Summary: Andros has lost everything that ever meant something to him… did he?


Chapter 60

Ashley was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, a hand stroking her stomach. Karone sat cross-legged on the floor with a box on either side of her. The blonde pulled out a pink dress with a flower at the waist from one of the boxes.

"Oh, this one is cute!" She cooed. "This is definitely a keep."

"Hell no." Ashley shook her head. "Did people forget I'm the yellow ranger and therefore if the baby is a girl she's in line to receive the yellow morpher? Anyway, I'm not dressing my kid up in pink. It's a pretty colour, but it's not going to happen, no way."

"It's a gift and it would look so cute on a little girl." Karone protested. "You can't put it in the discard pile. I won't let you."

"Well, if you like it that much, why don't you take it for your baby?" Ashley suggested.

Karone's face fell and she cast her eyes down.

"I'm sorry." Ashley quickly amended. "I didn't mean…"

"No, it's okay." Karone sighed. "It's going to be hard, but I've made up my mind. I'm… I'm keeping my baby, even if I have to do this alone."

"You won't be alone." Ashley assured her. "You've got us. And by the time you give birth, Andros and I should have this baby thing just about down. You can cheat off of us and we'll help you out where you need it."

Karone looked up and tears shone in her eyes. "Thank you."

"Go on, make a Karone pile."

Karone nodded and folded the dress, placing it beside the already existing piles in front of her. They went through more of the content of the boxes, the discard pile growing faster than the others. Karone considered the ever growing pile for a moment and looked up at Ashley.

"What are you going to do with the things we don't want anyway?" She asked curiously.

"The others are due for a visit from Earth soon. They'll be on break in a few days and since they won't be able to visit until the next one after the baby is born, they're coming now to throw me something they call a baby shower. I'm giving it to them to donate on Earth so no one here will be offended." Ashley explained.

"Good call." Karone giggled.

"Well, if you have friends on other planets, why not abuse having them?" A voice laughed from the door.

"Andros!" The two girls exclaimed happily.

Karone's face fell when she spotted the person standing behind Andros. Fear gripped her heart when Andros's next words left his mouth.

"Ash, we need to talk."

Karone watched with terror in her eyes as Ashley got up and disappeared downstairs with Andros. She dropped her eyes back down to the piles in front of her and busied herself with needlessly straightening them.

"Karone?" His voice was soft and hesitant, but she refused to look up and see the anger and hurt that was sure to be in his eyes.

His footsteps were soft on the carpet and she saw him crouch down next to her from the corner of her eyes. Still she refused to look at him.

"Have you decided what you want to do yet?"

"I'm having my baby." She whispered as quietly as she could.

"Good." His answer surprised her a little. "I'd feel responsible if you decided not you. And… I was wondering… Does your offer still stand?"

"What offer?" She looked up in surprise.

"When you came home, I asked you what you'd say if I'd offered you my ring right there and then. You said you'd ask me to marry you. Does that offer still stand?"

Karone's eyes fell on the ring in Zhane's trembling fingers.

"But… I'm carrying someone else's child."

"And I'm saying I don't care." Zhane smiled softly. "I love you. Yes, I was hurt when you told me and a little angry. But I've had time to think too this past week. I realised I had no reason to be angry at you. You had been honest about what happened between you and Leo from the start. I waited for you, because I loved you and I still love you. This… it doesn't change how I feel about you. And the apartment is just so empty and cold without you. I want to be with you and if that means this baby is part of the deal to have you in my life, I'll happily have the both of you."

Tears were rolling down Karone's cheeks as she started at the ring. Could she really do this to him? A quick look into his eyes gave her all the answer she needed and she threw herself into his arms, pouring out all her fears and uncertainties on his shoulder in a flood of tears. Zhane just sat there holding her close.

"I'll take that as a yes." He muttered into her hair.

Karone let out a chocked laugh and nodded against his shoulder.

The Kitchen

"I'm sorry." Andros sighed. "I know it's supposed to be my day off tomorrow, but they backed me into a corner where I couldn't do anything but agree to come in."

"It's okay." Ashley smiled, laying a hand against his cheek.

Andros smiled and leaned in to place a slow kiss on her lips.

"You are too good to me." He muttered into the kiss.

"And you are too good to his colony." Ashley replied, pulling away. "Want a drink?"


"Do you think we should've left them alone?" She asked as she busied herself getting them both something to drink.

"You haven't seen Zhane this past week. He's been looking ever more lost." Andros shrugged. "And he asked if he could come over to talk to Karone. How could I refuse when I know they've got a lot to talk about. It'll be good for them to at least clear the air."

"True." Ashley agreed, handing him a glass.

Andros took her hand and guided her back into the living room and to the couch where they curled up together. Simply enjoying a quiet moment together while they still had them. Ashley was slowly nodding off against Andros's shoulder when Zhane and Karone appeared downstairs. Zhane's ring shone on her finger again and they were holding onto the other's hand tightly.

"So, will you two stay for dinner before going home?" Andros asked with a grin.

A/N: It's a bit short, but it says all I needed it to say. This monster is slowly crawling to its close. I hope to be able to wrap it up completely before I reach chapter 70 without rushing the ending too much.