Author's Note:

Hey, Peeps, ma 1st fic. Review when you're done!

Disclaimer: There are several differences between J.K. Rowling and me. Like:

She is rich, I am not

She is brilliant, I am not.

She owns Harry Potter, I do not.

Hermione's POV


"Professor, surely you can't be serious!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Mister Malfoy, watch your mouth before I am forced to ban you from Quidditch for the rest of your year!" Professor McGonagall looked appalled. "And no, I am not crazy. Is there a problem with this arrangement?"

She stared at us, as if only daring us to say yes. I turned to glare at Malfoy, but then she took one look at me and I was reduced to staring meekly at my shoes.

"Well then, if that's a no, you will accompany me to the Heads' carriage." She looked at us expectantly, and turned around, as we followed.

My mind was numb. I couldn't even think at that moment. We arrived at a carriage and took seats opposite to each other.

"Now, let me inform you of your Head Duties. You will patrol corridors from 12 o' clock to 4 o' clock. You will arrange whether there will be shifts or you do it together.

You are also expected to plan Quidditch game schedules, dances and other upcoming activities. Ah, yes you will also have to share headquarters and - "

But that's all I heard. Simply because of the fact that she had just told us that we would be sharing headquarters. No big deal, I know. Usually at least. BUT NOT WHEN YOU HAVE TO SHARE WITH YOUR ARCH ENEMY OF SEVEN YEARS! At that moment I drifted out of my dreamland – more like nightmare land – to notice that both McGonagall and Malfoy were staring at me like I was crazy. Oh, did I say that last part out loud? Oops…

"Um, heh, never mind, sorry, er, continue…" I stuttered out, embarrassed at my latter outburst.

"Miss Granger, is there a problem?" McGonagall asked, her gaze imploring into me.

YES, yes there is a problem!

That's what I thought but I said, "No, Professor."

"Good, well, if everything is understood, I will leave you." She stood up and strode out.

I sat back and looked at Malfoy, who stared back. Neither of us said anything for a while. Until…

"Granger, I'm sure if looks could kill, I'd be buried in your backyard already."

"Oh, please, if you would be so kind as to do me a favor and jump off this train to your death, I would be ever so grateful," I said as sarcastically as possible. But to my utter disappointment no reply was made, he just sat there, a slight smirk playing across his face.

"What, no comeback, Malfoy, I'm heartbroken." More sarcasm, this boy – ehem, man – was getting me more and more grumpy. Yet still he remained silent. He's only doing this to annoy you, I told myself. Ugh! That stupid smirk, I wish, I could wipe it off his face. Bloody Git!

He was taking all of my joy as being chosen as Head girl away from me. Luckily it was not enough to discourage me. I will find away to make this work! …Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that…

I sighed. Well I'd have to get over it eventually. Stupidhead, was still sitting there smirking.

"Isn't your mouth tired as yet Malfoy."

Nothing. I don't know which is worse, him belting out insults at me, or sitting there and smirking like an idiot. Hmm… he doesn't seem too bothered about this situation…


Draco's POV

I smirked even more in triumph as I watched Granger become more and more agitated. I relished in being able to light her burners so easily. I knew her so well. How I came to, I have no idea, but I wasn't complaining!

I wondered what she was thinking about. I watched as she furrowed her brow while frowning. Why wasn't I bothered with this situation? Hmm. I don't know. Strange actually. Well I suppose that I am bothered by it, a little….Oh what the heck, it bothers me a lot. I hate Granger and her friends. The golden trio, hah! More like the We-Get-Away-With-Everything-Whoopdie-Frikin-Doo trio. The-Boy-Who-Just-won't-Die, the pureblood I-Look-Like-I'm-Constipated traitor, and the filthy mudblood.

Anyway, I just love torturing them. The mudblood's the easiest to terrorize. Huh. Maybe living with Granger won't be too bad after all. Hell, I might even enjoy it…

My first Fic, people. Tell me if I should continue… Constructive Criticism is also welcomed.