The Titans were chatting happily as they piloted the T-Ship home from their investigation in Tokyo. A lot had happened there, things that they wouldn't soon forget. The bond of friendship had strengthened greatly between the five friends these last few days and that would help them greatly in the coming days.
"Man I can't believe that I couldn't pack all that delicious food with us for the return trip home. Japanese cuisine is so good. I could just eat it forever!" Cyborg complained over the headsets.
"Well at least my part of vacation rocked. Who knew Japanese chicks would love my singing so much? I have so many phone numbers I don't know who I'm going to call first!" BB exclaimed drooling at the prospect.
"How are you going to even have a relationship with these girls when you can't even speak their language? Besides you live halfway around the world. Not exactly the best thing for a long time relationship. Personally I'll be glad to get back to my books," Raven said. She was a little hurt by all the attention Beast Boy had gotten from the girls while in Tokyo, but was to afraid to admit.
"I will also be happy to return home after our glorious vacation. I've missed my dear Silkie dearly. Although I had fun in while we were in pursuit of Brushogun and that devious Commander, I would prefer some peace and quite," Starfire admitted shyly. She glanced down at her right hand. A beautiful gold promise ring rested on it. Robin had told her it was a symbol of his love for her and how he would never leave her. She smiled at waved at her new boyfriend.
Robin blushed and waved back. A lot had changed these past few days confusing him. He loved finally being able to tell Starfire how he felt and have fun with her. Still he was worried about the consequences of allowing his emotions to rule him. Not to mention he didn't have the best track record with relationships, his longest was with Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl.
"All right Titans that's enough chit chat. We'll be arriving back at Titans Tower in ten minutes. Time to go through prelanding checklist. Titans sound off ah!"
"ROBIN! What's wrong?" Starfire cried looking towards the center pod.
"I'm fine Starfire there's nothing to worry about. My head just hurt for a second. Nothing to get concerned about," Robin assured her.
"You want me to take a look when we land? I could try to get rid of it for you," Raven offered.
"No that's okay. It's gone now. Let's just land the ship. I just really want to get back home and relax," Robin told her as the team went through the landing procedure safely landing the T-ship on the roof. Everyone got out and stretched their tired limbs glad to be back in Jump City USA.
"Man vacation is nice and all, but I can't wait to started on rebuilding the Tower. I'm going to beef up the security system and make the windows shatterproof because I'm tired of reinstalling them," Cyborg exclaimed as he untied their entire luggage and handed it to each individual.
"Well I know what I'm doing. I'm going to go install all the new Japanese video games we got. Dude I'm so going to kick your butt when we start playing them," Beast Boy said dragging his suitcase down the flights of stairs.
Before the Cyborg and Beast Boy could get into the team entered the main room and let out a gasp. Before they had left for Tokyo they had repaired all the damage Psycotech had done to their home. Now it looked even worse then when they left. Everything was completely destroyed, damaged beyond repair.
"What happened here? Did Silkie go on a rampage while we were gone?" Starfire asked picking up the remains of what once was the refrigerator.
"Not even Silkie could cause this much damage. Besides there's no teeth marks on any of the counters or furniture," Raven pointed out.
"We have to find out who broke in while we were gone. Split up and search the Tower. Assess the damage and see if anything missing. We'll meet back here in an hour. Go!" Robin ordered.
Each titan searched the Tower thoroughly to see if they could find their intruder or what he might have taken. As they searched the rooms they discovered faint impressions in the carpet that looked like someone's boot and the weapon-based destruction seem almost too precise. But what greatly confused them was the damage seemed to be almost an afterthought, like the intruder was trying to hide his true purpose.
When Robin pushed open the doors to the evidence room he was met by a brutal site. The display cases had been smashed open and several key pieces of evidence thrown to the ground. The lights were broken and he had a hard time seeing if everything was still there.
When Robin came to one particular display he froze. The item was missing from its stand and nothing else around it had been disturbed. Quickly he looked around, but the item was nowhere to be found. At that exact moment he had another intense headache and for brief time he felt like his memories were being erased. It was time to call in the team. "Titans! Meet me in the evidence room ASAP! I think I found out what our little thief took."
Within seconds the entire team was assembled include the team mascot Silkie who was whimpering in Starfire's hands. "Shu my little bungorff. Everything is all right now that your kanorshka Starfire is here. I found poor Silkie locked in my closet all beaten up. Who would dare harm such a poor defenseless creature?"
"The same person who broke into the Tower and stole the vortex inducer you took from Warp. I checked everywhere, but I can't find it," Robin told her.
"Who would want that piece of junk? It doesn't even work and its not like anyone in this century is smart enough to fix it. Besides nobody knows about that thing, but us," Beast Boy pointed out.
"Our thief knew about and where to find it. Trashing the rest of the Tower was just a distraction, to throw us off guard. When I find out who did their going to be meeting the end of my sonic cannon!" Cyborg vowed.
"We can plan our revenge later. Right now we need to focus on finding who stole the vortex inducer and what their plans for it are," Raven told them.
"Raven's right. We need get our systems back up and running so we can put the clues together and find our thief. If by some chance gets the inducer to work it would spell disaster for everyone. Lets go!" Robin order as they headed for the main room.
After several hours the Tower was back in order and the Titans were still no closer to finding out who had broken in. None of the security tapes revealed anything useful and their database turned up no leads. After securing a great victory in Tokyo they were all a little upset they couldn't crack such a simple problem. "Arg, we've been at this for hours and still nothing!" Robin yelled pounding his fist on the council.
"Relax man, we'll figure this out. It's just going to take some time. Just chill for a while," Cyborg suggested.
"Yeah remember that saying, Earth wasn't built in an egg!" Beast Boy exclaimed.
"I think you mean, Rome wasn't built in a day. They're right about one thing you need to rest. I can sense that your headache from earlier is still hurting you," Raven responded coming up next to him.
"Perhaps we are going about this method of search all wrong. On my home planet if we wish to find an intruder we use our guard beast to sniff them out," Starfire said.
"Okay and that helps us how exactly?" Beast Boy asked.
"If we simply show Silkie pictures of our known enemies perhaps he will recognize the one who brutally attacked him and left him in the closet. After all he is the only witness to the crime," Star said.
"I don't know are you sure about this Star? I mean after all he's just a little wormy thing," Robin stated reluctant to using the team mascot as witness.
"Silkie is very smart and is a member of this team. He will help us I know," she stated firmly. The others nodded their head in agreement and Robin reluctantly ran the program. Soon all the Titans enemies were zipping by at super fast speeds.
At first nothing happened Silkie just waved his little feet in the air and smiled happily. More images flashed by and still nothing. Robin was getting annoyed and was ready to stop this foolishness when Silkie started to hiss. He slowed down and backed up the images. He showed them one by one until Silkie jumped out of Starfire's arms and was growling and spitting at the image.
The Titans raised their eyes from their little friend and glanced at the screen. What they saw didn't surprise them at all. The clues all fit and there was only one person besides them who knew about the inducer and have the genius to fix it. Slade.
"I should have guessed Slade was behind it. Terra must have told him about the device while she was under his control. From the information I've gathered about him it would be a piece of cake for him to get the vortex inducer to work," Robin snapped angrily.
"The only question is what does he plan to do with it? Not to mention where he is and how we find him." Cyborg remarked. The others nodded in agreement. Before they could get started Robin let out a scream and fell to the ground in colvusions.
"ROBIN!" they all screamed rushing to his side. They had no idea what was wrong or how to make his pain to end. Suddenly for a brief minute his clothes changed in front of their eyes. His Robin costume looked like his apprentice costume. Finally he opened his eyes and looked at them. "That was strange. For a minute it was like the past four years of my life were changed,"
"Changed in what way?" Raven asked seriously. She had a suspicion on what was going on.
"I don't know for sure, but it was almost like the time I spent with the Bat Team and with you guys was gone. Replaced by something more sinister and evil. But it only lasted a minute or two."
"Raven you have an idea of what Slade's planning?" Starfire asked.
"I'm not certain, but it seems to me that Slade's attempting to use the device to go back and change Robin's past. But he hasn't succeed yet because Robin's still here pertaining his original memories."
Cyborg held out his arm and scanned Robin from head to toe. He frowned at the results, "It seems Raven's correct. The chronoton particles around you are fluctuating crazily. It's almost like your out of sync with us."
"So dude what are we going to do! Slade's like your mortal enemy! What if he wants to make it so you never were born!" Beast Boy exclaimed.
"I don't think that's what Slade has planned friend Beast Boy," Starfire said gently. She turned to face Robin a frown forming on her face. "You say the memories of the last four years were starting to be affected? What was going on then precisely?"
"I just started my career as Robin. If Slade wanted the perfect opportunity to turn me into his little apprentice then that would be the time to strike. We have to find him and get back the inducer before he fixes it. Think! Where could he be hiding now?" Robin exclaimed. Then he noticed Silkie nibbling at his shoe trying to get his attention. It seemed the little worm wanted to help out again.
"Hey looks like we have our very own bloodhound! Silkie can lead us straight to Slade and then we give him the pounding of a lifetime. No one messes with our home while we're on vacation!" Beast Boy exclaimed. The others nodded and headed to their vehicles ready to move out.
Twenty minutes later the Titans were outside a run down apartment building. It was clear though from the lights and the sounds of metal striking the floor that the place wasn't abandon. Cyborg confirmed it with his sensors. The temporal component of space was seriously wacky here.
"Titans be careful. We don't know what new tricks he has planned for us. Remember our goal is to get the inducer and get out. Slade is secondary this time. Ahh!" Robin said as another set of convulsions struck. They lasted at longer then the last ones. Slade was getting closer.
"Robin! Maybe you should sit this one out. You're not doing to well," Starfire suggested, but he brushed her off. This was too important to back off. With a look of determination on his face he lead the charge.
Within minutes the Titans were up to their necks with Sladebots. Hundreds of robots poured out of every room in the abandon apartment building. No matter how many they took down more took their place. It seemed like they would never reach their target.
"This is nuts man! We're never going to get to Slade if his stupid robots keep blocking our path!" Cyborg shouted as he fired another blast from his sonic cannon.
"Well I'm open to any suggestions. I'm tired of getting my butt kicked." Beast Boy panted as he resumed human form.
"Raven! Starfire! Clear the way! Cyborg use your scanner and lock onto the inducer power signature. Beast Boy help him out if you can." Robin ordered as he used his bo staff to take out another Sladebot.
The girls combined their powers together and soon the path was cleared. Cyborg led the way with Beast Boy covering his back and Robin taking care of the stranglers. The five teens raced towards the top floor and busted the door down ready to fight.
There in the room was Slade holding the inducer in one hand and using some kind of electronic device on it. The inducer sparked and hummed signaling it was ready to work. Slade glanced up the Titans his one eye smiling. "Your to late Titans. I've already got the inducer working. In the moments it takes you to cross the room I'll be changing history for the better."
"The better for you. I warned you the last time we met that if we ever crossed path again it wouldn't end good for you. Hand over the inducer now!" Robin ordered a birdarang in his hand. The others got ready to fight too.
Slade ignored them and activated the inducer causing a portal to open. At the same time four white superbots, (the ones from Aftershock) appeared from the shadows. "While it was nice seeing you Titans again I really must be going. I'm late for an important date. In the meantime I hope my robots keep you adequately entertained," he told them as he stepped towards the portal.
"Titans Go!" Robin shouted instantly leaping over the robots and tackling Slade. The others went into action. Starfire used her eye lasers and her starbolts disabling her robot in one clean shot. Cyborg let out a whoop of success as his sonic cannon nailed his target. Beast Boy changed into a gorilla and pounded his robot to pieces while Ravens spell took care of hers.
Meanwhile Robin and Slade were wrestling on the ground fighting for the inducer. Slade's grip was like steel and he flung the teenager into the wall. Getting to his feet he headed for the portal only to be cut off by two of Robin's throw disks exploding in his face. He turned to get rid of the meddling superhero and got steel toe boot in his face. "When will you learn that doesn't work?" he his recovering instantly.
"When will you learn that no matter what you do you can't get me or anyone else as your stupid apprentice?" Robin shot back as he tossed a birdarang at him only to have Slade catch it and hurl back. Robin rolled out of the way and got up to fight when he sank back to the ground. Another round of convulsions hit more powerful then any of the previous ones.
"In pain are we? This only confirms what I already know. That I will succeed in getting the perfect apprentice and that the Teen Titans will never form. Soon Jump City will be without its protectors and I will be that much closer to controlling the city. Good-bye Robin. I'll see you soon," Slade hissed into his ear before he took a step into the portal.
"You will not succeed in changing history. I'll make sure of it, Azerath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven chanted her eyes pure black. The dark energy from her spell hit the Slade in the back just as he vanished from sight leaving the Titans alone.
"Dudes! Do you realize that we just failed to stop Slade from changing history and within moments were going to forget we ever met! I don't want to forget we were friends," Beast Boy cried.
"But if we had failed wouldn't the present already be changed? Shouldn't we be somewhere else at this exact moment?" Starfire asked.
"Yeah if Slade had succeed in changing history the present would have also been altered with us having no idea of the change. But that's not happening so what gives?" Cyborg asked.
"Raven what did your spell do?" Robin inquired.
"Slade may have succeeded in going back in time, but he's several days and hundred thousand miles from where he wanted to go. We still have time to prevent history from being changed. I'll explain more at the Tower," she said using her powers to teleport them and the T car with Silkie inside back home.
"Okay I have a dumb question," Beast Boy stated, "How can we stop Slade now that he's in the past? I mean its not like we can use that spell you used to get Cyborg back from the Bronze Age."
"Beast Boy has a point. That spell you used on me only locates people you have a strong bond with. You don't exactly have one with Slade," Cyborg pointed out.
"True, but I do have another one that might work for us, but at a price," Raven admitted levitating one of her spell book to her hand. She opened the dusty tome to a page richly decorated with an incantation written in brilliant calligraphy on it. The Titans glanced at the page wondering what the spell did.
"This incantation was one used by only the wisest monks of Azerath and only in times of great peril. The spell is able to transport anyone and anything their touching back to a specific moment in time," Raven explained to the group.
"Glorious. We can use this spell and track down Slade! We can prevent him from altering Robin's past so that we all remain friends!" Starfire exclaimed joyfully.
Robin frowned knowing there had to be a catch. If this spell was as powerful as Raven said it was there had to a reason it was rarely used. "You mentioned a price. What would happen if we used this spell?"
"The spell can only be used once by the spell caster. The moment I speak the words the incantation will vanish from the book. Also there is no return spell to send us back to the present. The only way we get home is if we got the inducer back or I found another time travel spell in one of my books. Not to mention the inherit dangers that come from messing with the time stream. We don't know what effect our presence in the past would cause," Raven cautioned him.
"Well we know for certain what will happen if we do nothing. My entire life as Robin is at stake as well as the founding of the Teen Titans. We can't allow Slade to damage history. As team leader I'm willing to take the risk, but I can't allow any of you to risk your lives for mine." Robin told the group.
"Dude if you think were going to let you do this by yourself then your dead wrong," Beast Boy said.
"Were a team Robin. We work together and help out each other no matter what the danger," Cyborg pointed out.
"You can't do this by yourself Robin. Were all in this fight together. Without us backing you up Slade will succeed," Raven told him.
"Slade has messed with us for the last time. It is time for us to put him in his place," Starfire said. Even Silkie purred in agreement. It was official the Titans were all in for this mission.
"Thanks, I should know better then now to doubt you guys. Even if this is personal there's no reason for you guys not to come along. But if were going to my past we better be smart about it. Gotham City is not a nice place. Cyborg, prep the T-Car and the R-Cycle. Were going to need transportation. Beast Boy, get enough supplies to last us a couple of days. Raven; gather your books and anything else you'll need to help us get home. Starfire, secure the Tower and get Silkie ready he's coming along with us. I'm going to get all the information we have on Slade and our adventures prepared for transport. Meet in the garage in half an hour. Move people," Robin ordered as everyone scattered.
Half an hour later the Titans were assembled in the garage. Cyborg had finished checking the vehicles and was helping BB store the supplies in the T-Car. Raven had several books and spell ingredients in her hand and were setting up the ceremony. Starfire entered the room carrying her pet glancing anxiously for her boyfriend. "Where is Robin?"
Raven closed her eyes and replied a minute later. "He's in the memorial. Why don't you go fetch him? I'll be ready in a few minutes."
The memorial was a small stone building with a marble dome built behind the Tower. Shortly after returning to Jump City the Titans had shared their pasts with one another and constructed the building to honor their departed loved ones. Inside candles lighted the room and each Titan had a marker and shelves for their loved ones. This was a place to remember the ones who helped shaped them. Robin was in front of the markers representing his parents thinking about them. "I'm worried Mom, Dad. What if I fail? What if I become something that you would be ashamed of? I'm afraid that I might never meet my friends."
"Robin? Raven wanted me to tell you that were ready to go. What were you talking to parents about?" Starfire inquired as she stood next to him.
"I was just telling them I was afraid that I would never stand here again. Starfire I'm afraid that we won't succeed. This will be my toughest challenge ever," Robin told her.
"Robin I can promise you that we will succeed. Slade may have his skills and robots. But we have each other and the information on Slade. Not to mention we will have your younger self and your adoptive father, this Batman, to help us. As long as we prevent Slade from altering history we have achieved victory. Come its time to go," she said leading him back to the Tower.
Everyone looked up as the two entered the room. "We thought you had changed your mind," Beast Boy said.
"Not a chance. I'm ready to show you guys my roots. Raven is the spell ready?"
"All I need is a date and the name of the city and I can begin," Raven said. Robin handed her a scrape of parchment. She nodded and everyone moved in closer. She painted a pentagram on the floor and placed a candle on each point and on in the center of the circle. She placed the parchment in the center flame and let it burn. Opening the book up she began to chant the spell, "Let the winds of time whirl and fly, allow their wings to carry me and those close to my heart through the endless void, and safely land us in the past which I wish to embrace."
The candles flared and instantly the pentagram lit up. The pentagram began to spin and unnatural hum filled the air. An unnatural wind whipped around them ruffling their clothes. Black lights rose up from each point and enveloped them and their vehicles. In a brilliant flash of light they were gone.