Snow white queen.

Summary: Don't look back. Undress in the dark. And hide from you.

Note: You know the drill.

Stoplight, lock the door.

Don't look back.

Undress in the dark

And hide from you,

All of you.

He always asked for things. Bad things. Things I never wanted to give to him. But he was so nice afterwards. Talking quietly. Soothing my pain into the air. But that never hid my scars. That never hid my embarrassment. It made me feel tainted and filthy.

You'll never know the way your words have haunted me.
I can't believe you'd ask these things of me.
You don't know me.

The dragons mocked me. They made fun of my scars and marks. They called me whore. They insulted my pride more then before. I couldn't stand it. It hurt me and tore me apart and made me weak. But if I showed weakness it would be as if they won. And they can never win. Because if they do he hurts me. So bad I cry my self to sleep at night only to wake to more of his want.

You belong to me,
My snow white queen.
There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over.
Soon I know you'll see,
You're just like me.
Don't scream anymore my love, 'cause all I want is you.

If I did well he would smile and pet my hair and call me his Snow White. He would bite at my pale skin. Drag his sharp nails through my red hair. He rubbed his skin against mine. Making me sob and moan all at once. He would laugh when he finished. Even he called me whore. Even he insulted my pride. Even he mocked me. But I can't leave him like I could leave them. I was too afraid.

Wake up in a dream.
Frozen fear.
All your hands on me.
I can't scream

When he was away I stayed still. Like a doll. I fit the profile. But I was afraid that if he came back and I was in a different position he would beat me. Hurt me. Throw me around. Tear me more. Break me more if that was even possible. But it couldn't stop me from thinking. I thought about wonderful things. Things that made me feel human again. Normal.

I can't escape the twisted way you think of me.
I feel you in my dreams and I don't sleep.

My nirvana was always shattered every time he came back. Looking angrier each time. Then I would forget every thing. Time and space were nothing to me. They didn't exist in the small box I sat in for hours. I suppose I was waiting for the time he would take it too far. Too far for me to come back and look at him with dull eyes and a fake smile.

You belong to me,
My snow white queen.
There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over.
Soon I know you'll see,
You're just like me.
Don't scream anymore my love, 'cause all I want is you

After awhile I never went to the showdowns. I would simple sit on his bed with a blank stair. Soon after that the Dragons who come and raid the mansion that sat on the hillside. They would kill him. And his cats. Then they would leave. Forgetting about me completely. Leaving me to fend for myself. But I didn't here the sound of blood hitting the floor. The sound of bodies being thrown against walls. The sound of screams echoing off the walls. I didn't know.

I can't save your life,
Though nothing I bleed for is more tormenting.
I'm losing my mind and you just stand there and stare as my world divides.

Soon I began to waste away. My bones began to show and my limbs became frail and thin. My lips cracked. My eyes died. I died in a sense. But I was still there. Still breathing. Still blinking. Waiting for him to come back and hurt me more. Waiting for the only person who noticed me to came back and notice me more. But when he never came I faltered. I wilted. Even thought he hurt me he knew I was there. And now…I'm gone.

You belong to me,
My snow white queen.
There's nowhere to run, so let's just get it over.
Soon I know you'll see,
You're just like me.
Don't scream anymore my love, 'cause all I want is you.