I am back again. Hello all, hello. Ok this is another story of AU. The only thing different is that Merridean does not exist and that the girls don't have powers. Oh, and Caleb does not show any sign of affection to Cornelia…yet. Just like my story "The Ice Skater and the Rebel Skateboarder". Oh and the girls are 17 and the guys are 18 and 19.

And so you won't get confused near the end of the chapter, Caleb's entire family was killed by his father. You'll know the whole story as you keep reading, but for now that's all you need to know. Caleb doesn't have any family, his goal in life is to go out and kill his father for killing the family. That's why ever since that happened, he's been a little anti-social because he didn't want to put them in danger cause his father could use his friends against him.

I hope to get plenty reviews in my first chapter cause I'm not sure if I should continue this. Tell me if you want me to continue it ok? Oh and this is a PG-13 (or T, whatever) so if you don't like sorta graphic scenes, yeah, go bye-bye. Ok? Ok.

Oh and by the way, this is my original plot. There is no other one fanfiction in WITCH like this one, so no one try to take this from me please. This is all my work, thankies!

The first chapter will be long because I want to see if I should keep going, so tell me when you read this, or I'll delete it. Dun dun DUN!


"Come on, Caleb! Do something fun for once in your life, come with us to the party", Matt, Caleb's best friend, begged.

"For the last time, Matt, I don't want to go to a party", Caleb turned away from him.

"Dude, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Everyone is invited! And there is FREE FOOD! You have to go Caleb, not everyone was invited", Matt tried to convince.

"Make up your mind; first you say everyone's invited and then you say that not everyone's invited"

"Well, everyone important is going", Matt smiled nervously.

Caleb sighed and leaned back on the bench he was sitting on, "You just want me to take you because you didn't get one, did you?"

"Ok yes, I admit it. Please please take me! You can invite one guest to the party, please please please!" Matt got on his knees and begged.

"Why are you the only one that didn't get an invite anyways?"

"I don't know, I think it had something to do with when I accidently went into a girls only spa…"

"Ok, you know what? Just don't say another word", Caleb stood up and started to walk away, but found it extremely difficult because of the weight that was holding onto his leg.

"Please please give me your extra pass! I wanna go I wanna go I wanna go!" Matt begged as Caleb dragged him while he clutched onto his leg.

"Fine fine! Just get off of me!"

Matt jumped up from the ground and exclaimed, "Yes! I'm in! Thank you thank you! I'll see you at 8 ok? Bye!"

With that, Matt started to run the opposite way.

"What a dope…", Caleb sighed as he walked to his house.

Meanwhile under a tree in the park…

"How the hell did you get one?" Irma yelled, pointing at a smirking blonde girl.

"Because I'm actually good at doing things" Cornelia said as she waved the invitation in Irma's face.

"What is that supposed to mean? Are you saying that you're actually better than me?" Irma yelled, catching the attention of people walking by.

"Well, honey, it's all in fine print. This invitation proves it", Cornelia smirked.

"Why you…", Irma threatened, but was interrupted by a person's voice in front of them.

"Um…excuse me, Miss Lair?" both Cornelia and Irma turned to see a nervous mailman.

"I'm sorry…I seemed to have forgotten to give you this letter this morning", he said, shakily handing the letter to her.

"Oh thanks", Irma got the letter and the mailman immediatley ran for his life.

Irma inspected the letter and then opened it. Cornelia noticed that her lips slowly turned into a big grin. Irma thrust the letter in Cornelia's face.

"HA! I knew it couldn't possibly be true that you were better than me!" Irma exclaimed with a triamphunt smile.

"Tss, just because you got invited doesn't mean that you're better than me. Good-bye", Cornelia said as she stood up and started to walk away.

"Oh my god, Corny, you're such a baby. You're just running away!" Irma smirked.

"Actually Irmy, we only have 2 hours to get ready for the party", Cornelia said as she continued to walk away.

"ACK! I have to go!" Irma exclaimed and ran to get ready.

Later at the Party…

Caleb sat at the bat next to Matt, trying to ignore as Matt kept babbling on and on as he appologized for taking up his extra pass. You see, Matt did get an invite, only he didn't realize it until he actually checked his mail.

"Dude, I told you that I don't care about the stupid pass. It's ok", Caleb sighed.

"Ok ok, I'll stop…hey I wonder if anyone else is here. I don't see anyone that I actually know", Matt said as he looked at the people with fancy attires.

(A/N: Caleb and Matt were wearing tux…es, I don't know how to spell it plural, hehe, lol)

"Meh, I haven't seen anyone either", Caleb said.

"Oh look Cornelia, it's Caleb and Matt", Elyon's voice said.

The two boys turned to see Elyon wearing a long purple skin-tight dress with black beads in the collar and Cornelia had a red knee-length dress that was sort of loose in the bottom.

"Hey Cornelia, hey Elyon. Wow you two look great", Matt smiled.

"Thanks, we made them ourselves", Elyon giggled.

"Do you like my dress, Caleb?" Cornelia asked.

Caleb, who had his eyes closed, opened one to look at her then closed them again. "It's nice…"

Cornelia frowned, "…Thanks"

"Hey, have you girls seen Will anywhere?" Matt asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"No, but she said she was on her way though", Elyon replied.

"Oh ok, thanks", Matt smiled.

"Hey come on, Cornelia, I see that face that you have…let's go outside for a while", Elyon said.

"Oh…yeah sure. It was nice seeing you guys", Cornelia waved.

Caleb waved shortly and Matt waved furiously with a big grin.

Once the girls were gone, Matt sighed.

"I love coming to parties, girls get all fixed up and get all…gorgeous. I can't wait to see Will. Didn't you think those two looked beautiful?" Matt asked.

"Yeah I guess", Caleb said as he ordered a drink and stood up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Matt asked.

"Just going to take some fresh air", Caleb smiled softly and waved before walking away.

"Elyon, I feel horrible! I worked really hard on this dress and he didn't even notice", Cornelia sighed sadly.

"Come on, Cornelia, I'm sure he noticed. Mabye he just didn't want to say anything in front of Matt…", Elyon tried to confort her best friend.

"Easy for you to say, I bet he thinks I don't exist", Cornelia said softly.

"Cornelia, I know he knows you're alive; don't say that", Elyon comforted.

"I know…it's just that it feels hurtful. He could've at least said, "That's a nice dress", or, "You look nice". Hey, I would've settled for a decent hello!" Cornelia dropped her head.

"Cornelia, if it's meant to be, it will happen someday", Elyon put her hand on Cornelia's shoulder. "I think he likes you too"

"I…I don't know what to do anymore", Cornelia sighed and folded her arms on the balcony railing.

"Look, I'll get you something to drink, mabye it'll help, ok?" Elyon smiled.

"Ok, thanks Elyon", Cornelia smiled back.

Elyon pat her shoulder once gently before walking to get her something to drink.

"Oh and Elyon?"

Elyon turned back.

"Thanks for helping me out, I bet I'm being a real party-pooper", Cornelia smiled nervously.

"Nah, you're just in love", Elyon smiled and then proceeded back inside.

Cornelia stared up at the stars and rested her head in her hands.

"Caleb, why can't you just notice me?" Cornelia asked the sky with a pained face.

Little did she know, that the object of her affection was standing behind a few plants near the entrance of the balcony, who was listening to her conversation with Elyon.

"If only you knew how much I notice you, Cornelia…" Caleb stated to himself as he watched her, "If only you knew…", Caleb turned and walked away to the ballroom.

Caleb ordered another small drink and leaned on the wall.

"Dude, how many have you had?" Matt asked, coming up to him.

"Not as much as you, I see", Caleb stated as he leaned to the right to see all he drank.

"Tss, no need to get defensive", Matt crossed his arms.

"Hey Matt!" Will walked up to him with a big smile on her face.

She was wearing a red dress with gold dragons around it. A black chocker was around her neck and a few bracelets on her left wrist.

"Hi Will! You look gorgeous", Matt complimented.

"Thanks…hey uh…do you want to…dance with me?" Will asked shyly.

"Of course I will!" Matt laughed and grabbed her hand as they went to the dance floor.

Caleb smirked as he watched the two walk in between all the other people dancing and took a sip of his drink.

"They make such a cute couple, don't they?" a voice said next to him.

"Yeah…", Caleb nodded. I can think of better…

"I'm so happy for her. She always wanted to slow dance with Matt", Cornelia said as she sat down on a stool next to where Caleb was standing.

Well at least she's feeling better, Caleb thought as he glanced at her.

"Her dream was to dance with an idiot with two left feet?" Caleb asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"Well at least Matt is attempting to dance" Cornelia giggled softly as she saw Matt looking at his feet, making sure she didn't step on Will's feet.

"And not doing a pretty good job at it…", Caleb shook his head in pity as Matt accidently tripped on his own feet and fell down.

"Well, at least Will's enjoying herself", Cornelia smiled.


"What, you think you can do better?" Cornelia asked as she glanced at him.

"I don't think I could…I know I could", Caleb smirked.

"Well then, would you show me?"

"No thanks"

"Why not? Are you scared?"

"No, I just don't like to dance"

"Oh…" Cornelia said and looked at everyone dancing.

"Hello Cornelia!" a boy with neat brown hair and a tall figure greeted as he came up to her. Caleb glared at him for one second and then started to drink his drink again.

"Hello Gerard", Cornelia smiled at her friend she made a year ago.

"Why are you sitting here? A pretty girl like you should be out there dancing! Why don't you dance with me", Gerard smiled his perfect smile and extended his hand to her.

"I'm afraid she already has a dance partner", Caleb said right after and put his finished drink on the counter.

"Caleb?" Cornelia looked up at him with a puzzled look.

"She was just waiting for me to finish my drink", he told Gerard and grabbed Cornelia's hand to lead her to the dance floor.

"Caleb, I thought you didn't like to dance", Cornelia said as Caleb stopped in the center of the dance floor.

"Well I finished my drink and I didn't have anything better do to", Caleb said as he placed his right nand on her waist and the other out in the air, waiting for her acceptance. Cornelia nodded and placed her right hand on his strong, lean shoulder and took hold of his hand.With that the two started to glide around the dance floor like the other couples. Cornelia was pretty surprised that Caleb could actually dance. He seemed like an expert.

Caleb looked down at Cornelia as he caught her eyes; green and blue staring into each other. Cornelia stared into his eyes feeling butterflies in his stomach…wait, was it her or were their faces leaning closer? Cornelia felt her breath get caught in her throat as she noticed that their faces were only inches apart.

What the hell am I doing? Caleb thought as he subconciously tightened his grip on Cornelia. Oh shit! Am I gonna kiss her? Well, that wouldn't be too bad…What am I saying? I've wanted to do this for so long that I can't even remember! But if I do this, then I could put her in too much danger…but…I can't stop. Caleb watched as her eyes closed half way, feeling he was doing the same thing. He was about to close the gap between them but-

"Hey Caleb!" Gerard yelled as he came up to them. "Eric told me to tell you that he wanted to talk to you super quick", Gerard pointed to the food table, which was pretty hard to see from where they were.

"Hmph" Caleb let go of Cornelia and walked towards the food table. Cornelia stood there, looking at her hands. She still felt the warmth of his hands on hers. If only Gerard hadn't interrupted them, there would've been a major change between them.

"Hey Cornelia, do you wanna dance with me?" Gerard asked with a smile.

"Thanks Gerard, but I'm pretty tired and I'm gonna get some fresh air", Cornelia said as she kissed his cheek and walked to the balcony again.

Gerard, even though disappointed that she had refused, was screaming on the inside, OH MY GOD! SHE KISSED ME! SHE KISSED ME!


Ok, so what do you think of the first chapter? Tell me, tell me now! (twitch twith)

Caleb- …You're weird

Me- Shut up!

Caleb- Fine…weirdo

Me- You shall feel the wrath of my smacking hand of doom! (hits Caleb)


Me- I know it did! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!