A/N: Wow, my first post in ages. Anyways, this is based on the graphic novel, "World of the Dragonlords". This story based on it takes place in the "DuckTales" universe with my fan-mades in the mix while the original took place in the comic book series "Uncle Scrooge" & "Donald Duck" in which DuckTales was abdapted from. Take a peak at the end of the chapter to see the difference between this & the novel. Oh, and please, use polite cretique. Okey-dokeys?

Disclaimer: Uncle Scrooge, Launchpad McQuack, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack & Genie (from the "Treasure of the Lost Lamp" movie) all belong to Disney. Stuart "Stuie" "Studucus" Duckman, his little sister Tracey, older brother Dirk & Iris Green all belong to me. While the plot, Brendon, Hintermann, human slaves, the Morg & dragons belong to Byron Erickson & Giargio Cavazzano. I think.

World of the Dragonlords

Chapter 1

A Door Opens…And Closes.

Today, the world's richest duck, Scrooge McDuck is in the picnic area in the woods outside Duckburg with his nephews Huey, Dewey, Louie & Genie and niece Webby.

Scrooge: All right, kids, you wait for Launchpad while I do my business.

As soon as he goes off, the boys & Webby begin plotting, they soon spot their friends, Stuie Duckman, his sister Tracey & Iris Green.

Genie: Oh, hey Stuie! Iris!

Webby: Tracey!

Stuie: Hey dudes.

Their friends come to the boys & Webby.

Iris: What's happening?

Huey: Aw, Unca Scrooge is making us come here for some Jr. Woodchuck stuff while he does (makes air quote) "his business".

Stuie: Ah, Dad's making us come here to do some stupid sibling-bonding thing, (jabs thumb back, pointing towards woods) Dirk's looking for a parking place.

Iris: He said I'd be a chaperone.

Huey: Well, don't worry, guys, we're already making an escape plot.

Louie: What do ya say, guys?

Genie: Wanna part in it?

Stuie: Hmm, well…

Iris: Let's hear the plan first.

The kids gather together and Huey makes a blueprint on the grass with a stick.

Dewey: All right, we agreed. We'll make our break as soon as Dirk is trying to figure out how to answer Webby & Tracey's question.

Huey: We'll scatter, meet up at Dirk's car and get back to Duckburg.

Louie: Hope you have a driver's license, Iris.

Iris: I sure do.

Huey: We'll have to be fast too. We've gotta get to Ramblin' Studios by 3:00.

Dewey: (Gulps) If we're late, we'll miss out on our chance to be cast as extras in "Galactic Doom."

Louie quickly shuts his brother's beak shut.

Louie: Don't even think about it, we won that chance fair & square.

Stuie: "Galactic Doom" will be the biggest sci-fi film since "Star Wreck", and we'll all be in it!

Genie: It is a sweet deal.

Tracey: Yeah, I've always dreamed of being in motion pictures.

Webby: Ditto.

Huey stands and faces the others.

Huey: Think instead about the cool costumes we'll get to wear…

Louie: And about all the big film stars we'll get to meet.

Dewey: Yeah!

Stuie: Yes! That is a sweet deal.

Iris: Remember, the only thing standing in the way of our dreams is Prof. Duckman's weird sibling bonding thing.

Dewey: Yeah, us too. Some families we have.

Genie: Y'know, when we're together, we're actually apart.

Scene shows Dirk, looking for a parking place.

Stuie: Like Dirk is so caught up with finding a good parking spot, that he forgets his responsibilities of looking over us. Then again, Dirk's just an idiot.

Shows Scrooge looking around the forest.

Huey: Or Unca Scrooge, he came here so he could estimate how much money he can make…

Scrooge: $300. $500.

Huey: If he can clear cut this section of the forest!

Scrooge: $1,000! (hugs tree)

Cuts back to the kids.

Dewey: Then there's us, 4 selfish boys & a girl who are planning to go A.W.O.L. over a science-fiction film.

Louie: And worst yet, we're conning our best friends into going along with us.

Huey: Someone could get the idea that our families don't care for one another.

Webby: Oh gee, that's not good at all.

(FWOOOM!) Just then, as Scrooge returned and Launchpad McQuack shows up, the group sees a big storm cloud with lightening all around it.

Huey: What is that?

Stuie: I don't know.

Iris: Well, I have a bad feeling about it.

2 strange-looking beings (humans like you & me) appear out of the storm cloud, one is a bulky fella who has long, blonde hair, the other is a thinner guy with brown hair. They both look like something from a Renaissance Faire.

Being #1: (Coughs) This is your idea of a door, Hintermann?

Hintermann: Hey, I never said how big it would be, Brendon! I wasn't even sure the spell would work.

The 2 being look around.

Brendon: But where are we? This doesn't look like Freedom Marsh to me.

Hintermann: Oh, it's probably not! The only thing I could think about was not being roasted in that forest fire the Morg set.

Brendon: Understandable, old friend. Still, I'd like to know how far away from home we are.

The 2 see the freaked out ducks.

Hintermann: I guess we could always ask those natives over there.

Brendon: By Our Mother! They look like ducks! But they're wearing clothes. You there!

Launchpad: Uh-oh! I think it's time we call off this outing on account of weirdoes!

Iris: Launchpad, hold on!

He tries running off but Brendon grabs him.

Brendon: Wait!

Launchpad: Oof! Really fast weirdoes!

Brendon lets Launchpad go.

Brendon: Relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know where we are.

Stuie: You mean which planet? It's called Earth.

Hintermann: Do you realize what this means, Brendon? My doorway worked beyond even my wildest fantasies! When we stepped through it, we stepped into another world! Or more likely into another dimension!

Genie: No duh, Sherlock.

Stuie shoves his best friend over and introduces himself & everyone to the strange beings.

Stuie: Ignore him. My name is Stuie, that's my Uncle Scrooge, my sister Tracey and they're my friends Huey, Dewey, Louie, Genie, Webby, Launchpad & Iris.

Hintermann: My name is Hintermann, and that's the great hero, Brendon. But wow, no other magician has ever conjured up such a powerful doorway!

Brendon: My congratulations, Hintermann. But can we go through it again…get back to Our Mother and the war?

Scrooge: "War"?

Hintermann: Ah, you're such a killjoy, Brendon. But the answer is yes! We can go through again as soon as the fire dies down. Although it looks to me like the doorway is shrinking. Maybe we shouldn't wait too long… it may not be stable.

Louie: Uh, excuse us, sir…

Hintermann & Brendon turn to the nephews.

Huey: We didn't mean to eavesdrop, but…

Louie: Didn't you say you want to get back to your mother?

Dewey: Did ya leave her in the middle of a war?

Hintermann: (Laughs) Kids.

Brendon: Bless you, boys. It has been too long since we have met with such innocence.

He kneels to the kids and starts to explain.

Bendon: But to answer your question, Our Mother is what we, humans, call our home planet. And yes, She is at war… (stands back up) With the Morg.

Tracey: Morg? Dad says our Uncle Lawrence went there after eating Grandma's meatloaf.

Stuie puts him hand on Tracey's shoulder and faces her.

Stuie: I don't think that's what he's talkin' about, kiddo. (to Bendon) Plus, that isn't the reason our uncle passed away.

Brendon: No. These Morg are a vicious, violent, monstrous race who are determined to conquer Our Mother and enslave all humans. The Morg deliberately set fire to the forest to capture us, the forest is not sacred to them, nothing is…except power.

Hintermann: Hmm, now I'm sure the doorway is shrinking!

Scrooge walks up to them, he's getting a smide suspicious.

Scrooge: There's something you're not telling us, lads. What's so special about you two that anyone would go to all that trouble?

Hintermann: Me, I'm just a wandering magician from the East, but Brendon is special! He's the leader, the hero, the inspiration…

Brendon's getting annoyed by Hintermann trying to put him in the spotlight.

Hintermann: For all free humans on Our Mother! The Morg would go to a great deal of trouble to capture him, or even kill him!

Brendon under breath: Hintermann!

(Distant screeching)

Genie: W-w-what's that sound?

Hintermann: That high-pitched screech could mean only one thing!

3 fat troll-like goons fly out of the doorway on dragon-back.

Dragons: (Screeching)

Iris: Who are they?

Brendon: Those are Morg war dragons!

Launchpad: We're really in for it now!

Genie: Oh man.

The 3 Morg see the humans & ducks.

Morg #1: (Snorts) This isn't Morgworld! Those humans have led Snark, Nurg & Groob someplace else!

Morg #2: Well… Groob doesn't care! Groob has found Brendon! The reward Lord Moraq promised for Brendon's capture will soon be…Groob's!

They then go in for the attack.

Iris: Here they come!

Brendon: Hintermann! Stay here and guard our new friends! I'll draw that Morg warrior away from you!

Stuie: You heard the dude, get behind the goofy magician!

The ducks get behind Hintermann as Brendon twirls his mace, then throws it at the Morg warrior. It hits him and he falls off his dragon.

Dragon: (Screeches)

It breathes fire down but Brendon dodges it.

Hintermann: Way to go, Brendon! One down, two to go!

Louie: Wow, what a fighter!

The lead Morg, Snark turns to the other, Nurg.

Snark: Nurg, wait here. Snark will go fetch Groob's dragon, it is too valuable to lose.

He goes off after Groob's dragon.

Nurg: Nurg will do as Snark commands. Or Nurg will capture the humans while Snark is off on wild dragon chase. Nurg is smart, Nurg will use Lightning Stone Lance to stun the puny humans from a safe distance!

He holds out a weapon that looks like a pair of covered tongs over something, the tongs open to reveal a bright yellow stone. It fires blue lightning everywhere but Hintermann makes a yellow shield appear.

Hintermann: Don't worry, I'll protect you with a mystic shield!

Scrooge sarcastically: Yeah, right. Why should any of this worry us?

The blue lightning hits the shield, Hintermann tries his best to hold it in place.

Hintermann: (Grunting) Didn't…I…tell…you? Nothing…can…get…through…my…shield!

Stuie: Look out!

Stuie, Genie & Iris take Tracey & Webby and get out of the way as another strike of blue lightning comes down, it gets Scrooge, Launchpad & the nephews and stuns them.

Hintermann: Whoops! Sorry! That one got by me. Boy, they're gonna be mad at me when they wake up! The only thing I can do right now, though…is hope for a lucky angle!

He moves the shield some, the lightning bounces back to Nurg, it hits his dragon's tail.

Dragon: (Shrieks)

He starts falling as Snark returns with Groob's dragon.

Snark: (Growls) The mighty Snark is cursed! It must be so, or else there would be warriors not fools, in Snark's command!

Brendon returns to Hintermann, the unconscious ducks & ones who are still standing.

Hintermann: Did you see that, Brendon? Did you see that awesome angle?

Brendon: Aye, I saw it. And I would share your joy, had you but done it before our new friends were struck down.

Genie come up to the 2 humans.

Genie: Uh, pardon me, but I think the bad guys might be back soon.

Brendon: Genie is right. Come, Hintermann! We must prepare for the next Morg attack! They will not be so foolhardy as to strike individual again.

Hintermann: No they won't! Which is why we've got to go home now! My doorway is shrinking even faster now!

He points to the doorway which is getting smaller by the minute.

Stuie: This kills me to say, but he's right. It's more important you to Your Mother than to fight some useless battle with 3 Morg.

Brendon: (Sighs) You are right, I am…needed there. But what about our new friends?

Hintermann: We'll have to leave them! We can't carry them, and they won't wake up for hours.

Brendon: Perhaps… perhaps, the Morg will take no further interest in them?

Iris: Don't worry about a thing, Brendon.

Stuie: We'll take care of them.

Brendon: Thank you, young ones. Goodbye now.

Bendon & Hintermann go forth towards the doorway as the standing ducks wave good-bye.

Boys/girls: (Various goodbyes)

Hintermann: And I'll re-open the doorway to this dimension so you can visit them.

Brendon & Hintermann go through the portal. But Iris sees the Morg coming back!

Iris: (Gasps) Trace, Webby, hide!

Tracey: But what about you?

Stuie: Don't worry about us, just hide!

Webby & Tracey run to the bushes as the Morg come to the others.

Snark: (Snorts) Brendon has escaped! Snark will report that it is all due to Nurg's disobedience & Groob's stupidity!

Nurg: Nurg make Snark pay for such a report!

Groob: But Nurg's retribution must wait. The magic doorway is closing, and Groob will not be stranded in this miserable world!

Snark: (Growls) Snark says…NO!!

He grabs Nurg & Groob and pounds their heads together.

Snark: Nurg & Groob will leave when Snark say so! But first Snark has business to attend to.

He throws a net over the unconscious ducks.

Snark: Snark no know what these creatures are, but Snark will bet creatures can be sold in the slave market in Toom!

Just before they can take them, the boys & Iris step in.

Iris: Hey, you big bully!

Stuie: Leave them alone!

Genie: Yeah, pick on someone your own size!

Nurg: (Sinister snicker)

Nurg & Groob grab Stuie, Genie & Iris.

Kids: Hey!

Groob: Should Nurg & Groob take mouthy creatures too?

Snark: Sure, 2 extra slaves and a pretty girl for Lord Moraq as a present.

All: (Evil chuckling)

Groob ties & gags the boys & Iris, and the Morg take the ducks away into the portal. Tracey & Webby watch from the bushes upsettingly as the portal closes.

Webby: Unca Scrooge!

Tracey: Stuie! Ohh…we're too late.

They walk out and sit there, holding Scrooge's hat & cane.

Sometimes, there is a very fine line between reality & fantasy…

Shows the boys at McDuck Mansion in the study doing their homework with Stuie helping them; he's sitting on the couch with his feet on the coffee table as the nephews & Genie are sitting on the floor.

Huey: Thanks, Stuie. I'd never have figured out this problem without your help.

Stuie: Think nothing of it, Huston!

Dewey: It's fun to do homework together.

Louie: Especially when we have our genius friend giving us a few tips.

Stuie puts his feet down from the coffee table and stands on the couch.

Stuie: Hey dudes, why don't we just go to the movies tonight?

Genie: Gosh Stuie, you're the best friend anyone can have!

Scrooge walks into the study where the kids are.

Stuie: Hey, our generous Uncle Scrooge will be happy to pay for our tickets & refreshments.

Dewey: Wow, Unca Scrooge, you're the best grand-uncle in the world!

Scrooge: Tut-tut, kids. What's the use of having money if you don't spend it on your loved ones.

Suddenly, Huey wakes up as it all turned out to be a dream.

Huey: Whoa! That can't be the real Unca Scrooge. Uh…what happened? The last thing I remember is another dream about warriors & dragons and…

He notices his brothers are lying unconscious.

Huey: (Gulps) That's Dewey & Louie, unconscious.

He looks outside and sees the Morg empire, where humans are slaves to the Morg and are forced to build their empire. Looks just like in the story of "Moses" where the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews and forced them to build their empire.

Huey: It…it wasn't a dream! It's a real-life nightmare!

To be continued…

Novel: Donald Duck is featured. Fic: Launchpad is featured in Donald's place.
Novel: The boys, Uncle Scrooge & Donald go to the park for a lame-brain family-bonding outing. Fic: The boys & Webby go to the park for a Junior Woodchuck thing while Uncle Scrooge estimates how much money he'll make if he clear-cuts the forest.
Novel: Groob is left behind in our world. Fic: Groob returns to the other world with Snark & Nurg.