Okay, I know I'm totally freaking out over Kouga and Ayami right now but I still really, really like them. This story has vampires in it. Vampires so rock! So read, and of course review even if you don't like it. And I'll take anonymous ones too. So go and read, I won't bug you much!
Disclaimer: I own no Inuyasha. Not even a stinking movie! -starts sobbing in corner.-
Ayami walked down the street towards home when she saw three police cruisers speed by. 'Not again,' she groaned. The up rise of crime in her neighborhood had made her mom, and other mothers near by, keep a careful, if not too careful, eyes on their kids.
Ayami's steps slowed when she saw the police cars swerve through a alley and the brakes squeal. Her breath hitched in her throat. 'Damn. That's a lot closer than before!' She looked over her shoulder as if checking for watching parents. When no one who would try to stop her entered her vision she took off, following the curious crowd.
Running around the corner, Ayami winced at the sight of two sheet covered bodies. Whoever this killer was, he was ruthless in every way. Last time he had striked, a little boy and his mother had both died, the boy only just over the age of three. Ayami's eyes welled in sorrow for the two dead, maybe her mother had a reason for keeping her in after 7:00 O clock.
7:00 O clock, Ayami's eyes glazed over. 'Oh no! I was supposed to be home half an hour ago!' she raced off, just missing the gory sight the crowd saw right after she left. The two bloody holes in the necks of the two teens.
(A/N I'm going to put short notes in here for a divider. Nice idea, huh?)
Ayami tripped up the stairs in her normally clumsy way. Reaching the top, she took the house key off her choker and slipped it in the lock. Ever since the killer had first attacked, her mother had started keeping the door locked day and night, never open. 'Of course,' Ayami thought, slipping the key back on her gothic chain. 'Its only natural for a single mother to overly protect her children.'
Inching the door open, Ayami stuck her head in and looked around. 'All clear,' she chided herself. 'You need to stop watching little brothers games, Ayami. Its getting to you.' Shutting the door quietly behind her, she slipped off her shoes and tip toed down the hardwood hall. Big mistake she realized when her sock clad foot slipped on the laminated floor and she crashed to the ground.
"Ayami Higurashi!" Ayami groaned at her mothers yell, why oh why couldn't she have her sisters grace!
"Hi Mom! Sorry I'm late."
"Sorry doesn't cut it, young lady." Ayami's mom stood in the kitchen door way where she had been obviously watching the news. "You are an hour late. Do you know how worried I was? Two more kids got murdered!"
"I know, I know." Ayami muttered, examining her light pink nails to avoid her mothers gaze. Her breath hitched at her mothers gasp, 'Dang it!'
"And how, may I ask, do you know?"
Ayami lowered her gaze, going through her options rapidly. "Uh, Eri called. She told me?"
"Eri?" Higurashi-sans arms slowly came to rest on her stomach. "Is this the same Eri who just called three seconds ago wondering why you hadn't called her yet?"
Ayami's eyes widened. "Nope, different Eri. You don't know her."
Her mom's eyes narrowed. "I didn't know Eri was such a popular name?"
"Um, yeah. You should keep up with the times Mom. Anyways, I have stuff to do, LOTS of homework. Okay?"
Her mom tisked, turning back to the kitchen. "You watch it, girl. Next think you know it will be you lying on the street covered in stab wounds."
"Okay!" Ayami called who hadn't been listening to her mom. The door slammed behind her.
Her mom stilled in the door way, a single tear slipping down her cheek. "Please, Ayami." she whispered. "Be careful. Don't end up like, like Kikyo."
(I love having all the girls in one house. It makes it more interesting. Keep reading, this chappie isn't done yet!)
Glazed cobalt eyes stared down at the bustling city, blood dripped down a shiny fang. This vampire had only just finished his meal. His brain still hazy with blood lust. For months he had been searching, searching for her.
"Kouga!" his head snapped up and he growled at the silver vampire who had come out of nowhere behind him.
"Kouga, Naraku wants you know. He says if you don't get your self in their now, he will send out Kanna."
If anything, Kouga growled loudly at this. "I don't need you telling me what to do, Dog boy. You are lower than me."
The silver haired vampire's hand drifted to his waist where an old katana rested in the folds of black silk. "I am lower than no one." he hissed.
"Then why do you work for the parasite Naraku."
The silver vampire smirked. "Just wait until he hears that, wolf."
Kouga's head twitched to the side and a smirk grew in length across his face. "And he will hear what you did to his whore, you're lucky he hasn't heard yet, Inuyasha."
Inuyasha's face whitened. "You son of a -"
"Inuyasha! Don't you dare finish that sentence." Inuyasha stiffened.
"Hello, Kanna. Kouga is going to Naraku, why are you here?"
"For you. You have another mission."
Inuyasha smirked. "See you later, wolf boy." With that he stalked out of the room.
Kouga stood. "Naraku wants me, Kanna?"
"Yes. Hurry, he isn't in a good mood." Kanna strode from the roof top, leaving the door open even though she knew the wolf vampire wouldn't use it. Kouga watched her go before walking back to the roof edge and diving over.
Three stories down, he grabbed the sill of an open window and threw himself in. Brushing his ponytail into a smoother flow, he strode towards the door on the other side of the room and knocked.
"Come in." Came a deep and somewhat evil sounding voice.
Kouga opened the door. "You called. Master." The master was forced and a few seconds after the reply.
The black haired man sat a deep rose wood desk, polishing a pinkish stone. "Kouga, we have some news."
"We've found her."
Kouga's eyes narrowed. "Who is her?"
Naraku wrinkled his nose. "You know who."
Kouga growled softly, "That's impossible."
Naraku chuckled, shaking his head. "No, its not and you know that. I just sent Inuyasha off to fetch her."
Kouga growl was not in any way soft this time. It revibrated the room, shaking the vase on Naraku's desk. "You let dog turd go get her!"
Naraku smiled. "Still fighting with Inuyasha? I though you would be over that by now."
"Well that's too bad. Well, though you would like to know. You may have the night off." He raised a finger as Kouga's mouth opened. "And NO." Naraku said, "I will not give you her address so you can fetch her before Inuyasha. Never again."
Kouga stood up, murder ringing in his fathomless blue eyes. "You're right. Never again." And was gone.
(Hope you liked! Here is the real Authors note)
Okay this is shorter than I liked but it had a perfect ending. This is going to be a really cool fic when its done. The pairings will be a bit mixed up until the end but to spare the flames I'm going to tell you them right now.
And.. I think that's it. This is a vampire story. I love Vampires but I'm not goth. Quite the opposite. So please please review, I want three reviews before the next chapter. TTYL!!