1Disclaimers: I don't own anything related to CSI or CBS

Rating: M for language and content

Timeline: Season 3

Summary: Grissom and Catherine eavsdrop

Title: Lip Service

Grissom and Catherine were sitting in the A.V room, going through some tapes when They saw Nick enter the DNA lab. Grissom was watching the banter between Nick and Greg and he was taking a sip of coffee and choked on the liquid and laughed.

"I really need to remind Nick and Greg that I can read lips." grissom said with amusement.

"Oh, and why is that?" Catherine asked. As she looked at Nick and Greg in the lab.

Grissom sat there smirking as he was staring at Nick and Greg. "Well, Nick just told Greg that when they got home, He was going to rip Greg's clothes off and lick every inch of his body until he screamed."

"And what did Greg say to that?" Catherine asked as she looked at Grissom.

"After you lick me are you ganna fuck me?" Grissom repeated.

"Ooh sounds like fun." Catherine smiled

"So, do you want to know what Nick said?" Grissom asked innocently.

"Start talking mister." Catherine demanded.

"As soon as I handcuff you to the bed." Grissom laughed.

"Damn, now all I'm ganna think about is them boinking." Catherine whined.

"My pleasure"

the end