A/N: I'm so sorry I took so long to update…again. Well, I don't really have an excuse so I won't try and butter you up. Anyhow, I'm kind of writing this as I go so it might be crap, I don't know.
Disclaimer: I so own it I'm the wonderful JP under disguise, mwwaahahhahahha!!!!!! No, I'm NOT serious, gosh. Do you think I look like a guy? I am so offended! I'm a girl, scratch that, a lady (that's fun to say, a lady, sorry rant over).
I woke up to the searing light of the outside world.
"Wha…?" I heard a mumbled voice as warm breath tickled my neck. I looked over at the alarm clock, 7:13. The alarm was going to go off in two minutes, Mrs. Martinez, I still didn't like calling her Jordon it just didn't feel right, had signed us up for the school nearby. The one Ella went to. The only worry I had other then erasers, Jeb, Ari, The School, death, and everyday life, was the teenagers who tried to beat up Ella. I mean they could recognize me and make life here a hell of a lot harder than it should be. I still have their images stuck in my head, years of running and evil people can do that to you.
"Max, earth to max", Fang was waving a hand in front of my face, the other was around my waist, I most of zoned out again.
"Hey, Mornin'" I smiled remembering last night, no we didn't go all the way but we did get pretty close, I'm only 14, remember?
"Sleep well?" That's my Fang always worrying.
"Best sleep I've had in years, scratch that…ever." I smiled showing him he was the reason I slept so well. I can't explain it, I just fell…safe around him. I slowly slid out from under the covers, I was wearing a pair of black and white checkered boxers, which were way to big and showed my butt crack which Fang didn't mind at all. After that I slid in the shower and let the heat relax me, well as relaxed as I could get. I turned it off after a deep cleaning and changed into some of my NEW clothes. It had been 8 days since we first came here. We had gotten some new clothes and stuff.
I'd already told Mrs. Martinez about everything to do with the erasers, so she knew almost everything about us. The only thing I kept from her was that Angel could read and control minds. Why I kept it from her I don't know, I guess we just needed some things to stay a secret.
When Fang and I got down stairs I saw that Iggy was already serving breakfast with the little ones waiting like baby hawks for their mother to feed them.
"Shut your mouth Nudge you'll attract flies" She quickly shut her mouth which was hanging open at the smell of the food.
Mrs. Martinez came in then, wearing a white coat I might add. We all froze in shock; even though I knew it was her veterinarian coat I couldn't move.
"What's wrong you guys?" Mrs. Martinez asked a worried expression on her face.
Fang was the one who got up the courage to talk, "take the coat off Mrs. Martinez." She creased her brow questioning what was going on without words; she slid the coat off any way and threw it in the closet.
"What was that about?"
I decided to answer, "Well, when we were…experimented on, the scientists wore white lab coats."
"Ohh, I'm terribly sorry I won't put on my coat until I get to work from now on, O.K?"
"That'll be great, thanks." I shot daggers at every one and so they mumbled their appreciation, still a little shocked from the memories that rushed by from seeing the coat.
"I think it's time for you guys to catch the bus." Mrs. Martinez told us. We all got our newly bought backpacks and headed off to our first day of school.
OMG, I had no Idea how crowded a bus could be! I'm sweating bullets here! When we finally came to a stop at the school all six of us RAN as fast as we could to open air.
Lucky for us, the town was so small the elementary and high school was all in one building, so we didn't have to break up.
We went to the office to get our schedules and a little old lady lead us to the principal. We all walked in and stood by the door; I looked around and immediately spotted a 3'x4' window. We could easily break the glass then jump through…
"Hello children, I'm Mrs. Wing, I'm the principle here at Eagle Flight." O.K. is this suppose to be funny 'cause I'm cracking up inside, if only they knew. I looked at Angel and she nodded.
He's clean, nothing out of the ordinary, but he does think Fangs hot, how gross!!!
"Here are your schedules, oh and Jeff", which was Iggy, "you're in all the same classes as Nick and Maxine"
"It's just Max" I corrected, I hate the name Maxine.
"O.k. Max. Jeff, I also got you an escort that will always stay with you to help show you around." Oh oh, Ig's won't like that.
"That won't be necessary; he's really good at finding his way around especially with Max and Me to help him." Fang stated in a stern but still respecting tone.
"Alrighty, if you think so then I'll tell our escort that he won't be needed. You can all go now if you don't have any questions." I was really starting to like this guy.
A/N: Nothing really happened but I hope you still like it. I know I don't. Sorry there wasn't much Faxness. I have a question though, how do you do the thing where you put a line on the page to show when one thing ends and another starts?
Marie47 out