Disclaimer- Yes. I do own Naruto and all its characters. I also own a huge nuclear missile that could destroy the entire planet that I keep in my basement. Ha………..NOT.

Dead and Gone……Maybe.

She couldn't believe this was happening. She felt as if the world around her had been ripped apart and thrown in her face. There was no one who could possibly understand her pain now. Her heart was breaking, dying. Her whole body was numb. The room surrounding her spun and lurched before her eyes, and then she blacked out.

"Uhnn……." Sakura sat up from the bed she was laying in and looked around in confusion. "What….what happened?"

Reality came crashing back and she felt suddenly sick to her stomach. She dragged herself off the bed and ignored her dizzy vision as she wobbled over to the door and hurriedly stepped outside where she relieved the contents of her stomach. Sakura wiped the bile away from her lips and tears burned her eyes, threatening to fall at any second. She didn't try to stop them. They told her Sasuke had been killed. She always thought he was invincible, indestructible. He was dead.


I am so MEAN! Sorry 'bout this, but I want to know if anybody is really interested in hearing the rest so I don't have to waste my time typing this up for nobody when I could be working on my other fics! So…….if you want to know what happens……tell me and I'll write the rest! But for now, I'm just gonna relax and read some other stories that strike my interest. Later days!

Mistoffelees Shadow