Well this was a really late update. It was pointed out to me that there are two people on each team with the same beginning letter of their first name. Besides team seven that is. It was completely unintentional. I should tell you who's parents are whose:

Ami (Team Lee): No known parents

Amida (Team lee): Lee and someone

Haru (Team Lee): No one known

Kei (Team tenten) :Neji and Tenten

Kisho (Team Tenten): No one known

Masa (Team Tenten): Sai and someone

Nami (Team Kiba): Ino and Choji

Rafu (Team Kiba): Kiba and someone

Raidon (Team Kiba): Shino and someone

The next morning Ryo woke up and stretched. Tora opened her golden eye to look at him and he was unnerved.

'Why anyone gave Lief a tiger is beyond me.' thought Ryo. Slowly his team woke up around him except his sensei. Lief was trying to wake him up but to no avail.

"Well, my mom says he likes ramen. It's worth a shot." said Ryo. "NARUTO SENSEI! WAKE UP AND GET THE RAMEN!!!" Naruto sprang up.

"Where is the ramen?!" demanded Naruto. Ryo banged his head on his backpack.

"Naruto-sensei, we have to go." said Blaze. The four set off and soon reached Suna.

"Here we are." said Naruto. Lief gazed around, she was riding Tora but Suna looked so different.

"Wow." said Blaze, Suna looked like the bustling foreign marketplace city that Blaze had imagined.

"Lets get to the Kazekage tower and find out what were doing," said Naruto.

"But don't you know what were doing sensei?" asked Ryo.

"No, I tested in Konoha. This is our first year testing in Suna." said Naruto. They met up with Tenten, Kiba, Lee and their teams outside the Kazekage's tower. Lief had to keep talking in low growls to Tora to keep Tora from eating Refu's dog.

"Hey! Keep that thing away from Koinu!" yelled Refu holding the black and white puppt to his chest.

"I'm trying." said Lief through gritted teeth, then her hair parted slightly and two tiger ears sprouted forth, along with a tiger tail. "Yes!" she said exitedly.

"What?" asked Blaze.

"I finally got part of the transformation down!" she said. Then she gritted her teeth again and made the sign of the tiger to channel chakra through her body. The tail and ears dispaeared and Tora was much quieter.

"Well, come in." said a voice. The group of sixteen turned and saw Kankuro.

"Hey Kankuro!" yelled Naruto.

"Ah, so you got your own team?" asked Kankuro.

"Believe it!" yelled Naruto.

"Well, that surprises me. I'm going to run the first exam. It's a written exam." Kankuro said, then ushered the genin into the building.

"Come on." The jounin followed Kankuro into an office like room to see the other sensei's.

"See ya Kankuro!" yelled Lee.

"Yeah, whatever." Kankuro left to go check out the exams.

Lief's POV:

There was a room filled with nin that I didn't know. Tora was helping me blaze a path through the crowd to the back. Then, Kankuro came into the room.

"Listen up!!" he yelled. "The first exam is a writing exam. Now, please take on of these number cards and find the seat that corresponds with it." My card said '4', so, I'm in the front row. Kankuro explained the rules about the exams and the nine questions. The papers were passed out and I read the first question. I racked my brain for something and scratched Tora's head. I saw her eyes, they were reflecting an answer from the paper next to me.

"Stay like that," I told her in an almost silent growl. I copied the answers down.

Blaze's POV:

My card said '19' so, I sat in that seat. The papers were passed out and I looked at the questions.

'These are impossible,' I thought. I scratched my head and took up my pencil. I couldn't cheat without them knowing, I knew that. I wonder what I'm gonna do. . . I got it!! I looked at Lief who was a few seats bellow me. She looked up and I saw her eyes change, now they mirrored her answers on the paper. I copied them down and looked at them. She had obviously copied from a pretty smart kid, almost all of the answers were correct. I made small changes to make sure that the judges didn't think I copied.

Ryo's POV:

I knew that I couldn't activate my sharigan and I was stuck. Then I saw something shine and I looked to Lief. Her eyes mirrored the answers on her paper so I looked into her eyes. I copied the answers on my paper and sat back. I wonder how Lief got the answers. . . Ah well. I sat back in my chair and began to think about Lief. I don't even know what I like about her, then my attention wandered to her past. When she said that she had seen red eyes. . . I blinked. My brain finally forged the connection; my dad had helped kill her clan, I can't like her anymore!! This sucks. . .

End POVs:

"Alright everyone!" yelled Kankuro. "The final part of this section of the exams is here. There is one rule though; if you do not want to take this part of the est kindly stand now. You will be disqualified. However your whole team is disqualified as well. Now, if you don't back out and you fail you will never be able to take the exams again." A few gasps passed from the people in the room as they looked at their teammates for answers.

"We stay," Blaze mouthed at Lief she noeeded and Blaze mouthed the same message to Ryo. Ryo nodded vigorously and braced himself for the final question. Others filed out around them leaving a total of around forty out of the hundred that had been before.

"Every one in this room passes." said Kankuro. Blaze closed his eyes in satisfaction and smirked. Lief let out a sigh that disturbed the sheet of fabric covering her mouth and nose and Ryo stood up and cheered.

"Are they ready for the next exam?" asked female voice. Everyone turned around and saw a woman with blond hair, pink eyes and a rugged face. Her hair was cut above her shoulders and she carried two poles on her back.

"Yes Mimiko." said Kankuro.

"Right then, follow me." said Mimiko. Everyone filed out and met up with their teams. Lief, Ryo and Blaze nodded to eachother and Tora helped them get through the crowd to stand at the front.

"This is the second part of the exams. Your task is to survive in the desert for a week, looking for these." Mimiko held up a handful of purple gems. "They are scattered far and wide in this desert, you one week to do this task. Your will start on my signal."

Long chapter for long wait. Review please.