Background Noise And Cannon Fodder
An: I hope this brings my story to a close as this plot line was stolen by my muse who ran with it when I wasn't looking! So many of you were kind to review and I appreciate it very much.
I apologize for the time it took to post this final chapter as we had to take down our hurricane shutters this week as well as wash the windows underneath. Amazing, I no longer feel like I live in a tomb.
So, it's time to put this story to rest and get back to writing my traditional story that I have half finished. Thanks again to all of you.
Disclaimer: Sony/MGM own all of Atlantis. This was done for fun, not profit.
Rating: All
Category: Angst/Friendship
The Watch Stander © 2006
Weir, Ronon, and Teyla have their day with Rodney!
Dr. Weir's POV
I make my way down to the infirmary, not sure what I'm going to find. Carson advised me that Rodney was brought here last night with a bullet wound. Almost as bad was the news from both him and John that Rodney was depressed.
It's been a long time since I've gotten together with Rodney for lunch or even a private meeting, but I still accept responsibility for not noticing his condition. After all, I have known and worked with Rodney longer than anyone here. Since he is a friend and head of the science department, I should be aware of his problem.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but of no help to me right now. I need to see Rodney and make sure he's all right and try to find out what happened. Kate will need to be involved in his recovery as well.
Carson sees me enter and nods letting me know it's all right to head toward Rodney's bedside. I find him at the very end of the infirmary where it's probably the quietest.
Rodney appears asleep, but his face is pale and he looks very tired. His eyes have dark circles under them making me suspect that he hasn't been sleeping well. I know he spends many nights in his lab getting little if any sleep. I will have to address that problem with him before he makes himself ill.
There's a chair next to his bed and I pull it up next to his bedside, so I can face him. He seems to still be sleeping, so I gently pick up his hand. It's been ages since I've even been this close to the man and I wonder where all the time has gone. My other hand seems to reach out on its own to brush softly against his cheek, just like the time he was on the gate room floor, after saving us from the energy being. He was so brave then; both Colonel Sheppard and I were amazed that he did that. It was just one of the many surprises that Rodney McKay had in store for us.
He stirs in his sleep and I continue to brush his cheek wanting to say something to him, but knowing he's not awake to hear it. As I look at his face I see the extra weight that he has put on, it could be from living on energy bars and MRE's as they're full of calories. I remember when I met him, how thin he was and how he seemed so arrogant; for some reason though, we got along, he listened to me and we worked well together. I like to think that was because of mutual respect and eventually friendship. He has always been there for me, when I needed help and protected me as well.
When he stepped in front of me to protect me from Kolya, I was more than grateful; it was such a brave thing to do and I'll never forget that.
As I said Rodney has many surprises inside him and we haven't seen them all.
I know he's made mistakes, but I can forgive him for that as long as he doesn't repeat them. Putting his life in danger on Doranda wasn't acceptable to me; I couldn't afford to lose him, or John for that matter. Both of them are important to Atlantis and to me; I value both of their friendships.
His eyes are opening now and he seems to know I'm here, so I take my hand away from his face, but continue to hold his hand wanting him to know that he has my support.
"Yes, Rodney. I'm here. How are you feeling?" I ask him.
He looks at me and I smile for him, wanting him to know that everything is all right.
Rodney's POV
Elizabeth is here, and I must say I'm surprised to see her. She's never stayed with me when I've been here before. Probably thought it wasn't proper. However, she's here now and I'm pleased; she has that special smile on her face that I like to think is just for me. I never see her use it on anyone else, so call me silly, but that smile is mine.
"I don't feel so good, but Carson has me medicated up to my forehead, so it's ok, " I answer her.
"Do you want to tell me what happened to you? If you're too tired it can wait."
I decide to tell her, It's the truth, so why not say it.
" It's OK. After Sheppard was injured, I was taking him back to the jumper when one of our pursuers got lucky and used me for target practice. With all that was happening, I didn't realize I'd been hit. Sheppard may be skinny, but he's very heavy. When I finally got the jumper back to Atlantis, I thought I'd thrown my back out again, I didn't know I'd been shot. I must have been in a daze cause when I finally called out for help, it was too late, everyone had left."
Elizabeth smiles at me, "Carson has advised his medical people that from now on, everyone on the mission is checked immediately for injuries with no exceptions, so that this doesn't happen again."
I nod in agreement, really feeling stupid. I tell myself that I did try however, to let people know I had a problem, just not hard enough.
" So, you're going to be all right, but I want you to talk to Kate. Carson and John are worried about you."
I look at her unhappily, what did I say to them? I can only remember bits and pieces from last night. I know John was here and I must have said something to either him or Carson to warrant getting Kate involved.
"You know I'd rather not. I'm fine, Lizabeth."
She shakes her head, "No, you're not. This is not a request, Rodney. You will see Kate. "
Her faces changes from serious to smiling, "Do it for me?"
There it is again, my special smile. How can I refuse when she smiles at me like that. I want to be angry, but I let it go. Maybe I do need someone to talk to, after all.
Carson's face suddenly appears behind Elizabeth and he looks at me critically.
"Are ye up to some more company?"
My eyes widen, who could it be? I nod as Elizabeth smiles at me again and moves from the chair.
To my surprise, Ronon, Teyla, Radek, and Sheppard appear together. They surround me.
I don't know what to say.
Teyla walks up to me with Ronon right beside here.
"Rodney, I want to apologize for not realizing that you were injured. It was wrong to ignore you and trust me when I say it won't happen again."
Teyla 's so sincere in what she's saying, how could I ever refuse to accept her apology.
"It's ok, I know it was my fault as well."
Ronon looks at me, "What she said goes for me too."
I nod, "Ok, I forgive you too."
Sheppard is smiling now, "So we've all made up, let's give the man some air."
Radek steps up, "Good to see you better, Rodney. Everyone signed this card for you. "
He hands me a get well card with a whole lot of comments and signatures on it. I start to blush.
"Thanks, Radek, tell everyone Thank You for me."
Sheppard is grinning like a fool, and somehow I know he's behind this, but I appreciate the effort and everyone's attempt to cheer me up. No one's ever done that before.
"I don't know what to say to all of you, but Thank You." Everyone is looking at me now smiling.
Sheppard gets the last word in, "Just don't let it go to your head."