The Robin





FlamedraSeer7213: Before the Series begins. Just a small bit of fluff I thought would be nice. …Please go "Aww"… PLEASE!! It's a Oneshot, don't kill me!!

Disclaimer: Naruto never will be mine… never!!

"Wai! It's so pretty!" Six year old Haruno Sakura exclaimed, looking at the beautiful red crested robin, perched on a branch. "Yes Sakura, its pretty isn't it?" Ino asked, smiling at the joy reflected in her eyes. "You know, the robin comes only when spring begins. This is when the Sakuras start to bloom." They laughed and continued home.

"Good night Ino!" Sakura waved and started home herself. Looking up she saw the robin in the branches. "Hello Mr. Robin! It's nice to see you again!" The robin gave a small chirp in reply. "I wish I could bring you home…"

Meanwhile, Sasuke Uchiha was bitterly walking down the streets. "Stupid brother… I want Okaa-san!" He angrily thought, wiping the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. "Hello Mr. Robin! It's nice to see you again!" He looked forward and saw a pink haired girl looking at a small robin in the branches. "I wish I could bring you home…" she muttered, and Sasuke smirked a bit. That was a request he could grant. He threw a kunai at the bird, catching it in the chest.

Sakura gave a horrified cry and the bird fell from the branch. Looking around, she saw the young Uchiha. "Why did you do that to Mr. Robin!?" She demanded, crying. He looked confused. "You said that you wanted to bring him home…" "But not dead!!" She picked up the small bird and ran. Sasuke followed her in confusion.

She buried the small bird in her backyard, with the tombstone that said, "Mistah Roben", respectively. Sakura got so upset that she ran into her room.

A few minutes later, there was a small knock at the door. Mr. Haruno answered. Outside was Sasuke. "Can I see her?" He asked in a small voice. "See who?" "Pink Hair." "Oh I see, you mean you want to see Sakura?" A small nod. "Okay, hold on. Sakura! Someone's here to see you!"

Soon Sakura came down the stairs, wiping her eyes. She froze when she saw Sasuke. "Go away!" She screamed. He hesitated and then held out something in his hands. "Here!" he declared, holding out a small carved figure.

Blinking, she took it from his trembling hands. It was a small detailed carving of the robin. She was speechless, it was perfect. Looking down, she noticed the bandages on his hands. Gathering all her courage, she looked up at his onyx eyes and said. "Thank you Uchiha-san."

He grunted and replied, "Please call me Sasuke." She nodded and asked, "Would you like to eat with us… Sasuke-kun?" He gave the first real smile since his family was killed and replied softly, "I would like that… Sakura-chan."