Yondaime-kun: I'm still doing the HinaNaru fic. But now, I want to try a SasuSaku fic. It's a mix between Kaleido Star and Naruto. However, there will be OC's and there are only two. First chapter only.

Disclaimer: I'll never own Naruto, Kaleido Star, and any books used. Only things that I own are Kari and Ji (Other Characters).



"Inner Sakura"

Hi everyone. My names Haruno Sakura, I'm fifteen years old and I start junior high at the Academy that I go to in Tokyo, Japan. I'm part of the kendo team at my school. I dislike people who hate me for my hair color. Yes, that's right. My hair color, you see, my hair color is pink. Which by the way is unnatural, so people insult that. As well as my forehead because it's huge to some people. Really it's not that huge. Well, to some people it is, but that's not the point. My dream is to become the next Kaleido Star like Miss Kurenai. She's so great when she's on the stage. I decided on this when I first saw her in Alice in Wonderland. Her performance was so beautiful. When I saw her, I was in awe. I just couldn't believe it. I of course saw this when I was a little kid with my parents. Two years later, however, my father died from heart failure and my mother was all alone. When I turned fourteen, my mother had cancer so I really could do nothing about this. She died two days before my fifteenth birthday. So, I now live with my foster parents in Japan.

"Kari," I said, "I want to go to Kaleido Stage in America."

Kari, my foster mom said, "No Sakura, you're still too young."

"This is my dream. I want to do this."

"Listen to Kari," said Ji, he's my foster father, "She's right."

"I just want to go and experience this. Listen, if I don't make it, I'll quit my dream and go to the Academy to study. I'll also go to college to become a doctor." That's right, a doctor. That's what my foster folks want.

After I said this, the two looked at each other and allowed me to go. 'Yes,' I thought, 'I'm going to become the next kaledio star.'

"You got that right girl," said Inner me. Yes, I've got an inner personality. She's very annoying at times but she gives me great advice on things that are wrong.

'Well,' I thought, 'Let's get going.'

Later that night, I began to pack up my things that I'll need because I sent out my registration form to go to kaleido stage. My dream will finally come true. I hope.

The next morning, I went over to the gymnasium near the school where people do gymnastic routines. I haven't done this in ages so, I'm pretty nervous now. So, I walk in to find the place with gym bars and everything. I went to the desk to ask the person there if there was a person to over see my training. The lady said yes, so, another lady came out and helped up onto the bar. I began to do some of my old routines that I forgot. The lady was surprised by what I could do. So, I told her that I used to do gymnastics and that I'm trying out for kaleido stage. She then in return said, "You'll still need to practice. So, I'll help you out for the next week."

"Thank you," I said in return, "I hope to enter the stage and prove that I'm the best."

"You've got that right."

So, for the next five hours, I practiced my routines that I'll use for the kaledio stage. Next, I decided to go ice-skating because for some weird reason, I felt like it. So, I go in to the desk and ask for a pair of ice skates. The lady agreed and I began to skate. The music began to play and I felt motivated by it. So, I began to go around in a circle, but I fell about eight to nine times. Each time however, I got back up and tried again. That took me about another five hours and then it was time to go home.

At dinner that night, Ji and Kari talked to me about what my plans were for what I was doing to prepare myself. I then said, "I'm going to go ice-skating and to the gym to review some moves that I need to work on. I might also get some roller blades so that I could practice my skating if there is no ice."

"That's nice," said Kari, "I'm glad that you've finally found something that you'll put effort in."

"I know," said Ji, "I wish you the best of luck if you get accepted and I also want you to keep up on your kendo. You'll never know when it'll come in handy."

"Hai," I said, "I'll try my hardest and I will succeed. I'll never give up. So, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I hope to be able to actually join the stage. So, thank you."

The next morning, I got up and went to the blade shop where they had roller blades and I got myself a pair. I also saw a skateboard so I figured, why not? I got that and then I went to get a new katana. Why? Well, because I still need to practice my moves with the sword of course and also I'll need it if I can't get into kaledio stage. I'm so happy about this.

After I got my stuff, I went to the gym for about four hours so that I could do my moves and the woman there helped me out a lot. Next, I went ice-skating because I wanted to improve on how I skate. So, I learned how to do a spin in the air and another thing that I could stand on one leg and the other in the air. To me of course, it was still hard and I was still having trouble.

So, for the next three weeks, I kept practicing and I learned new things. My skateboarding was improving and so was my roller-skating. I was so happy when I was finally able to learn a few more things about ice-skating and gymnastics. Yes! I'm ready to go.

When I got home that night, Kari gave me a note that was from kaledio stage telling me to come to the auditions that were held in about two more weeks. Awesome, I so can't wait to go. So, I turned to Kari and asked, "Can I leave tomorrow?"

"Why," she asked.

"Because, I want to get used to the American environment and to be able to get used to how things go around there."

"Of course, I'll ask Ji when he gets home."

"Ask me what," said Ji as he opened the door to the kitchen.

"Sakura wants to leave tomorrow instead of two days before the auditions. She got accepted into auditions."

Ji turned to me and said, "Congratulations."

"Thank you," I said, "I'm glad that you accept this. I might not be home for a long time if I make it. So, I want to say goodbye and that to celebrate, we can go to that one fancy restaurant…"

"How about we get ramen?"

"Fine with me."

So, that night, we went to eat ramen at the famous ramen stand that Ayame and her father ran. They've got the best ramen in Japan and it's really good. The miso ramen is the best. Ok so, actually, all their ramen is the best. Ayame asked me where I was going because my folks looked pretty sad and I said that I was going to America to become the next Kaleido star. "I'm so excited about it too," I said.

"I see," said Ayame and so she gave me a packet saying that if I ever want ramen, that she'll send it over by mail. In return I said, "Thank you, you really don't have to do this."

"Nonsense," she said, "It's the least I can do that my all time favorite person is leaving. Besides, you were our best customer. So, it's the least that we can do. I hope you come to visit the next time you come here."

"I will. Don't worry about it. I'll come back here even when I'm a big Kaleido star."

"I wish you luck then."

After we ate, Ji, Kari, and I went home so that I could a get night's sleep before my three o'clock plane flight to America. 'Man,' I thought, 'I can't believe that I'm leaving my home behind and travel to new places.'

"You got that right girl," said Inner me.

'Great, you're back. Again.'

"What do you mean by that?"

'It's what I mean. You're back to annoy me.'

"Well, it's my job. I'm joking."

'I'll see you in the morning.'


In my dream, I was standing on the Kaleido stage swing on the trapeze bars, flying in the air doing flips. Next to me was Miss Kurenai doing maneuvers with Mr. Asuma, her partner. I was so professional at this and I had a partner too. I couldn't tell who he was, but I didn't really care. All I cared about was my acrobatic moves and moves that I made up. It was so cool until I heard my alarm clock rang. 'Stupid alarm clock,' I thought, 'I was in a good dream too.'

"Sure you were," said Inner me, "Anyways, it's time for you to go. You do know that you've got to say goodbye to all of the other people that helped you?"
'I know. I also promised Ayame that I would stop by her ramen stand too to pick up a week supply of ramen.'

"You do know that you need to eat other stuff besides ramen right?"

'I know. But, still, it's only until I know how the food taste in America. I'm really excited.'

So, I got up out of my bed and did my usual routine. I then ran down the stairs, grabbed toast, and ran out the door. With my shoes of course and after that, I went to the gym and the ice-skating rank to say thank you to my sensei's who helped me out and they returned said that they were fine with helping me and wished me good luck.

At 1:30, Ji, Kari, and I went to the airport so that I would be there in time for the plane to take off. I was sacred of leaving, but excited at the same time. I said goodbye to Kari and Ji, and then I ran off to the plane so that I could leave to America.

The plane took off at 3:00, which was the time it was supposed to leave, and I was happy about that as well. I just can't wait to reach America.

At 4:15, I made it to America where I showed my passport to the guard and they let me through. They then pointed to the exit where I went to the place where bags moved around. When I saw mine, I picked it up and walked out of the airport. I saw some stores that looked interesting on the way to Kaleido stage and then I saw a restaurant that had pizza. 'I wonder what pizza taste like,' I thought.

"You never know," said Inner me, "why don't you try some?"

'I think I will.' After I thought this, I went to see if I had some American money and I did. Which was good by the way and I found that I had quite a bit. So, I actually had enough to by pizza and a credit card that I could use if I needed to get to a hotel. But first, pizza to eat and then a hotel, but that's if I don't find Kaleido stage by sunset. Which by the way, I hope that I do, but for now, a hotel will do.

So, I saw a restaurant that had pizza and I went to eat. I asked the waiter what type of pizzas they had and he named them all. Boy were there a lot and I decided to go with cheese because I didn't know what pizza tasted like and boy was it good. I then asked him if there were any job openings until next week. He then asked, "Why would you need a job until next week?"

"Oh," I said, "you see, I plan on joining Kaleido stage and I'm excited."

"I see," he said as he sat down, "Where are you from?"

"I'm from Japan."

"That's interesting."

"I know."

"Well, I wish you good luck and I do hope that you make it," he then stood up and said, "Bye then."

"Yep. You too."

"By the way, what's your name?"
"Sakura Haruno."

"Later Sakura. Oh, and I'm Kenji (OC). I hope to see you around."

"You too."

"If you do make it, can you tell when you start performing?"


I then left to find Kaleido stage when this guy came and stole my stuff. I look at the guy as he ran and yelled, "Hey. Don't touch my stuff."

As I yelled, I pulled out my skates and skated after the guy. 'That jerk,' I thought, 'he stole my stuff. He'll pay.'

"That's right," said Inner me, "He'll pay."

I jerked out of my thoughts as I skated toward the guy and of course, he just had to go through a crowd. So, I jumped up onto of some outside umbrellas and practiced some of my routines. I was so mad right now and people just looked at me in awe. I felt so proud of myself too. I'm the greatest.

A few minutes later, I bumped into this old guy who asked, "Is your name Sakura Haruno?"

"Yea," I said, "how do you know my name?"

"I'm Sartoubi, the boss of Kaleido stage."

"Oh. My bad, but your guy over there stole my stuff and…"

"He was just bringing them to Kaleido stage."

"Oh. My bad."

So, I got in his convertible and he drove to Kaleido stage where I was in awe. It looked so beautiful. Just like before. I then thought, 'Wow, I can't believe this is where I'll be working?'

"I know," said Inner me, "This is just awesome."

The boss and I finally entered Kaleido stage where I'll begin to fulfill my dream, of being the best Kaleido star and to surpass Miss Kurenai.

Yondaime-kun: that was my first chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it please review and don't flame and I'll update my other HinaNaru story. Until next time Ja ne.