Author's Note: Ha! I updated earlier than before.. yey for me!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot, of course.

Seductress-In-Waiting, Chapter 3


"Catch you up later, guys," Hermione yelled, waving goodbye as her friends trekked back to Hogwarts. They had asked her what she would be doing in Hogsmeade without them and with a poker-face, she lied.

For the first time, Hermione Caitlin Granger lied.

"I'll just have to buy some last-minute errands to do for Professor Dumbledore," she had said, and Harry and Ron believed it easily and why wouldn't they? They never knew she had a capability to lie like this without them ever knowing. They claimed to know her like the back of their palms, after being best friends with her for six years.

But Ginny Weasley was a different matter, however. She smirked knowingly when they weren't looking and knew that she lied straight for the first time. And before she turned around to follow the boys, she smiled at her student, proud at Hermione. And with that, she scampered off with Harry and Ron and left Hermione all alone to wreak havoc in Hogsmeade, specifically in the Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes with Draco Malfoy as a victim. She couldn't wait to hear about this escapade.

"Point me, Draco Malfoy," Hermione whispered when she was finally left alone, as she held her wand in front of her, eyes intent like a predator to a prey.


Finally, after half an hour of searching, she caught a glimpse of that particular platinum blond hair of his. He was alone, near Fred and George's closed joke shop and appeared to be going back to Hogwarts. But she knew he wouldn't get there soon, at least, not after a few hours, after what she has planned for him.

Unknown by her, Draco Malfoy was planning the exact same thing, only a few hours longer.


She was going to pay. He doesn't care who the fucking hell she is, nobody embarrasses a Malfoy, (ESPECIALLY IN THE HOTNESS SCALE, THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS SCALE EVER!), and gets away with it, he thought, indignantly. Good thing, he was visiting the Scale again, but in a different bathroom than the last one, (Aargh, the memories!). Apparently, he hasn't learned his lesson in never going inside a Girls' Bathroom but this encounter proved to be the opposite of that the last one, because he learned something very useful that will later happen tonight.


HOTNESS SCALE… NOT!! the revised……

Severus Snape – 1983

"In fairness, he has okay sex 'skills' but when I ran my hand through his head, shivered me timbers.. and it's not because of pleasure." – P.S.

"I agree with P.S., although not about the okay sex skills. We were having a very, very great time, when something rang and he ran to his potions, leaving me. I think that if he can, he will have sex with those potion cauldrons rather than girls. All in all, not a pleasurable night." – B.B.

Neville Longbottom - 1996

"Before y'all judge me for having it with him, let me all tell you that I was feeling sorry for the guy. He practically screamed virgin, so I de-virginized him. And then he threw up in my bed. That was the most unforgettable thing ever. And to say the least, I'm not looking forward in having him on my bed ever again." – L.B.

"I thank L.B. for that night. When he was with me, I thought the Crumpled Horned Snorcacks was doing me, and let me tell you, those creatures are waaaay too good for their own horns! – L.L.

and, again, then finally…

Draco Malfoy - 1996

"You call him, sex god? I have him wrapped around my flower. And I only moaned, like once, while he moaned, groaned, gasped and all that a couple hundred times." – SiW '97

"OMG! Is that true? You didn't really feel anything much? I sure did when he did me!" – A.J.

"It is. And the dick's not 15 inches, it's only 10." – SiW, '97

"Gasp!" – A,J., A.S., P.P., G.W., M.B., E.M., P.P. twin #1, P.P. twin #2 and DM fan club

That is so not true!And who the hell is this SiW? And what's up with '97? Who the hell is she? And I so have an eleven inches one, I just checked last night.

Oh, Merlin! I'm losing my touch, he thought in despair.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and successfully pulled him out of his reverie. Just in time, he ran towards the nearest cubicle and hoping that whoever came in, didn't see him.

"Ginny, can you do me a favor?" Hmmm… that voice is very familiar. So one of them is the Weaslette ehh? I wonder whom she's talking to….

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can you ask Fred and George to give me their keys tonight with their joke shop?"

"Okaaaaay… why?"

"Let's just say, I'm going to promote their products tonight."

"Hmm…. does this have something to do with a certain Draco Malfoy?"

"It has EVERYTHING to do with him." Then a door opened, signaling their exit.

I went outside the cubicle as fast as I can, not caring whether they see me in the girls' bathroom yet again, hoping to catch a glimpse of Weaselette's friend, but they just went out.

That voice, Weaselette's friend. That voice belongs to SiW, the one who wrote in the scale. The SiW who snogged him at the other bathroom; the best make-out he ever had; the only girl who left him at the scene of crime and not the other way around; the cause of his most embarrassing moment of his life.

Who IS she?


He licked his lips in anticipation. Can't be long now, he mused.

And then, as if hearing his exact thoughts, she arrived on time and still caught him unawares even with all the preparation he made. Familiar arms wrapped around him, and when he was turning around to finally glimpse at SiW, a handkerchief was clapped against his mouth and nose.

'Something smells fi-'


That's weird, Hermione thought, as she dragged Draco inside the joke shop. For a moment there, with his foot tapping impatiently and his head swiveling around like he's looking for someone. It seems like he was waiting for her or something.

But that's impossible. He never saw her face and he doesn't know who she is. And only she and Ginny knew what she will do tonight and all the Seductress Mistresses, Seductor Masters and their Seductress/Seductor-in-Waiting's swore on an oath to never say anything that was part of the 'lessons' to others or in front of others. Their identity is to always remain a secret. If they were recognized, trouble would ensue.

She looked at her victim and then her breath hitched. Lying there was the most beautiful creature she ever saw. Draco Malfoy was in a semi-fetus position, his angelic face facing her, with his blond locks partly covering his closed eyes. His luscious lips was curved upward, as if holding a secret, so unlike the devilish smirk he always reserves for her and her friends.

She shook her head. Those notions are ridiculous! The only thing she feels towards him is lust, like what all Seductress-in-Waiting's should feel about their victim. And she only liked his outer appearance, nothing more. Merlin knows what he's really like, when he's awake. Take it from the girl he tormented the first time he laid his eyes on her. He's just different when he's sleeping, that's all.

She shook her head again to get rid of the lingering thoughts about him. Besides, it was back to business… and pleasure, but only business. And with that thought, she put on her 'costume' for the night, designed to knock his socks or to be more accurate, his boxers off.


Draco awoke to the smells of candy. He opened his eyes but closed them again when bright light hit his eyes. He rubbed them and opened them again.

His jaw dropped, he was in Candy Land, just like in his dreams.

Thinking that he's still in a dream, he realized he was sitting on a chocolate pillow looking over pudding-mountains. Fountains of vanilla splashed merrily, getting his attention, with fishes in all varieties of colors and flavors. Candy canes surrounded the area with edible sugar coated bows. Soft marshmallows dotted the vicinity with sticks in the middle for ready-eating. You could even see pink and white cotton candy, floating serenely like clouds high above the ground. Different flavors of all kinds of candy were littered on the ground, all of them glittering in the light. Lollipops the size of tress can also be seen in the near horizon. And those are the only things he can see.

He was about to lick some of the candy canes to his right, to start with and explore when his eyes found the most tasty treat of them all.

Thoughts about finding the secret identity of SiW left him, together with all the things he planned to do.

Lush sugar-encrusted strawberries covered her ample breasts, with a string of white chocolates to hold them up. Her lower ensemble consists of a small triangle full of a moist and creamy substance. Her hair was wild and loose, a lolly flower tucked on her ear. Other than that, she was nakedly delicious, tasty and looking edible enough to devour.

"Come here, Draco," the mysterious being said while making a beckoning gesture towards him.

At this, Draco Malfoy fainted.

It must be the candy.


Hermione laughed. Once again, Draco Malfoy was knocked out because of her. I wonder if it has anything to do with my outfit, she mused.

She became bored at waiting for him to wake up, so she walked around her beautiful creations and plucked and picked her most favorite candy of all to do her bidding: dark chocolate and stuck them all together in a shape of boxers. She vanished all of Draco's clothing and put the 'boxers' on, after looking longingly at his family jewels, of course.

She sighed in content.

When she looked at him again, sleeping again, so peacefully, she realized that she was tired too, with all the wand swishing and flicking she had to do to 'redecorate' this place into a candy wonderland. She decided to lie beside Draco, the soft chocolate pudding looking more and more inviting as the seconds tick away.

Besides, I'll just lie down for a few seconds.. nothing more... she reasoned sleepily.

A few seconds later…


Unknown to both to them, Draco moved beside her and cuddled her with his arms wrapped around her, his face touching Hermione's chest area. He cuddled closer and closer… until they were like two pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.


They awoke simultaneously. On one hand, Draco awoke to the strong delicious aromas of freshly-picked strawberries. Without thinking straight, he began to nibble and bite the pink delicacy, inch by delicious inch. On the other hand, Hermione awoke gasping to the sudden wet, pleasurable feeling by her chest area. Her eyes looked down to find the doer of said actions when she saw Draco Malfoy.

Her gasp of pleasure seemed to bring Draco back to reality and realized he was sucking her breasts. Smiling impishly at her and showing his strawberry juice filled mouth, he continued his task on doing said activity until her pink nipples finally showed. He bit them gently but with passion while he rubbed his large hands on her hips, caressing the whipped cream-covered skin. He did this again and again until Hermione can't take it anymore. She cupped his face with her hands and brought his lips to hers and kissed him with all the mustered up pleasure she felt, her vagina, now free of the whipped cream grinding hard with his hard boxers.

Suddenly remembering his created underwear, she brought down her face to his quickly hardening private member and began sucking the dark chocolate, causing Draco to gasp in intense joy. To get her back, he quickly inserted two fingers inside her opening, making her arch her back in sudden delight. She clamped her mouth on his dick to stop her screams and whimpers as he gave her the most wonderful orgasms she has ever received.

Hands were all over, touching and caressing whatever skin they can find; lips kissing all the sensitive spots, emitting husky groans from both parties.

Oh Merlin, she was in heaven.


Hope you like the story! I had to write the beginnings of romance here and not lust. And sorry for the sort-of cliffie but I really need time to organize my thoughts for the next chapter! Please review! Oh, and I plan to thank all the people who have given me such wonderful and much-appreciated reviews! I'll acknowledge y'all with the next few chapters.. PLEASE REVIEW!! Oh yeah, and I'm saying sorry now for all the grammatical errors you had seen.. hehe.. I only checked them a bit. Hope the chappie made up for them though! oh and I apologize for the rushed mature scenes.. I'm just not experienced in writing those yet.. and I do not plan in writing more M scenes after Seductress-In-Waiting. So there. :p