Disclaimer: I am not in any way affiliated with The Covenant or Sony Pictures or the actors and actresses within this movie. Any copyright infringement is not intended and no profit is being made by anything on this community.

Summary: Years ago he made a choice

Warnings: Slash, Ficlet

A/N: So I took the idea from one of my other stories, it seemed fitting and I kinda liked the idea in this fandom.I don't wanna give it away though so if m/m pairings aren't your thing then back away now. Also this isn't beta'd so I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors. This entry will be open until I find a place to post this fic in. Then it will be locked. Please let me know what yah think, I may have another one in mind.

"All right kid lets see what yah got." The man stood back a smirk on his face as the toddler raised his hands up, blue eyes blinked and a transparent ball flew out from the space between the small hands. The older man's smile was a bit sad as the ball flew into a nearby tree.

"Ise di it daddy,"

"You sure did kiddo." He opened his arms as the toddler ran into his arms, giggling. He pressed a kiss into dark blond curls. "You sure did." Sky Blue eyes glanced up as a shadow came over them. "He's already powerful."

"We agreed we wouldn't push him."

"And I didn't."

A raised brow met with a frown.




"Do you have any idea how much it took to make it look like you di..."

"I know."

"Then don't push it." Dark brown eyes full of pain and anger flared for a moment before settling on the baby. They soften up as he took in father and son, he had done so much to protect them... protect b him. /b "We can't afford to loose you." he sighed. "I can't loose you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think... I was just so excited that he could, yah know."

"I know." A sad smile graced his face as he gazed adoringly at the baby who was playing with the zipper on his Daddy's jacket. "But we have to be more careful."

"Ok." He reached for the other man pulling him in for a soft kiss.

A small hand on his face had him laughing. "Dada, I hungee."

"Ok baby," he looked into the other mans eyes,"Ready?"


"Hey Charlie-bear, feel like burger and fries?"

"Yay!" the baby shouts. He's the spitting image of his daddy.

The dark haired man walks with his small family, the one he's manged to keep hidden after all these years. He sighed it was a choice he'd made years ago and never had he held any regrets.

"Dada," their sons voice brought him out of his thoughts.


"I'm alright." he wrapped his arm around the other man as they walked off towards the car.

No he hadn't had any regrets at all making a life with Chase...

The end or is it?