Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha just a couple of mangas.

I hope you all enjoy this story, if not who cares ++I don't++ and yeah future citrus, lemons and bad language and if this offends you then please keep your virgin eyes and ears away from this story-because now that I've warned you I will not tolerate future griping.

Watching my Prey:

Sesshoumaru crouched low in the trees hiding under the dense canopy as he observed his half-brother's rag tag group. They were all bustling about preparing to sleep, and had just finished a curious soup which his half-brother's wench had made. The soup smelled different from the soups he was accustomed to, but then what could one expect from a ningen? Naturally they hadn't mastered the art of cooking. He really didn't want to be here but he wanted to kill Naraku as quickly as possible and Naraku had been avoiding him lately. Naraku had attempted to kill Rin and instead had almost lost his life; at least he had destroyed that void Kanna.

But that was not enough. Naraku and his reincarnation, Kagura, was still alive and getting even more powerful. It was embarrassing really the way that disgusting hanyou had risen to power. Now he had a large lump of the Shikon No Tama from Naraku. His brother's wench had most of the other half which meant that few were missing. Good. Naraku was not afraid to attack Inuyasha and his pack so 'helping' him as it were would insure that he completed this task as soon as possible. Also, his brother's wench was an oddity. She dressed like a whore but still smelled innocent, maybe she just disguised her true scent with her miko powers. That was probably it.

Common females were all base and uneducated and the only thing they knew how to do was spread their legs. Even royal youkai females were the same except they at least were elegant clothes-but they smelled just as bad. For some reason everyone was afraid of bathing daily, and although he might've felt the same when he was a young pup, he had learned in his 500 years that water doesn't kill you. So HE at least had the decency to bathe himself instead of smelling like defecation. It was sad really, one would think that youkai with their superior sense of smell would do something about it. This was one of the reasons he had constructed his castle to be large and spacious-it was the only way he could breathe through the stench. Hmm…his brother's wench is sneaking away and Inuyasha doesn't even know. Stupid puppy. He will never learn to protect his property.

"Kagome! Where are you going bitch!" Inuyasha growled out low and ferociously, latching on to Kagome before she noticed.

"None of your business, and LET GO OF ME!" Kagome yelled, irritated at his manhandling. She couldn't sit him because then she'd get pulled down as well, but she forgot this at his next words.

"YOU belong to ME! I will grant you permission to leave me or not and I say NO! We need to look for shards and it's not safe up there for you with that Hobo or whatever." Inuyasha hissed digging his claws painfully into her waist.

"What did you say?" Kagome asked softly, her eyes glaring hotly.

"That you're MINE, in case you didn't hear me right, MINE. To do with as I will. MINE." Inuyasha growled, nipping her neck for submission.

"Oh I don't think so buster…SIT!" Kagome screamed, hurting Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's ears.

"Oof! Man are you heavy, can you like move the Tessaiga Inuyasha? I mean I swear I think you broke something this time." Kagome whined, futilely trying to move Inuyasha from her aching form. But he had different ideas.

"It's not that sword, bitch." Inuyasha cut in succinctly pressing himself even closer to her form and moving to adjust himself right in between her thighs.

"I think it's time we rutted. You knew that today was the first night of my heat and you were trying to run away, weren't you bitch?" Inuyasha asked angrily.

"So what? It's not like we are in that type of relationship, we're just friends that's all. Like Sango and Miroku are your friends AND you don't go around naked in front of them or trying to feel up their skirts!" Kagome grunted exasperated.

"Yes we are, you're MY bitch!" Inuyasha growled, his eyes flashing red before he trapped her hands above her head to hold her still.

"Look Inuyasha, you usually don't act like this, I'm guessing that the heat hit you hard and you are just reacting to the nearest female near you."

"Humph! That's not the only thing that's hard!" Inuyasha interrupted.

Kagome rolled her eyes and continued, trying to keep the tattered remnants of her clothes intact.

" As I was saying, Sir Know-it-All! Me in this sense. But I am not yours, nor will I ever be yours, and we are just friends looking for the shards together. After this is all over I will return to my time and visit once in a while, but you have to understand that I am not yours to claim or mate with. I thought you were joking around there with Kouga and all." Kagome sighed bored and irritated that he was poking her with his large dick.

"Can you stop that?" Kagome asked when he ripped her skirt away and left her in her silky black thong.

"No because I have the right to claim what's mine, and neither Kouga or Hobo will steal you away from me!" Inuyasha growled.

"Inuyasha, calm down. You don't want me. I am simply an ugly, stupid, smelly ningen wench that you have to tolerate. Please let go of me and AVOID making the worst mistake of your life." Kagome pleaded, finally seeing his demonic side trying to take over and his loss of reason. Without conscious thought he COULD take her even though he really didn't want to with his rational mind.

"Inuyasha, you said I was the alpha female once, remember? As such I order you to let go of me!" Kagome yelled desperate to make him let go of her.

"Ahh. So you accept your position as my mate? Good, because it wouldn't have mattered anyways." Inuyasha said.

Sessh P.O.V

Sesshoumaru watched everything with an impassive eye thinking that his brother couldn't get a wench without forcing her. He at least had learned to master his desires. Not that he had ever felt any sexual ones or gone into heat yet. He was old enough, but he hadn't found a female he considered worthy enough to begin his mating season. Although Inuyasha sure seems ready. How utterly disgraceful, and a whorish human who did not even have the decency to spread her legs for him. Regardless of how bad he treated his brother, Inuyasha was still part of his pack and as such carried the title of prince and was the owner of some minor lands, certainly more wealthy than that ningen whore. He couldn't see her features clearly but what he could see left more to be desired. Of clothing at least. She was practically naked! No wonder his brother started his heat cycle. Now, until he satisfied his sexual urges with his chosen 'mate' and claimed her he would be suffering under a haze of lust. Serves him right for being so stupid.

End P.O.V

"Inuyasha, I'm sorry for having to do this to you, but you're just not yourself…" With that Kagome blasted the hanyou across the clearing until he landed unconscious and prepared to leave. Naked. Until she was rammed into a tree.

"Desist your movement ningen." Sesshoumaru growled out viciously. He had just seen his brother hurled into the air by the miko's powers. He had never witnessed such a display before since mikos traditionally healed. Sure, before they were rumored to being able to kill youkai but now that had become a simple legend that humans clung to tenaciously. Obviously it wasn't a lie anymore.

"Geesh! Will no one leave me alone? And Fluffy, in case you hadn't noticed you are holding me by my breast-that's just soo wrong there. And sick, I mean who knows where those dirty claws have been?" Kagome wailed trying to clean herself off from the tree. Insects it seemed had a propensity towards her so there was no way she was sticking around to find out what waited in store for her.

Sesshoumaru growled becoming aware of the soft round mound that overflowed from his large hand. She felt nice and warm against him and he wanted to lean in closer but would not touch a ningen more than necessary. He was going to keep his paw there because it made her uncomfortable, not because he 'liked' it or anything.

"Not you too?!" Kagome moaned agitatedly feeling another boner press against her.

"Look, in case you think I'd sleep with you, the answer is no, no offense but you are just not my type; you're too pale and have a large weird tale sticking out of your ass, we're just not the right species okay honey? Go find yourself a nice lady love or whore to take care of your needs because I'm not her. You couldn't pay me enough to rut with you." Kagome said, inching away from his claws.

"I do not want your services, you whorish ningen, but if I did there is nothing you could do about it." Sesshoumaru growled, squeezing her other breast and coming into lick the coral of her ear.

"Ewww! Dog breath, that's some nasty stuff right there man. Have you ever heard of mouth wash? Forget it, what you need there is more than Listerine could do." Kagome said covering her nose as if to drive away the stench. He didn't really smell, but he did seem pompous, and if she was correct this would cause him to let go of her.

"Would you like to find out wench?" Sesshoumaru whispered seductively leaning in to kiss her and shut her volatile mouth. He'd never kissed anyone before, but if anyone needed to be kissed it was her. It was a good form of revenge of course. Not that he found her plump cherry lips inviting or anything.

"No way in hell man! Hey, could you tell me if that hanyou is asleep?" Kagome asked innocently.

Sesshoumaru widened his senses and replied maliciously, "No, we are ALL alone now, and no one will save you…" he leaned in once again to kiss her but this time he felt her shift and she transformed right before his eyes. Her hair fell cascading down her back in long ripples of cerulean blue and slivers of magenta with a bluish pink tail that pushed him away from her before she covered her deliciously nude body. Not that it helped much.

"Well Fluffy it was 'nice' knowing you-if I like overbearing, egotistical bastards that think they can demand things from me! And here I thought Inuyasha was bad, at least he has an excuse. Sorry I can't stay and chat more but I have places to see things to do-none of which involves you Sir Stick-Up-his-Ass!" Kagome said jumping into the well where she vanished in a blur of blue light.

And with that she disappeared from Sesshoumaru's senses leaving him with only one thing to do: torture his little brother and hopefully goad him into a fight to relieve his stress. But better yet, convince his brother to accept him into the group before his prudish wench could stop him. Oh yes, he was cruel.

"Inuyasha, are you okay? I came and saw you thrown into the air and then that same weird creature jumped into the well cackling evilly. I am frankly worried about you brother. Do you need my protection? This Sesshoumaru will gladly extend it. This Sesshoumaru will kill that creature for you, if you so wish." Sesshoumaru said nonchantly, hoping his idiotic brother would by his ruse and trust him.

"Nani! That creature is my MATE Sesshoumaru, you can't kill her." Inuyasha said trying desperately to get up and prove his strength. He never succeeded.

"In that case this Sesshoumaru will spare her life, but she can never hurt you again brother. Would you like me to give you a collar which subjugates her miko powers? I noticed that you have a subjugation necklace. Who gave this to you, I will kill them. Inu's were not meant to be tamed, we are wild creatures and powerful. No one is our master!" Sesshoumaru said trying to get a rise out of Inuyasha.

"You can't kill the person that gave this to me, she is my mate!" Inuyasha yelled.

"This Sesshoumaru thinks you need that subjugation necklace then, do you wish for this Sesshoumaru to have it craft?" Sesshoumaru asked in a bored tone, hoping to tame the vile wench.

Inuyasha smiled grimly and said, "Why yes, dear brother, that would be a swell idea…"

"Swell?" Sesshoumaru asked turning to leave.

"Oh, you wouldn't know that word, it just means good." Inuyasha said trying to stand.

Sesshoumaru immediately went to his side and solicitously stopped him from getting up and placed his hand on Inuyasha's chest kindly before he said, "This Sesshoumaru will hunt for you tonight and then we will talk."

So saying Sesshoumaru walked away gracefully, his movements sure and lethal.

Inuyasha watched impassively thinking over what Sesshoumaru had said, silently agreeing with him. As an Inu he was not meant to be tamed, it was about time he taught his bitch to give him the proper respect. Let's see how Kagome liked having her powers subdued…

Moments Later

Sesshoumaru returned with a wild dead boar hanging from one long deadly claw, from there he tossed it to Inuyasha.

"This Sesshoumaru asks permission to join your group, onii-san."

Inuyasha paused in the act of skinning the boar and replied, "Feh. Ikani aniki."

Sesshoumaru bowed gracefully-not much but still-and said respectfully, "Domo arigato, onii-san."

Inuyasha blushed at hearing his brother address him so deferentially, he NEVER treated him like that!

"What's with all the posturing Fluffy, if you want the shards you're not gonna get them!" Inuyasha growled.

Sesshoumaru only glinted hard amber eyes at him before he scoffed, "This Sesshoumaru does not need the Shikon No Tama to be strong, but this Sesshoumaru will aid you because that vile hanyou Naraku almost killed my charge Rin, this is NOT acceptable. Naraku must die a long painful death…"

At this Sesshoumaru smiled a tight-lipped malignant smile, more like a smirk than anything else, and his eyes flashed a deep fathomless red. Inuyasha trembled unconsciously before he controlled his reactions. His brother was not here to kill him.

"Then why do you want to join us for?" Inuyasha said brashly trying to gain back his arrogance.

"Because this Sesshoumaru knows that Naraku reveals himself to you, while that coward hides from this Sesshoumaru's wrath, but not for long, soon I will make that hanyou bleed and beg for mercy. Not that this Sesshoumaru will give him any." Sesshoumaru said, calming down and then he felt his ragged markings subside and smooth out under his control.

"Fine, but I am the alpha of this pack and Kagome is MY alpha bitch-just so you don't get any ideas-but I think you're okay. You hate ningens and Kagome is definitely human. Kouga, that smelly wolf prince, LIKES her! I prefer for you to hate her than to be attracted to her. I've had to fight off village humans and various demons from taking her. You can't even imagine how much trouble she is! If it's not one thing it's another. And she is soo unreasonable too. She's always like, "You can't kill him!" or, "Inuyasha no baka! Why did you have to rush into the fight without thinking!" When all I was doing was trying to protect her worthless ningen ass, but can she appreciate this? No, she's always like, "We must listen and plot before we act. Then we narrow in for the slaughter." Yeah right, we would have died if I had not taken matters into my own hands and acted when I did. Feh! She's so dumb, I don't know why I put up with her." Inuyasha said, heating up the meat in a hastily made pit as he salivated at the delicious looking boar. It was not cooked to perfection the way Kagome did it, but it will do.

"What are you doing, onii-san?" Sesshoumaru asked watching his brother turn the boar over a fire and burn it. Wasn't he going to eat it?

"I'm cooking it! What does it look like I'm doing? Feh. Kagome should be here to feed me. Sango and Miroku left to the old slayers village to check for news of Naraku, but really to bury her brother Kohaku. They fond him dead after a battle."

Sesshoumaru watched disgusted as his domesticated brother heated his food before eating it. HE would never disgrace himself by eating food like a human. Perhaps his brother's blood was even more diluted than he thought…how embarrassing. His brother said Kagome cooks for him, so SHE is responsible for taming him and making him useless. His brother should find himself another bitch, his wench does not even want him.

"This Sesshoumaru believes that you need to find yourself another mate, Kagome cannot properly cook for you, she makes you suffer through situations resulting from her own ningen stupidity and will not even satisfy your lust as I can see from you aura. Why not allow this Sesshoumaru to bring you a concubine to release your lust and offer you possible mates?" Sesshoumaru asked thinking of finding him a bitch that could tolerate him and be of equal rank to him.

He would get Jakken on the matter, since he personally never wanted to suffer the attentions of those disease ridden and stinking court bitches who took baths every 6 months. They would be amendable to Inuyasha, but this Sesshoumaru would never take them as a mate or concubine. He would probably die from inhaling their fumes; they seemed to think that perfume could cover their appalling scent, as if this Sesshoumaru could not scent them from 5 miles away!

"No! She is far more beautiful than any youkai or ningen wench I have ever seen, she doesn't care that I am a prince or that I'm a hanyou. She accepts me for who I am, and never asks for more. She stands by me in any battle I'm in, she defends me even though she doesn't have to. She understands me even when I don't wish to talk, and never gets mad at me because of my moods. She never gets jealous when I go to Kikyo, not that I do anything but any other girl would get jealous. I tried once to make her jealous of my old love after a fight with Kouga but she simply gave me her blessing and smiled uncaringly. Can you believe that? I held that corpse in my arms all of a span of two breaths while she ran away to her time! Then I had to put up with a confused Kikyo thinking we were a pair again before I told her that I forgave her for killing me and that we could only be friends. After this battle with Naraku Kikyo will finally leave me alone, but for now she serves as a useful spy. Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation so she belongs to me either way, but she doesn't see it that way. In all truth she is more than Kikyo ever was, not that I'd ever tell her that! She already thinks she's too good for me as it is. Kikyo never accepted me as a hanyou, she tried to change me into a human, but Kagome accepts me for who I am, she doesn't care if I stay the same. In fact she is worried that I will turn into a "Mindless raving idiot" that will go on a "killing spree" as she so puts it. I'm kind of hurt by her lack of trust but at the same time I can understand. Once I was about to change into a full-demon forever I was going to controlled by this weird woman or 'alien' as Kagome says. But then kissed me. It was the sweetest kiss; soft and filled with love and sorrow. If I had transformed I would have died soon after but she saved me. I lost my demonic lust for blood and held her in my arms longer than necessary. She felt so nice in my arms, it was as if she was made for me. Me, and only me. It was then I knew that I could take no one else for my mate. She could have deserted me to save her life, or killed me like everyone was urging her to. But she saved me. She's simply unbelievable." Inuyasha sighed and got little hearts in his eyes as he daydreamed about Kagome.

Sesshoumaru almost gave into the impulse to roll his eyes at his brother's naive ponderings but he did have to admit that his brother's wench even defended him against HIM. She never smelled of fear. She always urged Inuyasha on and stayed with him regardless if he was winning or losing. She was either incredibly brave or stupid. It didn't really matter because she was a ningen. She would soon die, like the rest of her unintelligent species. For a second he could have sworn that she was an inu bitch when she disappeared from his sight but that was probably an illusion from her powerful blast. After his brother subjugated his wench she would no longer be able to hurt him. Then she would pay for her disrespect. An odd thing they both mentioned is 'her time' what did that mean. There should be nothing that this Sesshoumaru did not know. He would have to understand this mystery.

"What do you mean by her time, otouto?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Inuyasha looked into his eyes piercingly before relaxing his hackles and cutting the palm of his hand.

"Sesshoumaru, do you swear not to repeat whatever we say here?" Inuyasha asked offering the palm of his hand to swear an oath with him. Sesshoumaru reluctantly touched his blood and consented.

"This Sesshoumaru agrees to never repeat anything that you say in this clearing, consequently." Sesshoumaru said thinking there was no one he trusted anyways.

"She is from 500 years into the future. She always leaves to get supplies and attend something called a school where she learns History, Arithmetic, Philosophy, and other such matters. It's all very unnecessary and boring. Recently she changed her 'courses' or as we would say, subject into a little box where she can pass her subjects through that little box and spend more time here. So for these last couple of months I've been making her sleep here, but if we are near the well she prefers to sleep in her own room instead of with me. But she fled me today because of my heat. I will rut her later. Good thing I can make her submit to me…" Inuyasha said with a lecherous grin on his face.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. Submitting just involved a person to divert their eyes from them and to stand still. There was nothing interesting about it.

"How so, otouto?" Sesshoumaru asked curious.

Inuyasha grinned sheepishly and said, "I kind of told her that when faced with my demonic side or any time I get mad at her so I don't hurt her she must 'submit' to me by not looking me in the eyes and licking all of my fangs and my tongue as well. She thinks that by kissing me intimately she is submitting. Over time I have also trained her on another thing. When my eyes flash red I told her that she must get on her hands and knees and stick her ass in the air. She believes me. Recently I have been able to control my beast even when a full demon. I truthfully don't need the shards anymore to be a full demon but she doesn't know that. I still want to kill Naraku but I will allow her to make a pure wish to banish the curse of the Shikon no Tama and release the four souls to hell or heaven whichever." Inuyasha said twirling the boar meat before throwing it away.

Sesshoumaru gazed impassively waiting.

"So basically I have told her that she has to submit to me so that I will not attack her-I sort of lied on the way she must submit to me and she follows my instructions when she thinks she is in danger." Inuyasha awkwardly said with lust glazed eyes.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow imperiously.

"Oi! It's the best thing I ever thought of, this way she doesn't think me a pervert. You should see the way she beats the hell out of Miroku when he touches her ass! I thought she killed him for a second. No, by submitting to me she slates some of my lust. I have also convinced her to sleep in my arms when we are here. She tries to refuse but I never allow her to complain. For a while she tried to sleep on her 'sleeping bag' with Shippo, but I bribed the runt into stealing it away from her and not allowing her to sleep on it. You would think she would agree with my offer but instead she want back to her time and brought ANOTHER sleeping bag! Finally I told her she wasn't safe and that I had to protect her. She said she was safe with Sango and Miroku. And that she had to protect Shippo. So I explained to her that Shippo is a fox demon and older than he appears-he's about 68-and that Miroku protects Sango but that no one protects her. THEN that stupid wench agreed with me!" Inuyasha said smiling reminiscently.

Sesshoumaru decided that he had heard enough of his brother's ramblings and released some of his sleeping poison to make the idiot shut up. He had talked for hours. If he did not have perfect control over his senses he would killed him by now in hopes of making him be quiet.

"Go to sleep otouto, this Sesshoumaru will guard you tonight. Tomorrow we will se what we will do." Sesshoumaru said and rose before situating himself below a tree where he could keep guard and think about all the information which he had absorbed tonight. His brother's wench was not as simple as she seemed. If what his brother said was correct she was quite intelligent. This Sesshoumaru refuses to believe that a female, a ningen wench to boot, could be more educated than the majority of youkai. He would have to wait and see, and observe her quietly. His brother lied on the submitting. She didn't submit to either of them today and instead attacked them. Hn. She was full of many mysteries. This Sesshoumaru hates mysteries , soon he would unlock her secrets and she would be just an ordinary ningen.

Sesshoumaru reclined against the tree and allowed his mind to sift through other matters; waiting quietly for the sun to rise above and for Kagome to return.

That's the first chappie! I have HW to do so bye for now. I will update when I have 17 reviews to concord with my age. Hopefully this will take a month or more because I have sufficient stories to update and this was truly a whimsy.







Preview of next week:

"Sesshoumaru! I know Kagome might be a bit rude but give her time to prove to you that she is worthy of the honor of being my mate, please aniki?" said Inuyasha with big puppy eyes.

"This Sesshoumaru will think about it, onii-san." Sesshoumaru states while glaring dubiously at Kagome. She merely flicks her middle finger at him, and continues making breakfast, flipping waffles and turning the eggs whilst waiting on the simmering hot chocolate.

Inuyasha turns to Kagome expectantly and says, "Kagome, will you prepare my bath after this?"

"Of course Yashie, why ever not? I always scrub your mangy fur-if not who would do it? I will have the bathing supplies ready after breakfast, dear." Kagome said before turning away to place the warm dishes on the portable table.

Inuyasha whispers to Sesshoumaru,

"It will be a pleasurable experience, having her bathe you. See aniki! She does know the proper behavior of a lady at court and probably more so, allow her this token and consider her for my mate. I will have to court her in the ningen way, I believe I frightened her before, but don't disallow me my mate by our tribe laws, for she is the only one which I will consider."

Sesshoumaru turns a bland eye unto Inuyasha before stating, "This Sesshoumaru will permit her filthy ningen fingers to bathe my person, but only this once. We will see if she knows how to comport herself. Enough of this brother."


"Why is your wench naked brother? Is she trying to seduce this Sesshoumaru? Tell her this Sesshoumaru is not interested in her ningen form and is withholding himself from killing her because I don't want to dirty my claws." Said Sesshoumaru while mentally gulping at the delectable picture Kagome made with soapy suds falling from her curvy form, a string bikini the only thing impeding her from baring all. Still it is enough for both Inus to become aroused.

"Excuse me you pompous fudgecicle! If I never!" Kagome said flinging her dark blue hair away from her eyes and sponging Inuyasha up before turning to comb her hands through his hair.

"You heard me ningen, this Sesshoumaru is not interested." Said the Great Lord of the Western Lands as he stood naked in the spring of hot water.

More Later!!

Japanese Terms:

Aniki: older brother

Otouto: younger brother

Ningen: human

Youkai: human; correctly spelled yokai but most commonly as the previous.

Ikani: whatever