Disclaimer: I do not own rights to Kingdom Hearts and all characters of. All rights go to Square-Enix and Disney. SORA:16, Kairi:16



Hey, my name is Sora! I live with my sister, Kairi and my mom. My dad had died in a plane crash a few years ago and my mom is still trying to find a nice place to settle in for. So right now we're heading to Destiny Island.

" Landing in Destiny Island gummie port in approximately ten minutes." I heard the pilot say through the intercom.

" You hear that we're almost there." My mom said excited.

" Yeah! You hear that Sora we're almost in hell!" Kairi mocked quietly to me.


Sorry it's so short, I promise to make longer chapters next time

SORA: What are you gonna do?

KAIRI: Where am I in all that blabbering?

SORA: it was my thoughts.

ME: Yeah and any way chapter two is all about you! HAHAHAHAHA

KAIRI: really

ME: Really

KAIRI: Really, really.

ME: Only if you shut up.


Rated: M for mature content, Possible Yaoi, Yuri, Language