Secret Diary

Disclaimer:I own nothing,just the storyline.

Chapter 1

Clarisse was walking in the garden,it was a beautiful sunny afternoon.The smell of the flowers was simply magnificent.It was a perfect summer day,that made Clarisse happy and contented.

She collected a big bunch of tulips which reminded her of Joseph.

He gave her once a beautiful one on their usually night walk in the garden.

She thought Joseph will be pleased if she give it to him.

So She went to Joseph's room…………..knocked on the door……… answer………..and then she just realised that Joseph is in Pyrus.

So she opened the door and started to find a vase.

It wasn't the first time ,when she was in his room,she often visited him when she just walked in the east side of the palace.

Finally she took the flowers into a vase,then wanted to go,but suddenly she fell onto the ground,her heel got caught into the slit of the floor………she tried to pull it out,but couldn't do it……so she have to take off her shoe and pulled stronger………this time she's done it,but her movement was a bit strong and the plank moved away,and there was………….

There was a secret place……..

She found in it a photo about herself and a diary.

Clarisse didn't want to read the diary,but because of her photo,she just opened it and started to read……….

To be continued...

Author's Note: Please review!Do you want more?Please tell me!