

"Why Radiant Garden?" Kairi asked.

"I've got to talk to a few people there," answered Sora. He was twirling one of Riku dislodged feathers between his fingers.

Riku and Kairi exchanged confused looks.

"Anyway, what movie?" Kairi asked.

"Godzilla!" Sora declared.

While she went to pop the movie in, Riku said, "At least you had an easier time unsticking my wing."

"What do you mean?"

"The King always manages to go flying across the room and DiZ just about dislocates it."

"Well that's-" A pillow in the face interrupted Sora.

Kairi laughed at him and after a moment Riku laughed too.

"Oh yeah?" Sora challenged.

She stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed another pillow off the pile of sleeping bags. Sora jumped over the coffee table swatting her with the pillow. Not to be outdone, Riku joined the freee-for-all.

The after math found white feathers and popcorn strewn about the living room, while the trio sat quietly on the couch, watching Godzilla terrorize the city.

"So if you want to talk to your friends in Hollow Bastion, why are we going with?" asked Kairi.

"Because it has to do with Riku and you don't want to be left behind," stated Sora, before stuffing another handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"And the Pride Lands?"

"I'm sure Simba's cub has been born by now- we've got to greet it."

"Oh, how sweet!"

"And I'm supposed to believe that it has nothing to do with you wanting to see us turned into cute little animals?" Riku asked.

Sora gave him a cheesy grin. "It looks like you've got a head start- and vultures aren't cute."


Sora gave his wing a tug, only to be punched in the arm by Kairi.

"That's not funny!" she snapped.

"I thought it was," commented Riku.


Sora noticed the movie was rolling credits and shut everything off. The three teenagers rolled out their sleeping bags next to each other and crawled in. They fell asleep hand-in-hand; Riku holding Sora's right and Kairi holding Sora's left.

Next chapter they go to the Pride Lands.

A/N: Please review, I would like to have a couple before I post the next chapter. Also, I'm looking for a Beta Reader, someone to double check my grammer and spelling before I post the chapters of my other and future stories/chapters.