Authors Note: Okay, this is my first ever Stargate fiction (ta da!) and I just want to say please don't flame if I have messed up on some things because I am new to Stargate also but I just got this idea so suddenly I had to write it.

Summery: Vala has nightmares that a teenage girl keeps popping up in, but what happens when that girl arrives at the SGC? DanielVala Set before the 'Quest Part 1' and after 'Memento Mori'

Disclaimer: I only own Stargate SG-1 in my dreams, I am merely a humble fan.

Ghosts of the Future

Chapter 1: A Nightmare come true

"Help me" the girl said in a cracked voice

"Who are you?" Vala asked in horror of the girls starved and bloodied body and yet how she still managed to speak.

"Help me, please" the girl's eyes filled with tears upon the word 'please'

Vala scooped her up and made a break for the gate but a flash of light and a bloodcurdling scream stopped her.

Vala sat straight up in bed breathing heavily. It's just a dream. It's just a dream. Vala took a deep breath and that caught a glimpse of her hands, they where covered in the blood of the girl in her dream.


"Vala? Are you okay?" asked Daniel Jackson

"What? Oh fine. I'm fine" She answered

"Are you sure? You seem a little...upset" He said

"Why do you say that?"

"You been staring at your oatmeal for ten minutes now not taking in a word I've said"


She looked around she was at the commissionary eating breakfast with Daniel and she didn't exactly remember going to work, or getting oatmeal, she hated oatmeal.

"Uh, Yeah. Just a bit tired is all" she said with the best smile she could muster

"Alright, but we to be in the briefing room in three may want to eat some breakfast." he said picking up his coffee mug and heading out the door.

"Right, breakfast" she said grabbing an apple to eat along the way totally ignoring her untouched bowl of oatmeal.


Few words reached her mind in the briefing they where words said at every meeting recently 'Ori' 'Adria' 'Weapon' 'Merlin'

All of which didn't seem to reach her in complete sentences.





"Briefing's over" Cameron said a slight annoyance on his face.

"Right...I knew that." Vala mumbled

She got out of her chair and walk out the door slightly stumbling over a chair.

"Vala! Wait!"

"What is it?" she asked turning to face Daniel.

"There's something going on, do you want to talk about it?" he asked

"Well. Fine okay"

They walked to Daniel's office and she sat in a chair across from his desk where he sat behind the piles of translations, photos and a few artifacts he was recently studying.

"Something's up" He said staring at her from behind his eyeglasses "And don't brush it off and say it's nothing because I know something's up."

"Nightmares" she said plain and simply "But not regular nightmares, ones where I feel like I am actually there I can feel the wind and..."

"And?" he said pursuing her on

"There was a young girl there, she was bloodied up but still alive she kept telling me to help her so I grabbed her and made a break for the gate. Then I woke up...and her blood was on my hands." Vala finished looking down

There was a long pause and then Daniel spoke.

"Vala why didn't you tell me this before?"

"Because I didn't want it to seem real, I just wanted to push it into the back of my mind and forget." she answered her eyes focusing on a fly buzzing around the room "I was scared by it and thought it I forget it will go away"

"Vala, are you sure you didn't cut your hand or gotten the blood on there another way?" he asked

"I'm positive Daniel, it was her blood, and it was from the dream." she said quietly turning her attention away from the fly and to Daniel.

"If this is true Vala you need to see Dr. Lam" Daniel said getting up and putting his hand on Vala's shoulder.


"Your in perfect health" Doctor Carolyn Lam said while taking off her gloves "You may have just been still dreaming when you saw your hands"

"But it was real! I wasn't still dreaming!" Vala practically shouted

"Vala, calm yourself" Daniel said "She is right you where most likely still dreaming"

"What if it happens again?" Vala asked

"Then we will look into it further" Dr. Lam said "But until then you can go about you day as usual"

"Alright" Vala said and jumped down following Daniel into the hallway

"So, what are you off to do Daniel" Vala asked

"Looking at some artifacts to try to decode them, why?" he answered stopping to look at her

"I haven't got anything to do, why don't I help you?" she said smiling

"Alright" he said "C'mon"

They walked to Daniel's office where he immediately began to study a dusty object that appeared to have small jewels encrusted on the bottom.

"That look's valuable" Vala said drawing her attention to the object.

"It is" he said squinting at the eroded away words Vala reached over to touch the side it "Don't touch it Vala"

"It is not as if I am going to steal it" she said defensively "I don't steal, anymore"

Daniel couldn't help but to laugh a little

"Then what happened to my coffee mug last week, did elves take it?" he asked

Vala pouted "Now I don't know of elves but I borrowed that mug"

"Mmhm, yeah, and when would you give it back?" he asked

"When you realized it was missing" she said with a smile

"Well I know it missing, can I get it back?" he said in a voice anything but anxious

"When I feel like giving it back I will" she teased

"Fine then, well in the meantime could you refill this mug?" he asked

"What am I? Your personal servant?" she asked crossing her arms in mock anger

"Well, if you'd rather watch me dust off this thing and mumble in Ancient for ten minutes I totally under-"

She was out the door before Daniel could even finish his sentence. He grinned to himself and squinted at the letters on the device. They looked vaguely familiar if they weren't so eroded he could translate them. He blew softly on the surface to push off some more of the dust and looked closer, it was a code a pattern made to trick the person reading it, he almost cracked it when.

"Well here's your coffee!" Vala said loudly announcing her presence and causing Daniel to lose his concentration.

"Thanks a lot Vala, I was just on a breakthrough" He mumbled "And you barged in and I lost it completely"

He stared at the light brown contents of the mug.

"Did you make it the way I like?" he asked his voice slightly intense

"With a little bit of milk and sugar, Right?" she responded "Y'know Daniel when I lost my memory and became a waitress I made coffee all the time, I'm not an amateur"

He took a sip and a cluster of sweet crystals ran down his throat he began to cough

"Vala! Did you stir in the sugar at all!" he said between coughs

She looked rather perplexed

"You're supposed too?" she asked cocking her head slightly.

"Yeah, Vala you're supposed too otherwise-" before he could finish his sentence the phone rang he grabbed it quickly

"Jackson...What type of problem?...We will be right there" he said each word his voice grew more serious "Vala, there is a problem in the Gate Room, we need to be there ASAP"

Without waiting for a response from Vala he jumped up to get to the Gate Room fast. Vala followed looking awfully anxious and confused. They reached the room where a teenage girl lay huddled on the floor Dr. Lam by her side checking her pulse.

"Oh my God it's her" Vala whispered quietly as they reached the girl's side

Vala turned to Daniel fright in her eyes "It's the girl from my dream"


Yes I know short, but future chapters will get longer and more exciting. Reviews are welcome, Flames are not.