Simple, right?
Some people can't/don't fall in love.
Me among them
Also simple
Some people can't feel nothing but hatred.
I am not among them
Pure, innocent, beautiful
Not entirely.
The light illuminates the truth and the truth hurts.
I am among those hurt by truth and light.
Corrupt, evil, ugly
Not entirely
The darkness is misunderstood
I sympathize
They say hate is a strong word, that love and light conquer all
Well, I say that love is a strong word, but people treat it like a child's toy.
Oh, and harmony between light and darkness truly conquers all.
Nothing, grey, broken
So true
Some people become so numb, they can't feel anymore…they are empty
I reside among the broken
I live beside the broken, the hurt, the betrayed, the misunderstood, the numb, the empty
And do you know what?
I feel all these things.
And I don't care anymore.