Summary: When John Cena attends a book signing in Boston he comes across a woman that captures his heart almost immediately. What happens when these two become an unlikely couple and there are more than a few people who don't approve? Cena/OC/Shelton, Shane McMahon, Randy Orton, Candice, maybe Lita, maybe Carlito.
Chapter 1
Tyra Jackson lifted her eyelids and immediately squinted at the sunlight pouring in through the window of her grandmother's 14th floor apartment. Shivering a bit from the chilliness in her room, she threw the blankets back over her head dreading the long walk to Ray's bookstore, her current place of employment.
"Tyra baby wake up." She heard her grandmother, affectionately known as 'Gram", call to her through the door.
"Damn." She said to herself. That didn't take long.
So, with every ounce of energy she could muster, Tyra rose from her bed and dragged her feet across the cold floor. Today was a big day at Ray's. For the first time ever there would be a celebrity book signing. Some guy by the name of John Cena, a WWE wrestling superstar she had never heard of before. The fact that Tyra and her Gram only had one TV that played only two stations didn't help matters. Not that Tyra was on top of subjects relating to modern day pop culture, she wasn't, but whoever this John Cena guy was sure did create quite a stir in her neighborhood. John was apparently from the neighborhood two blocks away from hers and the book signing would go to benefit inner city kids. Neither neighborhood was much to brag about but Tyra's was much worse. Businesses had been closing down over the past several years no thanks to the growing crime rate, and crack houses were becoming the status quo. That's exactly why Tyra wanted out, and that's exactly why she forced herself into the shower instead of sleeping the morning away. She was saving money to some day go to college and she didn't care if she was 50 years old when the day would finally come, she was determined to get her degree.
"Damn! Gram, the water heater's busted again." Tyra called out as she tested the water coming from the shower. It was the second time this week that the Jackson's would be without warm water.
When Tyra entered Ray's bookstore she stomped the snow off her feet. Winter time in Boston totally sucked and regardless of how many winters she had lived through, Tyra would never get used to it.
"What's up Ray?" She asked as she saw her boss, Ray Woods, a somewhat crusty old black man who despite his bitter exterior was a real softy at heart.
"Tyra, I need you get those tables ready, our special guest will be here any minute." He ordered.
Tyra simply shrugged her shoulders and did as Ray asked. She was used to him barking orders and it didn't bother her in the slightest. She had overcome way too much in her lifetime to let an old fart like Ray get to her.
"Damn Tyra, you looking good baby." A voice from behind called out to Tyra.
"Thanks Anthony. You know you don't have to tell me that everyday." She reminded him, her co-worker and friend.
Anthony smiled. Truth be told he had a crush on Tyra, and who wouldn't. She had the smoothest choc lately colored skin he had ever seen. Her eyes were wide and her full lips only helped to enhance her gorgeous smile. The coolest thing about Tyra though was the fact that she rarely wore make-up. All her beauty was natural. Halle Berry hand nothing on this girl.
Anthony smiled back at Tyra and gave her a "you can't see me" hand wave in front of his face. Anthony was a young black man of about 18 and he was a wrestling fanatic. That fact that John Cena would be appearing at any moment was a dream come true for him.
"What the hell was that?" Tyra asked, the John Cena reference being lost on her.
Anthony rolled his eyes.
"Cena man, that's what he does in the ring. It's like his thing you know what I mean?" Anthony explained.
Tyra found Anthony's enthusiasm to be quite entertaining and cute. She couldn't understand though how anyone could get so involved in watching a bunch of guys covered in baby oil and wearing tights roll around in a ring together. But whatever, young guys had to excursive their homoerotic thoughts somehow, and wrestling must have been it.
"You're a trip Anthony." Tyra told him and then turned away to finish stocking away books.
As Tyra finished cleaning up she peaked outside the window. There, stretched out around the corner was a long line of people waiting to meet John. Some of them had been standing out there since Tyra arrived. She couldn't believe the dedication these fans had. They were willing to stand around in 20 degree weather just to get an autograph from Cena. As Tyra laughed to herself about the absurdity of it all she heard Ray call out.
"He's heard!"
Tyra turned immediately toward the back door where John had entered. Coming in through the front way would have caused too much of a commotion and John's people (his publicist in particular), didn't want any of that happening.
Even though Tyra knew nothing about John, she couldn't help but to be curious. There had been so much talk about him from Anthony that she wanted to see for herself what was the big deal.
As John walked over and took a seat behind the table where he would be signing autographs, Tyra looked in his direction hoping he wouldn't see her staring.
"Damn!" She said to herself as John's eyes fell on hers for a half second.
How could he not see her, the bookstore itself was very small and the only ones inside were John, his publicist, Ray Anthony and Tyra. Surely John would see Tyra standing there at some point.
Tyra though was completely mortified. "Maybe he didn't see me stare. Maybe he was looking at something else" she thought to herself. So, again, she peaked over at John.
"Damn, damn, damn." Tyra said to herself. That's twice he had caught her staring.
So far things weren't getting off to the best of starts.
"Tyra. Go get Mr. Cena some water." Ray ordered his loyal employee.
Tyra rushed off and did as Ray told her. When she came back and approached John she held her head down to the floor. She was still quite embarrassed from their exchange of glances. As she got closer she noticed right away his smile and the fact that he was smiling right at her. How could she ignore those dimples? And even though John was wearing a Celtics ball cap, she could tell he had some of the most gorgeous eyes she had ever seen.
"Thank you." John said as Tyra placed the water carefully before him.
Tyra smiled back and ran a hand over her silky hair. As she stepped backwards though she tripped over a book lying on the floor and fell to the ground. John immediately rose from his chair to help her up.
"You okay?" He asked.
Tyra got up as quickly as she could and brushed herself off. There were no words for her humiliation now.
"I'm fine. Just a little clumsy I guess." She told John.
As John watched Tyra scamper off in embarrassment he couldn't help but to smile. He also made a mental note to himself. Before he left the bookstore he wanted to be sure that Tyra no longer felt stupid.