Disclaimer: If I owned "Lost", Kate would be walking into the sunset with Sawyer, and Jack would be mine. ;) But since I don't, let him have the next best thing /sigh-wink/.


This story contains significant sexual references. In fact, it consists solely of sexual references. Graphic ones. If not for you, stop right here.

A/N: I had actually planned to write this long before the first piece of mine came out (no, I haven't abandoned it, just felt a need to cheer self up:)), and the perfect moment arrived after re-watching "What Kate Did" in which Kate annoyed me so much that I decided she needs to suffer a fair share of sexual frustration. Lol And so I made her. For the time being, hehe. The draft idea for the story had been all developed and I promise it'll be all good for both of them, eventually, although I can't promise a lovey-dovey ending, since I haven't decided yet. But the smut will be there, big time. Lol

Well, you may ask why on earth do I write the smut. Again. Because I can, that's why. Lol. I simply assume, judging by my own experience, there must be more of us here looking for our bit of harmless fun, so after having been given so much of it, I wish to give back.





No more than a low call, but the urgency, the breathlessness in it – it alarmed her. The hairs at the back of her neck stood up: did he know she was there?

Pulling herself up quickly from the arm of the couch, she glanced around instinctively, as if expecting a pair of piercing eyes – his eyes – to be looking right through her in the secluded silence of the hatch and tip-toed up to the bathroom door.

Steam came out through the space where he had left the door casually half-open. Assuming he'd be alone.

Clutching at a folded towel closely to her chest in a subconsciously defensive gesture, climbing to her toes, heart suddenly racing, cheeks heating, Kate tilted her head to peer inside.

The bathroom was indeed steamy and she couldn't see too well through the thick clouds of warm moisture that carried a strangely spicy scent, but she could see him, as water cascaded over his naked body. She drew in a sharp breath and held it, thinking briefly that the word "breathtaking" did, after all, have a literal meaning.

He was turned around from her, facing the plain, grey shower wall and unknowingly displaying his sculpted back to her. Kate's eyes fixed on how odd muscles flexed under the leathery skin of his bare shoulders, how the water ran down the back of his neck, down the hollow of his spine, down his firm buttocks – she suddenly had to breathe upon a sting of a primal need, unfolding somewhere deep inside the darkness of her own body and burning heat crept up her face at the realization that after all, she was only human and it was not in her conscious power to stop the stinging.

Several furious blinks made her aware she had been staring. Isn't that what she had come here for in the first place? And then had been sitting on the couch paralyzed, torn between the sense and want, couldn't have brought herself to leave but couldn't have either to actually peep at him, to invade his privacy, but to see him with guards down, to see him stripped off the defensive layers just as he stripped off his clothes. Kate's mind did take the note that he might turn around any second and spot her, evidently gaping, but she found herself unable to make any movement. This must be what an animal feels in the middle of a highway, she would think, if her brain could form a sentence.


The gasp came again. She held her breath. He still didn't turn around to acknowledge her presence, could he have had sensed it? Kate froze. His shoulders were raising and falling visibly, as in heavy breath, the gasp barely detectable over the soothing hum of the water. Soothing? All at once it was everything but soothing to her, when it hit her, what he was doing as his head fell back, face directly under the hot stream. He stumbled, but his shoulder found support in the wall, the change in position meaning Kate could now see him almost half turned towards the door. His eyes where tightly shut, brow slightly furrowed, he had a look of total concentration on his face. And he was panting. Her gaze had barely registered the solid chest before dropping straight down, to where he was gripping his hard member in right hand. Sudden wave of dizziness threatened to knock her down to the floor; she swung and rested her arm on the door frame.

Jack Shepard, Dr. Jack Shepard did have the carnal human – manly – needs.

She wasn't sure if it shocked her more than it aroused her, all at once, in a series of tight grasps on her insides, both painful and delightful and she suddenly felt like bursting out laughing, her nerves tense to the point of breaking.

What Kate's mind registered next, was her own name escaping his lips in a soft whisper, when she watched, transfixed, as he slid his tightly clenched fist up and down his length in an obviously well practiced rhythm, the veins on the back of his hand as swollen as the ones on his cock. Cock. Jack Shepard had a cock, she stated, aware of the absurdity of her reasoning. Were all those dreams that clouded her brain for days not good a proof for that? How come she was perfectly able to imagine it, but the reality just left her stunned? Maybe it was because her own pooling warmth reminded her, what he'd just uttered.


Kate couldn't move.

What was the picture behind those tired eyelids? she wondered.

Was he imagining taking her up against the wall in this very shower? In a rush and frenzy of getting closer, closer, never close enough, in an urge of melting into her? A shiver run down her spine raising goose bumps on her lower back as her mind moulded the scene.

Or was it somewhere in the jungle, surrounded by sticky humidity, in a tangle of limbs, in the rain, still half clothed, rocking her in his lap while she would dig her nails into his bare shoulders?

Or did he want to slide into her tent, slide under her blanket, in broad daylight, and have her there, with nothing but thin fabric dividing them from the people outside, and he'd move cautiously, quietly, muffling her moans with his mouth? Was he pounding into her from behind, unceremoniously grabbing her in a cave? Or maybe she was kneeling in front of him wrapping her lips around him, moistening him with her tongue?

The aching in her body grew painful. He was thinking of her, her, while touching himself in this most intimate way, it was the image of her that set him off. Kate's heart swell and she allowed herself to breathe in. She was sure the spicy smell of the humidity was himself, the scent she would recognize everywhere, a mixture of sweet and bitter, spices and cream, water and earth, opposites twisted into a hypnotizing Möbius strip, just which he was. In fact, she had it catalogued in her memory, so maybe that's where it came from now, having nothing to do with the steam.

Her knees could have failed her any moment now, she realized, as the thorough strokes of his hand sped up and he was huffing now, and sparkling droplets of water on his eyelashes made her lick her lips and swallow hard, wishing she would be given an opportunity to kiss them off, but the commanding red of the tight skin over his thick member making her squeeze her thighs together and her inner muscles contort in an aching reminder she couldn't have him inside her.

It would have been so easy to go to him now, so easy to replace his hand with her own, to pull his head down for a wet kiss, before he could even register her actions, so easy to let him peel her out of the damp clothes and let him push inside, claim her as his own, for that brief stop in time and space. It would have been so good to taste the insipid water off of his skin, to have him breathe into her open mouth, to feel the slippery might of his thighs as they would be making their way to in between hers.

Kate sighed. How much more would she take? Her thoughts were racing. Was he simply seeking a release in her? Any other time, would she be replaced by any other woman from the presence or the past in his fantasy? Ana-Lucia, maybe? The way his eyes grew wide with recognition when he first heard the name, here, in this very room…She remembered. Or his wife? Did he still … love her?

And what, just what would happen next, after she'd had offered herself to him? Would he reject her, out of decency, out of pity, out of guilt? Or would he lose control for once and take her hard, without thinking, only to dismiss her later? Or shut her out, like he already did? Say it was a mistake? Kate was desperate for the answers but was not sure she could afford taking the risk. Just what she would do with them, was unclear to her.

As tough as it was, Kate turned away, leaning her back on an adjoining wall, letting her head follow, as she closed her eyes upon hearing him moan her name one last time, and then it was only his heavy breath, subsiding slowly under the hum of the water, and the rushed thump of her heart.

Sudden change in the surroundings brought her to reality. She snapped her eyes open, tensing and deciding it was the sound. The buzz of running water missing and replaced by slaps of his bare feet on the wet linoleum floor. In panic, wishing she could disappear into the wall, she started moving against it, as quietly as she could, towards the safe recess of the corridor. Almost there, almost there, and then she could run, run away, and he'd never know.


He stepped out of the bathroom buttoning a dusty pink shirt up, his actions stopping abruptly at the sight of her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-… uhm…-" her voice cracked, as she stumbled and looked down on her towel. She cleared her throat. "I came to have a shower." Kate managed to throw a glance to his face.

"Oh." Was all he offered, with an awkward nod, lowering his gaze. With hands returning to his shirt's buttons, Jack went up towards the computer desk, checking the timer, seemingly fascinated by the numbered flaps, and turned his back to where she stood frozen.

"Been waiting long?"


Ha, that's it for the time being, more to come, I assure you! All planned for once.:) And reviews make my day, you know.

p.s. The English language has never been a native one for me, so if you have any suggestions as regards it, go ahead!