A/N: This is my first fan fic but I wrote it with a friend (grimm018) so go easy on me anyway…The first chapter might be described as being all over the place, but the rest won't be!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's characters, no matter how much I wish I did
'I can't believe I'm actually running in one of the best outfits I've ever owned! And this fucking rain really isn't helping. I swear its raining mud not water!' I think to myself. I look down to find yet another dirt smudge on my silvery satin robes and - "OH MY GOD!" is that what I think it is? A MISSING BUTTON! "Gah!" I stop abruptly to examine this new dilemma, only to be reminded by the sting of freezing cold water trickling down my face that I was standing, in the middle of a road a good distance away from Malfoy manner with no shoes. I had had to make the drastic decision of either throwing them away so I could run faster and stay alive, or dieing and looking good; it was a tough one but in the end I chose the unfashionable choice.
I walked the rest of the way to my destination until finally after what seemed like hours I looked up at a set of gloomy front doors, my eyes gazing over the snake carvings, which continuously moved above the archway.
Before I even began to raise my hand to knock, the doors swung open revealing a silhouetted figure. The figure stepped out into the rain and stared down at me.
"Draco what are you doing here? Isn't it your birthday?" Severus asked with a bewildered expression plastered to his face.
"Would you mind letting me in? I'm freezing my ass off…" I grumbled, still shivering. Once inside, I shake off the waterlogged robe and threw it onto the nearest piece of furniture with such force that the chair fell to the floor with a loud thud. I sighed, wincing as the warmth of the house unfroze the numbness that had claimed my body only to reveal a slight pain on my left cheek.
"Where'd the bruise come from Draco?" the potions master asked not bothering to hide his concern, even when he already knew the answer. My face paled as the events of the night came rushing back and I had to grab the edge of a table to stop me falling to the ground.
"H-he did it. He killed her, Severus. She's dead." I choked out, my voice barely more than a whisper. "Jesus…" the older man said, realization dawning on him at the seriousness of the situation.
"Draco you can't stay here, this is the first place they'll look." He said slightly shaking his head.
"Any suggestions of another host then?" I asked, a hint of desperation in my voice.
"Well the only safe place tha-"
"NO! I'm not stepping a foot in Dumbledore's house. You cannot make me. I refuse!"
Scrambled eggs. Crispy bacon. Sausages. Toast. My mouth waters. Then I look down at what's on my plate. Half a grapefruit. Talk about disappointment. I had finally worked my way to being only 4kg underweight but no, the Dursley's said I was 'packing it on'. So now I've been placed on a diet with the other majority of overweight family members. Perfect. I dig in to my 'breakfast' quickly without a word. "…and we don't want the boy in the house alone, and I can't find anyone who thinks a seventeen year old needs to be watched!" Aunt Petunia cries. I smirk.
"Well what do you want me to do about it?" Dudley asks suspiciously. "I'm going out with friends on Sunday…"
"Well Dudders we were wondering if he could…erm, go with you." Both my face and Dudley's showed equal horror at this statement. Great. I can be picked on by a larger amount of people.
"Please Dudders, just this once? If you do, we'll buy you those boots you wanted." Uncle Vernon pleaded. I roll my eyes. I'm the one who's going to get beaten up! You don't see me getting a shit load of presents. Honestly.
I hear Dudley mumble "Fine" Before finishing my pathetic meal and stalking up the stairs. Upon entering my room I see a thin looking boy, with an overly large t-shirt falling off his narrow shoulders, the boy had messy black hair and startling green eyes. I shake my head at my reflection. Yeah, I really look like the savior of the wizarding
world. I sit down at my termite-eaten desk and pull out a piece of parchment, deciding to write to Ron. But before I got a chance to put the quill to paper I hear heavy footsteps approaching down the hallway until they reached my room.
The door opened and I pretended not to notice.
"Harry." Dudley says after a pause.
"Hey big D." I smirk as he glares at the sound of the nickname he was given by his friends.
"Look if you're coming with me tomorrow then you can't show up looking like that." Dudley snaps, face showing obvious disgust. I see him regard my overly large shirt and severely rolled up jeans with disdain. After the close encounter with the dementors in the alley back in fifth year, Dudley and I have become somewhat civil to each other…at times. He had stopped using me as a punching bag, and in return I reassured him that I wouldn't jinx, hex or curse him. Fair trade I thought. Sure we still insulted each other but that was normal.
"Insulting your own clothes D?" I ask innocently. Dudley snorts.
"Cousin, we both know that my mum used to dress me, so if you want to show up in those-I don't even think they can be called clothes..." Dudley grimaces. It was true; Dudley was a major mummy's boy when his friends weren't around. Aunt Petunia would buy him the most loathsome clothes, because she thought they were 'adorable' even Dudley admits to being fat (understatement of the century!) but now he's just 'well built' (some might say like a brick shit house…)
"I know I'm of age, so I can cast spells and what-not but I doubt even magic can make these look good Dudley." At times I could even get the small-brained cousin of mine to smile. "I'm offering to buy you some clothes, idiot. Nothing fancy, but something that'll fit at least." Dudley said, avoiding my gaze and looking out the window.
"Oh…Th-thanks Dudley."
The next morning we set off…early. Dudley didn't want to be seen with the cousin that was considered mentally unhinged. We walked the streets of London looking into a few clothing stores and a bakery where Dudley bought himself a wide variety of pastries.
After lunch we headed back home when-
"Hey big D!" Dudley spun around and pulled me behind him, attempting to hide me with his bulk.
"Hey Piers…uh, what's up?" he asked nervously.
"Oh nothing much…why are you with your cousin?" Piers asked suspiciously as he looked behind Dudley's shoulder. He may be large enough to cover my body but he wasn't tall enough to hide my head.
"Oh um." Dudley looked around at me as if he hadn't noticed I was there. "Mum and dad have gone to America on a business trip and won't be back until Monday so he had to come with me. It wasn't my choice. The same thing is happening tomorrow, I'll have to bring him to your party. Sorry." He looked down at his feet, ashamed and avoiding eye
contact, as I stood next to him no longer hiding.
Piers regarded me with condescension, as he looked me up and down.
"That sucks man. But I guess we could always go back to our childhood game of 'punch him 'til he's down' aye?" he sneered.
I rolled my eyes and looked away. Jesus he's still the immature dweeb he used to be.
"Or maybe we could take it further…" Piers chuckled. I raised an eyebrow. What the hell does he mean by that?
Dudley forced a small laugh. "Get your bi arse out of here. I'll see ya tomorrow."
He pushed me to get me walking. 'Take it further'? What does he mean? How much further than 'Harry hitting' could it-wait a second… '..Bi arse?'…
Oh…that much further, now I get it. No wonder Dudley looked uncomfortable.
"Harry bloody Potter! Get your skinny ass out of bed NOW!" Dudley yells in my ear, waking me from my nap.
"I'm awake!" I snap my eyes open and sit up in my bed, glaring at him. Hadn't he ever heard of respect? Hmm, guess not.
"Man can you sleep! Get into the shower, get dressed and try to do something about that hair of yours." He sighed, walking out of the room. He paused at the doorway and the turned to me. "We leave in 15 minutes." Then he walked off into the corridor.
A shower and a drying later I stood in front of my mirror with only a towel wrapped around my lithe body. Sure the many years of playing Quidditch set in some nice toned muscles, but spending a childhood in a cupboard did nothing for the rest of me. I sighed and pulled on my newly bought still-loose-but-in-a-good-way black top and jeans. Took one more look at my reflection and went to walk down stairs.
"Potter!" Dudley yells from the stairwell. Sighing again I make my way down the rest of the stairs only to be met by Dudley's smirk.
"What now?" I scowl.
"I think the girls are going to be jealous of you; your small waist and the most-" he cuts off and shakes his head and begins to walk out the door. I follow a bit confused. There were going to be girls there?
Just before we entered Piers' house Dudley stopped me.
"Okay things to remember; no magic of course, if someone asks, we are NOT related and no calling me Dudders or any other of my mothers pet names…oh, and don't under any circumstances be left alone with Piers." Dudley warned matter-of-factly.
"You don't have to tell me that." I mumble.
Then we took the last few steps until we reached the front door. Dudley rang the bell and then waited…
"I told you not to be alone with Piers didn't I?" Dudley said calmly as I hurriedly walked out onto the street and back toward privet drive, shaking and holding my crotch protectively.
"It's not my fault! All your friends just up and left me with him!" I snap, shuddering at the night's events. A small group of people, including Piers, had sat playing a game of strip-poker when I walked in. One of the (shirtless) guys asked me if I wanted to play and without waiting for an answer, began to deal me in…well I'll leave the rest to your imaginations but you get the basics. When we reached number four I ran straight upstairs to my room, saying goodnight to Dudley and shutting the door with a heavy sigh.
Tomorrow this will all be over. Dumbledore was coming to pick me up as I was going to be spending the remainder of the holidays at his house. Strange, yes but there was nowhere else to go and I refused to stay in the Dursley household now that I was of age. Ron and his family had gone to Romania to visit Charley and Hermione went to Singapore with her parents for the holidays.
I had already packed what belongings I possessed into my trunk that now stood at the foot of my bed. With nothing else to do and without changing into my pajamas I climbed into bed and eventually fell asleep listening to steady beat of rain outside my window.
I awoke to the sound of Dudley screaming. Oops…forgot to tell him about Dumbledore. I ran down the stairs taking two at a time before I saw the headmaster standing serenely in the kitchen eyeing the whimpering Dudley with interest.
"Hullo Dumbledore. Err, sorry D I forgot to tell you that someone was coming to pick me up…" I said, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt.
"H-he just APPEARED! I-I thought that stuff was over." Dudley stuttered
"Well Mr. Dursley I am happy to announce that you will no longer have to deal with it…at least not from this young man." Dumbledore said, patting my shoulder, and then turning to me. "Harry have you got your things?"
"Oh…yeah" I said as I touched my pocket where my shrunken trunk rested, "I just need to go grab Hedwig".
"Alright, best be off." Dumbledore stated upon my return. The old man turned once more to Dudley and saluted a farewell. I did the same.
"See ya big D" And then we apparated onto the outskirts of a small cottage house.
"This is your home then?" I asked in wonder. Even though it was small, it had the most beautiful scenery that was dazzling in the early morning sunlight.
"Yes. I hope you don't mind the size, it's much bigger inside." He assured.
(still 25TH July)
I follow closely behind Severus as he stepped up to the front door with. I couldn't help but mumble about how the so-called most powerful wizard alive was living in a ridiculous muggle cottage. Severus gave a swift knock and waited. A few seconds later the door opened to a smiling Dumbledore. His eyes had that stupid twinkle in them as he gestured for us to come in.
I stepped into the house, but before I got a chance to take a good look around Dumbledore coughed slightly, asking for my attention.
"Mr. Malfoy you will be staying here for the rest of the holidays until school starts but I'm afraid to say that there will be another guest here as well…" he said, eyes still sparkling.
I didn't get a chance to ask who it was. I turned around at the sound of someone coming down the stairs. They reached the bottom and-
"Oh, fantastic…." I mumbled.
"Malfoy? What are you doing here?" Harry-bloody-Potter looked just as confused as I felt with the goofiest expression that implied he had no idea what was going on. What. An. Idiot.
After Severus said his goodbyes, Harry, Dumbledore and I sat at the dining room table and silently ate dinner. Dumbledore occasionally attempted to make cheery conversation about school, but to no avail. The conversations quickly died.
Harry sat glaring at in my direction, so I returned the deadly stares with my trademark smirk as I slowly lifted the forkful of peas to my mouth, miraculously, none of them fell off, and Potter looked silently awed at my steady hand. Growing up in such an aristocratic household must've paid off, I think to myself.
"Damn it!" He sighed heavily as they all toppled over the side. He stopped trying.
"May I be excused?" Harry asked, standing up, plate in his hand taking one last look at me, before he made his way to the kitchen. When he came back into the room Dumbledore cleared his throat for the second time that night.
"I'm sorry to say that I wasn't expecting two guests these holidays and regret to announce that there is only one guestroom…" he said apologetically.
Both of us looked at him blankly, clearly not getting the hint so he continued.
"…Err, meaning there's only one bed other than mine…"
Still no reaction.
"Harry…Draco…you will be sharing a bed for the rest of your stay. I'm sorry."
"WHAT?" They shouted at the same time. That's better.
"I'm not sleeping with Malfoy!"
"I will not be going anywhere near Potter! Especially not sleeping in the same bed! That's….that's -"
"Disturbing" Potter grimaces
"Disgusting" I snarl
"Just- not natural" we say together.
So what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Please review.
Draco's POV is written by me, Burgo666
Harry's POV is written by my friend, Grimm018