Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the show "The Fairly Odd Parents"...(mutters) but I wish I did. (gets hit on the arm.) OW! What!

Summary: The gang is in their Senior year of high school. After years of wanted his attention, is Tootie finally winning Timmy over? And more importantly, with the new guy from Ohio named Taylor hanging around, will Tootie even want Timmy? Trixie and Veronica have finally lost it. They're going on a "popularity" power trip that makes "Mean Girls" look like afternoon tea. And with everybody as their targets, what is anybody to do?

BUZZ...BUZZ..BUZZ..The alarm clock went off with a obnoxious buzzing that made her wake up with an irritation every single morning. The very sound of it made her want to scream in annoyance. This was how she woke up every day, in a repetitive schedule of emotions:

5:45 : Wake up; irritated by the irritating sound of buzzing that scraped her nerves. (why couldn't the dumb clock beep instead?)
5:47 : Go to the bathroom to brush teeth; critical of her reflection staring back at her. Your hair shouldn't be black. Your skin is too pale. Are your teeth shifting back again? Your contacts seem to be making your eyes red. Your eyebrows don't have enough arch... This was followed by a feeling of sadness. She felt too plain. She felt she wasn't pretty, and looking at her reflection seemed like a painful reminder. She forced herself not to look at her reflection as was her general routine.
5:53 : Go through closet, and find something to wear; chagrined that no matter what she wore, she'd never get Timmy to notice her as more than a friend. This was followed by a self-scolding, chastising herself for being ungrateful. At least he acknowledges you now. Can't you be glad over that? Before, he wouldn't even talk to you, and at least now he says hello to you at school. This was followed by shame over her "ungratefulness", and anger over the fact that no matter how grateful she was, it wasn't going to get attention from any guy.
6:00 : Eat breakfast, satisfied by wicked daydreams of various ways of Trixie's downfall: Trixie starting a fight with Tootie, followed by Tootie swiftly taking her down, and Timmy realizing his undying love for her...Trixie as a dragon trying to destroy Tootie, and Timmy as her knight in shining armor...Trixie falling from the top of the cheerleading pyramid, and breaking a leg... all of which would never happen because Tootie was too nice of a person.
6:30: Drive to school; anxiously mentally preparing herself for another day of torture, reminding her of how friendless she was, how she'd never have a relationship, how she'd never be anything more than "that cute geek who used to stalk Timmy" and "that hot nerdy girl". Cute...hot...hmph. I must not be that cute, considering guys are too worried about their social status to date me...

Repeat every day for the whole school year.

Before she knew it, she was at school. She parked her car in the student parking lot of Dimmsdale High School, home of the Dimmsdale Dodos.

She sighed. Despite all of the negative feelings she had during the morning, she was normally her cheery self by the middle of first period. She dragged herself into the school, braced for another day.

Finally, lunch. The one place where everyone acted like school was a nightclub. Where guys tried to hit on girls, only to get hit themselves, where girls primped to impress guys, and where couples basically did nothing but guess what their signifigant other ate for lunch by trying to get a taste themselves, with the occasional hand wandering to places they shouldn't be at all, especially during school.

She scanned the cafeteria, and smiled when she saw the few people that tolerated her. She walked over and sat down by Chester, across from A.J. and Timmy. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Tootie." A.J. and Chester said. Timmy just gave a small smile and proceeded to eat his lunch. Even though Tootie hadn't done anything to bug him since they were 12, he was a little paranoid that she might relapse. She was going to prove him wrong.

He looked up at her again, and instantly, her heart fluttered. She loved his eyes. They were a piercing blue, and slightly hidden behind his brown hair, which was now shaggy. On his head, he wore a backwards pink baseball cap. He was dressed in a pink button down shirt, which he had open, to reveal a white tee shirt underneath, He wore the traditional baggy jeans, but had the sense to pull them up after falling over them. But even with them pulled up, they had the baggy look everyone tried to aquire. And on his feet were black and white sneakers.

He had changed his look quite a bit since he was ten. But then again, so had she. She now wore her hair down, and it fell, resting below her shoulders. She wore plain tee shirts that fit her enough to show curve, but were loose enough to keep her from looking like she were running for "slut of the year", and a pair of jeans, with white sneakers.

A lot had changed since they were ten. Tad and Chad were no longer the "dangerous duo", since Tad moved away. But Chad, Trixie and Veronica ruled the school twice as hard as they used to, as if to make up for Tad, tenfold. Trixie and Timmy went on one date in the eighth grade, but Trixie was too preoccupied with everything else to pay any attention to Timmy.

In the ninth grade, Veronica nearly lost her mind, stalking him in secret, fearing somebody would find out. She even tried to seduce him. That way, if anyone found out that the two were together, she could quickly blame Timmy, and say he was blackmailing her. Then, all blame would be pointed towards him, and she'd get off scotch free. Fortunately, Timmy feared Veronica too much to even think about doing ANYTHING with her.

And now, Trixie and Veronica were the most popular girls in school, and their popularity status shot up more because they were seniors. And who doesn't want to be like the most popular girls in school, especially when they're seniors in high school? So Trixie flounced around school in a white mini skirt and boots, with a tight purple sweater that was so tight that guys always looked at her, in case the seams of the shirt should rip and reveal her to the world. Tootie still didn't understand why Timmy still liked the girl. She was even more of a B-tch than she used to be, and was borderline powertrip. She had started nasty umors about Tootie and even though they never lasted long, they still hurt. Rumor had it she had even slept with a teacher so that she wouldn't fail the class. But that was only rumor of course. The thing that surprised Tootie was that despite the fact that it was believable, and despite the fact that everybody talked about it every day, nobody believed it, and no higher authority was looking into it, or even considering investigating it.

Veronica, on the other hand, basically walked around in dark denim mini skirts, and tank tops so tight that her breasts seemed to spill out of them. However, they weren't the only ones to change. The Boil kid, who's name was Elmer, had changed a lot too. Around eighth grade, the boil went away. He let his red hair get a little messy, and he dyed his hair so it wouldn't be so bright. He ended up looking like he had reddish brown hair, and dyed the ends of it black. He started wearing all black clothing, and ended up becoming "emo". Much to his surprise, this attracted a lot of girls. Turns out he was cute when his face cleared up, leaving some freckles that only added to his charm. Despite the major change, he still remained friends with Timmy and the gang, and kept in touch after they moved to England, due to his dad being transferred.

Sanjay kept his hair neatly cut, and due to all of the military training from his dad, he developed some muscle. While he wasn't overly muscular, like Jorgen or his dad, he had just enough. The fact that his muscles weren't monstrous, and that he didn't let himself develop an ego were a few reasons why a lot of people looked up to him. He still dressed the way he used to, and the clothes hid the fact that years on the soccer team had blessed him. He exchanged the glasses for contacts, and he was all set.

A.J. was still bald, but it worked for him. He wore a variety of things, his favorite being jeans and tee shirts. He even found a sport he was good at. Baseball. Who would've known?

And Chester remained the same. He ended up cutting his hair, but kept it a little shaggy. He generally wore jeans and a black tee shirt with a blue button down shirt over it. A girl even developed a crush on him. She liked his personality, and his looks. Freckles on a 17 year old boy gave him the boyish teenager appearance that she liked.

Tootie looked away from Timmy, trying to appear disinterested. Everybody thought she was over him. She preferred to keep it that way. The less people knew, the better off she was. She saw a boy in the lunch line smile at her. He was cute, with curly blonde hair. He wore a dark purple faded tee shirt that advertised a rock band on it, and a long sleeved white shirt underneath. With it, he wore some jeans, and he wore a pair of sleek, light blue sunglasses. If stereotypes ruled her school, then everyone would probably say he was a surfer from a different region of California. But still, he seemed to be getting attention. Plenty of girls were looking over at him and giggling, but he seemed oblivious to it all.

After paying for his lunch, he walked over to where she was sitting. "Uh...hi. Is it ok if I sit with you guys?"

"Sure, man. Anyone is welcome to sit with us." Chester said. Even if stereotypes didn't rule too highly at Dimmsdale High, cliques more than made up for it. And it was painfully obvious.

The boy took a seat next to Tootie, and gave a friendly smile, which she returned.

"So, are you new?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah, I am." the blonde boy answered. "I just moved here from Ohio two days ago."

"Well, welcome to Dimmsdale, California." Tootie smiled again.

The boy did a dramatic gasp "Oh, thank you!" he joked and gave her a huge hug. "I've been waiting to hear those words for an eternity! Where have you been all my life?" he laughed, and so did everyone at the table. Tootie giggled, and blushed when she realized that her voice was a lot higher. She quickly spoke up before anybody could say something.

"So, uh, what's your name?"

"I'm Taylor." he smiled.

"I'm Timmy, he's A.J., she's Tootie, and he's Chester."

"Nice to meet all of you."

"Right back at ya, dude!" Chester grinned.

"So...Tootie..." he wore a quizzical grin.

"Actually, my name's Virginia." she quickly cut in, feeling a bit embarrassed by a nickname that never bothered her before, "I honestly would've preferred Jenny as a nickname, but I'm used to Tootie. I've had it for years.

Taylor's expression became more confused. " But if your name is Virginia, then how'd you end up with Tootie?"

Timmy, A.J. and Chester all broke out into outrageous laughter. Tootie blushed a bit, and glared at them. "It's a long story."

"Oh, no...please--" Timmy wiped a few tears from his eyes and lifted his head from his green notebook. " Go, on, Tootie--tel--tell him!"

"You're...gonna love this!" A.J. managed to say between laughs.

Taylor looked at Tootie, a puzzled look on his face. "Um...is this one of those things that I'm never going to get? Like the Matrix?"

"I wish it was." Tootie muttered.

"I bet you do!" Chester snickered.

Tootie crossed her arms, and glared at the three laughing boys. They were embarrassing her. She knew it was funny, and didn't blame them for laughing. In fact, when her parents first told her why they gave her that nickname, she found it to be the most hilarious thing on earth. But did they have to laugh so hard about it right now? In front of Taylor? She really didn't want him to know. Wait. she thought, Why do I care what Taylor thinks? I mean, sure he's cute, and stuff, but I just met him! We'll probably end up being just friends anyway. So why do I care so much? Just tell him. It's not like I like him or anything.

"My nickname is Tootie because...uh..." she trailed off, hesitant to say anything. "Because..." But she found she couldn't say it. She didn't want to. "Um, on second thought, I'll tell you later."

"I'll hold you to that." he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because they are." he started to laugh harder, " I guess laughter really is infectious." And soon Tootie was laughing too.

"So, Taylor, how did you like your first day at Dimmsdale High, home of the Dodo's?" Tootie made a face as she mentioned the mascot.

"Well, it was great! And then, you mentioned the mascot." he laughed. The group of friends were driving home, courtesy of Tootie's car, and soon they were all asking him questions about Ohio.

"So, is it really rural there?"

"No, actually, there are a lot of big cities there. And cute girls."

"Dude!" Chesters eyes lit up. "Why didn't you bring them!"

"Sorry, man. I'll remember that next time I go back." he rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"So, what kind of stuff do you have in Ohio that you don't have here?"


And so on went the conversation. After a while, Taylor stopped. "Well, this is where I break off from you guys."

"What do you mean?" Tootie asked, a little disappointed that he had to leave.

"I live that way," he pointed to the left, "and you guys live in the opposite direction."

"Well, hey, we can drop you off" A.J. offered.

"No, it's ok."

"Well, are you sure?" Timmy asked, "I mean, you really don't have to walk."

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll see you guys tomorrow, ok?" Taylor said quickly and before anyone could say anything, he jumped out of the car. "Thanks for the ride!"

"No problem." Tootie called, and pulled back onto the road.

"That was a bit strange." Chester said.

"Yeah, but hey, maybe he just doesn't want us to see his house yet. They just moved here. Maybe the yard is a mess or something." Tootie shrugged.

Timmy stared at her, curiosity building up. So he asked what seemed like a general question, "What do you guys think of Taylor? He's pretty cool."

"Yeah, definitely. "A.J. nodded in agreement.

"He's really funny. Love the Ohio sense of humor." Chester chuckled.

"Yeah. He's really cool..." Tootie said, a slight blush on her face. She knew Timmy was staring at her, and she wanted to look right back at him. But out of the corner of her eye, she was an expression she'd never seen before, and she wasn't sure whether or not she wanted to know what it was. But she was pretty sure he was scrutinizing her.

Whatever it was, she didn't care too much. She was just happy to be the center of his attention for once. But it felt strange. It was strange. Normally, if he was staring at her with such focus, he'd be the only thing on her mind. But he wasn't. In the back of her mind, she was thinking about Taylor.


I hope you like it! And don't worry, it's not a Mary-sue. There are no original characters in this story. (Dont let this confuse you.) lol. Please review and tell me what you think. I know this first chapter was boring, but it'll get better, I swear. I just had to get the informational stuff out of the way. Now you guys know how they met Taylor, and what they look like, and how everyone has changed. So now, we can get to the good stuff! (laughs evily.)