Okay, so I know this is probably the LAST thing I should be doing, starting a new story when I already have one in progress. Slaps Hand " Bad Kristen!" Alright, so now that we've gotten that out of the way, I shall continue with the summary of my new story. So I know there are A LOT of Naley best friend stories out right now (honestly, they're my favorite stories to read) and usually I write focusing mainly on Jeyton, but I'm going through some stuff right now and this is the product. Usually I base my writing off of episodes I wanted to change or episodes I wanted to add on to, but this story is lightly based off things going on with me. I promise I'll keep the characters the same as on OTH, the story line will just be slightly altered. Now that I've rambled, Let me introduce you to my new story, "How Do I Get There?"

FYI: First chapter is mostly introduction and the majority of the story will be told in Haley's POV. Enjoy!

It has always been the six of us. I honestly can't think back to a time when I didn't have my five friends to turn to. The funny thing is, we're all so different that it amazes people that we're even friends, but that's the best part, without one of us, none of us would be complete. We were all six parts to a whole.

I guess it would be easiest to introduce you to myself first. My name is Haley James, and basically, what you see is what you get. I'm pretty much Plain Jane. I'm, what I like to call, "vertically challenged", standing all of 5'4", light brown hair, and honey colored eyes. I'm proud to be the nerd of the group. I'm the head tutor at the tutoring center at our high school and I love it. I love seeing the light go on when a fellow student finally gets something I'm teaching. My junior year, I became a cheerleader (against my will I might add) and I'd die before admitting I actually enjoy it. I like to sing too, but my voice is reserved strictly for my shower head.

Next I guess would be Lucas Scott. We were literally, destined to be best friends. Our mom's were best friends in high school and have been ever since, so Luke and I were brought up together. As weird as it is for me to say, Lucas is undeniably handsome. He's tall, sandy blonde hair, light blue eyes. Yeah, he's definitely a looker. Lucas is the brooder of the group, he reads a lot, and when he's not reading, he's playing basketball. He's amazing at basketball, it runs in the family. Lucas lives next door to me with his mom, Karen and his adoptive father, Keith.

I forgot to mention something else about Luke, when he's not reading, brooding or ballin'; he's with his girlfriend, another best friend of mine, Brooke Davis. From the outside looking in, Brooke is your typical spoiled, rich, "so pretty she makes me sick" cheerleading captain. And while, she is undeniably all of these things, Brooke has an amazing heart that she doesn't tend to let anyone else but, us, see. On top of her great heart, Brooke has looks that I would kill for. Dark hair to match her mysterious dark eyes, a smile to light up a room, and a body most girls envy and every guy dreams about. She's the peppy one of the group, the silver lining if you will, often referred to as "Cheery", "Tigger", or "Brooke, shut the hell up!" She is the reason I am a cheerleader. She is the reason Lucas Scott, Mr. Broody himself, has a permanent smile on his face. She is also the reason for a lot of the harmless trouble the six of us have caused.

Next is Peyton Sawyer, kind of broody like Lucas, but more in an artistic way. Peyton's looks often contradict her personality. She's tall, skinny, head full of gorgeous golden curls, and hypnotizing hazel eyes. I would be lying if I told you Peyton weren't a complicated girl. You know how in Shrek, he talks about how Ogres are like onions because they have a lot of layers? Well Peyton is a big ass onion, but not without good reason. When Peyton was nine (about two years after we became friends) her mom was killed in a car accident. This left Peyton kind of messed up, especially with her dad having to be gone all the time for his job. Luckily, Peyton had the five of us to fall back on. Peyton joined the cheer squad our sophomore year, partly because Brooke relentlessly begged her, and partly because her mom was a cheerleader when she was in high school. She's an AMAZING artist and you'll never find her without a sketchbook.

Notice how I didn't mention anything about Peyton having a boyfriend? Well, that's because she doesn't. But she might as well be dating Jake Jagelski, the fifth part of the puzzle. Jake is handsome too, but in a simple kind of way. He's got cute shaggy hair, sweet brown eyes, and is athletically built. Jake is kind of a hard guy to classify. I mean, Lucas broods, Brooke cheers, Peyton draws, I tutor, but Jake, he's just…Jake. I guess the most important information about him is that he has an 18 month old daughter. You see, from the end of our freshman year through about the middle of our sophomore year, Jake was dating a senior named Nikki. None of us were really big fans of Nikki, but we tolerated her because Jake loved her. Then we found out Nikki was pregnant and for a while, Jake was a mess, but he's a good guy so he handled his responsibility, Nikki, however, didn't. She took off two weeks after their daughter, Jennifer Nicole Jagelski, was born. We all expected her to come back, try to fix things with Jake, but she never did. So we all collectively helped in raising Jenny, but no one more so than Peyton. She and Jake have this connection that no one can deny and it's only time before the two stop beating around the bush and tell each other how they feel.

And finally, the sixth member, the last part of the whole. Nathan Scott. Yeah, that's right, Scott. You see, Lucas and Nathan are half brothers. In high school their ass of a father, Dan Scott, got Luke's mom pregnant, and then dumped her. Then his freshman year in college, he got Nathan's mom, Deb, pregnant. Attempting to appease the karma gods, Dan married Deb, and shortly after Nathan was born. When Nathan was two, Karen and Deb ran into each other, automatically clicked, and decided it was only right for their boys to know each other. However, Daddy Dan didn't like this and he threatened Deb with a divorce if he continued to talk to Karen, the next day, the divorce papers were drawn up and Deb got custody of Nathan. Dan still sees his boys, trying to pressure them about basketball and life in general, but for the most part, he stays in the background. And oh yeah, Lucas' adoptive dad, Keith, is Dan's older brother. Kind of a screwed up family, huh?

Anyways, let's get back to Nathan. What to say about Nathan? He's definitely the jock of the group, as talented as Lucas is at basketball, it's undeniable that Nathan has three times the talent than that of his older brother. He also got the good looks gene that his brother got, because he is the heart throb of Tree Hill High. Nathan stands a proud 6'2", raven black hair, piercing blue eyes, and the body of a God. I would be lying if I said I didn't find Nathan attractive, but then again, who doesn't? Nathan builds up walls to the rest of the world, puts on a façade for his dad and the guys on the team. But the Nathan we know is different. He's the guy that stands up for his big brother, the guy that protects the three of us girls to no end, the guy who voluntarily baby sits Jenny with me, enduring hours of cartoons just to hang out with me and his "niece", he's Nathan Scott. And he's the guy I'm completely in love with, but, ya know, he doesn't know that.

Okay…so, what did everyone think? Reviews are always appreciated and remember, this is just the introductory Chapter.