Thunder and lightning
Disclaimer – Unfortunately, I own nothing. Please read and review but most importantly – ENJOY!
AN – This popped into my head in the middle of the night when I was being kept up by a thunder and lightning storm, funnily enough. Hope you like it and please let me know what you think!
He wasn't scared. Scared was too strong a word. He was uncomfortable definitely. But why he couldn't understand. He knew what was going on around him, why it was happening, how it was happening but that knowledge didn't stop shivers running through him every time it happened.
"Andros?" Startled, he whipped his head round, tensed. He relaxed instantly when he recognized the speaker.
"Hey." He replied softly, turning back to look out the window. He felt Ashley join him.
"Couldn't sleep?" He shook his head then shivered as it happened again.
"Andros, are you alright?"
"I'm fine." Came the almost automatic response. He felt her hand on his shoulder, tensing for a moment before relaxing.
"You're not fine." Her voice was soft and she moved closer to him. It took a moment for him to adjust to their new position and gain the courage he needed to tell her.
"I've never sat through this before." She cocked her head to one side before a gentle smile graced her face.
"Andros, are you afraid of the thunder and lightning storm?"
"I didn't say I was afraid! Just … uncomfortable." She smiled again. "I don't know why! I know how these storms are formed, how they play out, it's just-"
"Different when it's first hand?" She suggested softly and he nodded. Ashley smiled at him brightly, almost competing with the bright flashes of light coming from outside.
"Here on earth we have a method for helping people get over something they … dislike." Andros turned to face her completely.
"Really?" She nodded. "How?"
"By giving them something to like about it."
"What could I like-" But his words were cut off as she lent forward and kissed him. Almost instantly his heartbeat seemed to drown out the roaring thunder from outside. When they parted lightning flashed, illuminating her face and branding it into his memory.
"You're beautiful." He whispered, bringing a smile to her face.
"And you're cured." She whispered back. He smiled at her, increasing her own smile. Lightning flashed as they kissed again, several moments passing before they parted.
"You should be able to sleep now." He nodded, untangling his hands from her hair. She stayed as he gently brushed his fingers through her hair, returning it to some resemblance of normal.
"Good night Andros."
"Sweet dreams Ashley." As she walked away he cocked his head to the side as a question popped into his head. "Ashley? What happens if I start to dislike thunder storms again?" Although she didn't turn around he could tell she was smiling.
"I'll remind you that you like them again." He smiled at the thought of that, pausing a moment before following her to go to bed.
Suddenly he found himself wanting thunder and lightning storms to happen a lot more often than they did.
AN – Please tell me what you think and let me know if you want/think a sequel would be a good idea. I've got an idea already so let me know what you think!