Ok, so I see that you do like my story XD thank you! Now like I said, this will have many suggestive themes, so go bye-bye if you no likey! Lol ok, leave me a little review and I'll be happy! Enjoy!

Cookie- talking

Cookie- thinking

Cookie- inner self


Caleb finally reached the food table and saw Eric eating a mini sandwitch. "You wanted to talk to me, Eric?"

"No, why would you think that?" Eric asked and ate another piece of the sandwitch.

"Oh, no reason", Caleb said, as he finally caught up to what Gerard was doing. Clever, but you aren't gonna separate us that easily, Caleb thought as he got a cheese stick (haha I'm eating a cheese stick XD) and walked to the balcony. There he saw the object of his affection. He had long ago realized that he was truly in love with the blonde haired girl.

Caleb joined Cornelia at the balcony, "It's nice out isn't it?" he asked taking a bite of the cheese stick.

"Yeah it is…" Cornelia replied, a little shocked because Caleb usually never made small talk with people. She decided to take advantage of this moment.

"Hey Caleb, this has been bothering me since forever…", Cornelia started.


"How did you beat that guy up? He was way older than you and now he can't even walk", Cornelia asked.


Cornelia was walking down the road with Taranee, because they just came from Nigel's party and their houses lived close by. Then suddenly, a man grabbed Taranee's purse and started to run off.

"Oh my god! No!", Taranee yelled as she stood still and Cornelia stared at the man with wide eyes.

"Oh no you don't!" Caleb's voice rang.

Caleb jumped from the roof down onto the man. The man fell with a groan as Caleb taking out a knife and put it skillfully dangerously near the man's throat.

"Give this nice young lady her purse back, NOW", Caleb threatened as he pressed the knife closer to his neck.

"No", the man said plainly and managed to kick Caleb off of him.

The man took out a few knives and threw them skillfully at Caleb, which he easily dogged.

"Bastard, you will regret that", Caleb yelled as he charged at him and punched his stomach, sending the man crashing to the wall. Caleb grabbed the man's neck and pressed him harder to the wall.

"Give me the purse now, or I will not hesitate to kill you", Caleb's voice was monetone, but something in it was dripping with venom.

The man weakily handed him the purse. Caleb took it quickly and kicked his stomach, "If I ever catch you doing this again, I will haunt you (Caleb is OOC, I told you)". The man fell unconcious to the floor and Caleb walked to Taranee and handed her the purse.

"Caleb…?" Cornelia stared at him in shock.

"Hnn", Caleb walked past them and proceeded to his house.

End Flashback…

"Well, you can say that ever since what happened with my family, I've been preparing myself to avenge them", Caleb replied.

"I see…", Cornelia said as she looked up at the sky.

"About earlier…" Caleb started but was cut off.

"I know, I know. It was the moment…I mean you really wouldn't have done that…would you?" Cornelia kept a strait face as she asked this, but a hint hope still came out through her voice.

"You're right…it was just in the moment", Caleb sighed.

What the hell are you doing? You know that you did that on purpose! Hey, if that stupid boy hadn't cut in, you would'be probably gone even farther! Caleb's innerself scolded.

Caleb took a quick glance at her as he finished up the cheese stick. Her expression almost destroyed him.

Now look what you did, you jack ass! You hurt her!

Caleb sighed softly, I shouldn't even be allowed to be around her! I only bring her pain! He continued to mentally beat himself up, when Cornelia's voice brought him back.

"Hey Caleb, I'm actually getting sorta drowsy…I think I'm gonna go home", Cornelia smiled sleepily.

"Oh ok, I'll walk you home; it's getting pretty boring so I might as well leave", Caleb said as he went back inside.

Cornelia's cheeks turned red. Did…did he just say he was gonna walk me home?

OMG! This is so awsome!

But it's weird, though. Every time I asked him to, he would say no.

Who cares, just take this opportunity!

Cornelia quickly ran up to him and the two went through the crowd of people and outside. It seemed much more peaceful outside.

"Hey Caleb…I've been wondering why you've been so nice to me…"Cornelia asked as Caleb gave her a confused look. "I mean…you usually never even give me a second glance", she explained as the two walked down the dark streets.

"I don't know what you mean…", Caleb knew he was lying, and so did Cornelia, but she decided not to push it.

"Don't you think the stars look beautiful?" Cornelia asked as she looked up at the sky. Most of the streetlights were off because majority of the residents were still at the party so no one bothered to light them.

"Yeah", Caleb nodded as he looked up at the sky. But not as beautiful as you…

"Well well well, look what we've got here", a voice came from behind them. A man stepped out from the dark alley. He was wearing pure black. Cornelia took a step back closer to Caleb, while he gave the man a dark glare.

"Judging by how you're dressed, I would guess that you two were at that big fancy party, correct?" the man asked as he stepped closer to them.

"I don't see how that's any of your business…" Caleb kept his eyes fixed on the man.

"I'll tell you what? Why don't you just leave me all the money you got and I'll let you two go", he said.

"I'll tell you what. Why don't you just leave right now and I won't kill you?" Caleb glared. Cornelia stood next to him keeping her eyes on the man who kept looking at her as if she were a piece of meat and was dying of starvation.

"It's a simple choice, your money or your lives?" he frowned.

"And if we have no money?" Cornelia squeaked quickly. The man smirked as he looked at her.

"If you have no money, then just leave the girl and we'll call it even"

"I told you that you could either leave or die. This is your last chance." Caleb stated. By now his fists were clenched as he watched the man.

"Fine…I choose the girl", without warning he flung a few several knives at them. Caleb grabbed Cornelia and pushed her so she wouldn't get hit, but out of no where, a man popped up behind Cornelia and grabbed her.

"AAHHH!" Caleb turned around at the sound of her scream. There he saw Cornelia in the arms of another man. That part didn't bother him as much as where the man was holding her. Way too close for his liking.

"Caleb!" she cried. Both knew that it was up to body strength to get her out. They knew that Cornelia didn't have as much body strength as the man. The man had held onto her tightly as he started to kiss her neck.

"I see you chose death", Caleb said as he struck out. He threw a couple of shuriken (if you've seen Naruto, it's those big 4 pointed thingies…I thought that knives would get sorta boring after a while lol) at the man that wasn't holding Cornelia and then ran to the man that was holding her. Caleb appeared behind the man and held a knife to the back of his neck.

"Let her go now!" was all that Caleb said. With out lifting his head the man looked at his partner who had just barley dogged the shuriken and was in a fighting stance. "You have 5 seconds…" Caleb said.

The man looked back at his partner who looked at Cornelia and nodded a yes.

"3…2…1…you loose." Caleb said as he pushed the knife closer to the man's neck.

"W-wait!" the man let his grip on Cornelia go. She quickly got out and went to the middle of the street.

"Cornelia, wait there…" Caleb said as he took a step back from the man in front of him. Caleb walked next to Cornelia, taking her arm as he started to walk away.

"You think that we will just let you go like that?" the first man said.

"You've seen to much." The second man finished.

Caleb turned to face them, his eyes showing nothing but pure hatred. The two men took a step back as they looked at him. They knew that if they let Caleb and Cornelia go then they would be caught and killed. On the other hand if they were to try to stop Caleb and Cornelia, then they might die. Either way, it was a loose loose situation, but they were stupid enough to try the second.

"We make a living off of mugging and killing people like you, do you really think that you will get away?" the second man told them.

"Cornelia stay here", Caleb said as he gently pushed her behind him. Cornelia nodded as she took a step back. Taking his jacket off Caleb handed it to Cornelia. "Hold this, I don't want it stained." he said as he took a couple steps forward. "You two are real idiots", Caleb stopped and didn't bother to even raise his hands as he finished by saying, "Come…feel the wrath of Hart (his last name, which I made up)…"

The two men gulped as they looked at each other but in the blink of an eye attacked. The first man was kicking like there was no tomorrow in front of Caleb as the second man was behind Caleb and punching. Caleb easily dogged both at the same time.

"You bore me" Caleb said as he caught the first man's leg and easily flung him behind his shoulder landing him on the second guy. Both men quickly recovered and started their attacks again, but this time pulling out hidden weapons. Caleb jumped high up in the air and did what looked like a flying kick. The second man moved out of the way just in time, but the first wasn't so lucky. As he jumped his leg got hit badly and fell to the floor in pain.

Cornelia just stood there watching the battle unfold. Once again, she felt useless. Caleb was doing just fine by himself, and she knew that wouldn't change. Cornelia watched as Caleb kicked them both. When she saw that the first man didn't dodge it, she felt a little relief, until he looked at her. In that one gaze was hatred, revenge, and lust all rolled into one. Cornelia would be lying if she said that didn't scare her, but she knew that there was nothing that she should fear from a man half dead, was there?

Cornelia got her answer soon enough as the second man rushed toward Caleb, who was now back on the ground. The first man ran extremely fast and appeared right in front of her.

"Caleb!" was all that she could get out before the man pinned her to the ground.

At the sound of her voice Caleb turned to look at Cornelia. While his head was turned, the second man got a good punch in.

"Tss, you're not as good as we thought you were", he said as Caleb flew back. "Now that we know your attacks there in no way that you can stop us! Even if you kill us, our people will hunt you down and kill you. Remember that!", the man rushed at Caleb again trying to punch him in the gut.

Catching his hand Caleb glared at him, "I don't give a damn about your little clan, but I know that I will never loose to someone like you". Summoning up all his energy, Caleb hit him in to the gut.

"And I would never go as low as doing what you do", removing his hand, Caleb allowed the man to fall to the ground dieing. The man looked at him and smiled faintly.

Coughing up blood he whispered, "Our master will have your head, remember that", he coughed up more blood and slowly died.

"AAAAAHHH! Don't touch me!" Caleb was gone in the blink of an eye at the sound of Cornelia's scream.

Caleb found Cornelia underneath the first man trying to get away. Her hair was extremely messy by now from all the struggling, and her arms were pinned above her head. Her dress front sipper was open so that you could see the second layer of the dress. The man was already licking at her collar bone and was getting way to close for Caleb's liking.

"Get off her now!" Caleb commanded as he held a knife right under the man's throat.

"You really think that a little knife is going to stop me?" the man asked not moving his head from Sakura's neck.

"You think it won't?" Caleb was beyond pissed by now.

"All that I have to do is move one hand a bit and she dies." Caleb took a quick glimpse to see that the man had a knife of his own at the side of Cornelia's throat.

"You leave me no choice…" Caleb stated as he moved the knife away from the man's neck.

"That's a good boy. Now go sit over there and watch as I finish up with the little girl right here."

Caleb stood up from his position of kneeling down. He hovered over them; a desire for blood shed the only thing emanating from his eyes. "You leave me no choice…but to kill you!"

Caleb threw his knife into the man's hand that was holding down Cornelia's hand and the knife. The man instantly let go of the kunai and at that moment Caleb pushed him off Cornelia and grabbed the knife off the ground.

Just as he was about to slit the man's throat Caleb whispered so that Cornelia couldn't hear, "Now you will never touch her like that again!".

Cornelia shut her eyes as she heard the man's faint last breath and turned to look away from whatever Caleb did to him. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She gasped and turned up to see the familiar green orbs.


Caleb crouched down to look at her in eye level.

"Cornelia are you…?" he never finished his sentence because Cornelia started to cried into his shirt.

She just clung to him crying, but he didn't stop her. In fact, he placed his arms around her and held her to him. Caleb grabbed his discarded jacket and placed it around her.

"Shh… they won't do that again", Caleb comforted as he ran his hand up and down her back to soothe her cries. Caleb looked up at the sky. No one will ever touch you like that again, Cornelia. I promise you that I won't ever allow it!

Little did they know that they were being watched, "You will pay Hart…and your wench too."


Awsome, Caleb kicks ass! He's all ninja style, hahaha. I hope I didn't freak you guys out with the thing with Cornelia and stuff...promise it won't get way to graphic, it's just that I have to make it fit with the story lol. Send in reviews plz, no flames! Thankies! I'll update soon, especially 'The Ice Skater and The Rebel'. You'll be seeing that one soon! Bye!