Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexual themes
Summary: Zexion had never known you could do such things with a feather. . .


Zexion had never known you could do such things with a feather, had never known such pleasure could even be felt with such an innocent looking object. But as Axel skilfully ran it up along Zexion's length the young Nobody quickly changed his mind. Obviously even something as small and delicate as a feather could be used for torturous pleasure. And as Axel flicked the tip of his very erect member with the feather, leaving Zexion arching and gasping in pleasure; Zexion decided that never would he trust something that looked so innocent again, especially not in Axel's hands.


A/N: Whelp here is the first of thirty sex scene prompts. Hope you guys enjoyed it and feel free to review. I would really love you if you did.