This is the story I've been talking about! Don't worry I'll update Two Worlds the same time I do this! This story is basically this!

Summary: Uzumaki Naruto, the son of a multibillionaire, goes to live with his father's friend Uchiha Fugaku's family. Living in the Uchiha mansion and finding out that you're engaged to the youngest of the Uchiha family must be strange. Especially since the whole female student body now wants his head! Not to mention Sasuke's gothic older brother and gang of friends who have become his "bodyguards"

So yeah I hope you like it! It is AU… And it totally humor and totally whacked up teenage life!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, just the story's plot.

Chapter 1

The new kid in town.


"Ah Arashi! This is wonderful of you to come to mine and Mikoto's wedding!" One Uzumaki Arashi looked over towards his friend Uchiha Fugaku. They had been friends since High School and were still friends at Fugaku's wedding day. Mikoto was a beautiful woman with long jet black hair and black eyes. Fugaku was tall and his face was rough but still a heart breaking face. Brighter hair then Mikoto's hair he still had black eyes.

"Arashi-kun!" Mikoto yelled as she ran over towards Arashi in her brides dress. Glomping him she gladly chuckled. "I'm so glad you made it! When are you going to settle down?" Arashi laughed at the two who were pestering him.

"I'll settle down once I get time to. I'm very busy with work right now."

"Arashi… I would like to make a proposition with you..."

--18 Years Later--

Uzumaki Naruto looked over at his father. Naruto was 15 at the time and was currently riding the family's private jet to Konoha, Japan. That was where he would meet his father's old friend Uchiha Fugaku. The Uchiha's were well known for their businesses they pretty much owned the world along with the Uzumaki's.

Naruto watched his father look through some papers and then at him. "I'm sorry Naruto, what were you saying." Sighing at his father Naruto pointed towards the deck of cards.

"Go fish dad!" Naruto said to him. Arashi smiled and picked up another card laughing he placed yet another pair down. Naruto growled. "This deck is rigged… You don't shuffle it right dad." Arashi laughed.

"And you would know how to shuffle a deck?" Naruto nodded.

"Some of the dealers in Vegas taught me how to…" Arashi raised a blond eyebrow.

"How did you get into the casinos?" Naruto had a fox like grin at the other and pulled out a card that turned out to be his dad's license. "Amazing what a little bit of makeup and a hairstylist will do to make me look like you dad." Arashi sighed and looked at his son.

"You're a little devil; your mother would be ashamed." Naruto stuck out his tongue and smiled. "Well since mom is in France modeling right now. And you have business there and your anniversary. That's the whole reason I'm staying at the Uchiha mansion isn't it?" Arashi nodded towards his son and smiled at him. His cell phone went off and Arashi opened it.

"Hello? Hi dear how are you? He didn't… Oh he did huh? I'll have a talk with him when I get there… I'll be there once I drop Naruto off in Japan. He's fine do you want to talk to him? Alright…" Handing the phone over to Naruto. The younger heard his mother's voice.

"Hey mom!"

"Hi baby! How are you are you eating alright?" She asked over the phone with much enthusiasm.

"Yeah but the question is are you eating at all?" He could tell his mom was glaring at the moment.

"You know I eat what I can! You're so mean Nari!"

"Its Naru mom! Nari sounds girlish!"

"Oh but your name sounds cute that way! Well say hi to Mikoto for me!"

"Who's Mikoto?" He heard his mom gasp.

"You don't know who Mikoto is! Uchiha Mikoto! The greatest fashion designer ever! She's the one who I model clothes for! She and I have been friends since childhood! How could you not know who she is?" Naruto had to hold the phone away from his ear as his mother yelled through it.

"Mom did you miss your meditation lesson this morning?"

"I don't take meditation…"

"You should consider it! Just kidding around mom…"

"I really need to go Naruto, sorry to cut the conversation short but I have another show on in 2 hours and I need to get into hair and makeup… I love you sweetie!"

"I love you to momma!" He joked at her. Hearing her laugh she said bye. He did the same closing the phone handing it back to his dad.

"We should be landing soon…" Naruto looked at the clouds and the red light blinked on for seatbelts. "Uzumaki-san, we will be landing soon in Konoha airport. Please fasten your seatbelts as we will be landing shortly." Arashi nodded and placed his seatbelt on.

Naruto did the same and he felt the decent of the plane as it started it's descent towards the end of the long ride to Japan.

As the plane stopped and the attendants helped them out with their things. The first thing they saw was a ton of fan girls and boys raising signs in Japanese that read, "We love you Arashi-san!" You see Uzumaki Arashi was a famous business man and actor as well. He was very popular on the ladies list and all the men wished to be like him. When all the girls saw Naruto they gasped in surprise. What do they expect an absolute look alike? I look more like my mother anyways!

"Hide your face…" Arashi said and that was what Naruto did. Just like his father they hid their faces and ignored the reporters and fans. Arashi signed a few autographs and that was it.

As they got inside the airport, security kept the people from coming inside as the Uzumaki's got their luggage and met the chaperone that would take them to the Uchiha mansion.


As they reached the Mansion Naruto was in Awe. He had never seen a Mansion as great as that of the Uchiha families. Their main gate had the symbol of the Uchiha in the middle of it. As they entered up to the summit towards the Mansion.

Outside there was the family and servants. The oldest one has to be Uchiha Fugaku. He thought looking at the oldest one in the summer kimono. Looking over at the beautiful woman he saw her. She looked very much like his mother in body figure but was completely different. Instead of blonde hair she had jet black hair and black eyes…

As the limo came to a stop and opened. Naruto stepped out as well as his father. Seeing his father go down to the ground he saw the woman on top of him. "Arashi-san!" Said the beautiful woman.

"Mikoto you shouldn't be tackling Arashi like that… He's not the same boy that you remember from long ago…" Mikoto stood up bringing Arashi with her. Looking over towards Naruto she squealed.

"Ah! Arashi! He's cuter then what you said he looked like!" Naruto bowed his head. "I'm Naruto…"

"AH! Nari! Your mother has told me all about you in the messages she sends me! You can call me mom when you're around here!" Naruto felt like he couldn't breathe as the woman took him into a hug.

"Arashi my old friend!" The man said to Naruto's father. "You haven't changed a bit! How's the wife?"

"She's great Fugaku. We're spending our anniversary in France together. Thank you for taking care of Naruto while he is here."

"No problem! Ah look Sasuke is home from school!" Mikoto waved towards the limo that was pulling up towards the building. "Yoo-hoo! Sasuke!"

A well groomed boy came out of the limo. With a briefcase over his shoulder, and his hair spiked up in the back. Naruto had to admit he was pretty hot. Hot? That's disgusting…

"Sasuke! This is Naruto! He's the boy I told you about! The one who's going to be staying with us for a month!" Sasuke looked at the other and hnnned.

"And who is this boy again? He looks like a dead-last more then a genius…" Naruto puffed his cheeks out and rolled up his sleeves. Growling, "I'll show you dead-last. I'll put all across your ass…" Feeling a hand on his shoulder he looked up at his dad.

"Naruto… please be nice to Sasuke-kun."

"Why should I?" He said glaring at the other who in turn glared at him. They both marched up to each other and were ready to punch each others lights out…

"Ah, Arashi. It's just like Mikoto and I before we got married. The troubles of fiancés wouldn't you say?"

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other and then at their fathers. And then back to each other.


"Yes, fiancés… It was decided before your birth Sasuke. Arashi-kun and I arranged it."

"But—but he's a guy! I can't get married to another guy!"

Mikoto hit her son over his head, "You're marrying him and that's final! Okay Naruto, lets take your stuff inside!"

"Sorry guys, but I have to go. I have to get to France ASAP… Naruto be good for the Uchiha's. And be sure to write mom and me every day. Okay?" Naruto nodded and his forehead was kissed.

"I'll be back in 1 month okay. Mom and I both…" Naruto smiled and watched as his father went back into the limo. "Bye Naru!"

The limo left and Naruto lowered his hand that was waving. A wave of sadness washed over him and he looked at them.

Mikoto's heart strings stirred and she grabbed Naruto's hand. "Don't worry he'll be back in a month…" Naruto looked at her and clutched his notebook close to his chest.

"It's a lie. When he says a month he won't be coming back for a year… That's what happened the other 8 times… Sometimes I wonder if my parents really love me or not. After all they are famous and I'm just a child…" Naruto walked into the house and Mikoto watched him.

Going into the house she asked one of the servants to lead Naruto to his bed chamber. Walking down to the west wing she went into Sasuke's room. Seeing he was studying she walked in and closed the door. Sasuke's room was sound proofed so no one could hear him when he was in one of his fits. Or so he couldn't hear anyone outside. Sasuke's music was really loud sometimes and that's the main reason that his room was that way. Walking over towards her son she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Sasuke? Are you alright honey?" Sasuke glared and went back to his work.

Sighing at her sons antics she sat down next to her. "Sasuke… Naruto isn't that bad…If anything that boy needs a friend. Or someone to love him. His parents are away all the time unlike your father and I are. Please at least be a friend to him while he is here." Mikoto kissed her son on the head and went towards the door.

"Mother? Do I really have to marry him?" Mikoto smiled.

"That's up to you Sasuke… you and him. It's not unusual after all…" Sasuke looked at her and then out the window. As he heard the click of the door.

"I guess I could try… But that boy will learn respect if he is to live here…" And with that Sasuke started planning.


Um yeah… This is short… But funny in my opinion. A little sad near the end but yeah… Tell me what you think!


Next Chapter: Enter Itachi and his gothic entourage!