Author- SylviePrincipal

Summary- Usagi is sick. And no one notices...or is it that they just don't care.

'God, Usagi! Can't you even control yourself!'

'You're such a pig!'

There had been a time when she really wouldn't have cared when they said things like that...but now the words strike too deeply and every jab only caused her to retreat deeper into herself. Usagi rested her sweaty brow to the tile on the bathroom floor, golden hair pooling around her. Her entire body trembled from the shock of purging, a natural response she reassured herself softly.

Sitting up finally, she stumbled over to the scale, hesitating for only a second before stepping onto it. Usagi clenched her eyes shut, not wishing to show herself the extent of her gluttony. But determined, the cerulean colored eyes opened to peer at the digital numbers portrayed above her toes.

The reincarnated moon princess promptly yelped and felt the familiar burn of tears welling behind her eyes. She had hoped that Makoto's specially made snack for her hadn't been that bad...but Usagi knew that the damage was already done. She had eaten those horribly disgusting, delicious cakes and no amount of purging would ever rid her of the nutrients her stomach had selfishly absorbed.


The number blinked out of existence as she stepped off and turned to the mirror instead.

She heard the words of her friends and loved ones echo in her mind. Accusing her of the horrible crimes she had committed. It was a miracle that Mamoru even looked at her still. Usagi frowned, hands clenching as rage rushed through her frame. In that moment she hated herself more than she ever had before. The too round face staring back at her causes chills to roll down Usagi's back. Utterly worthless.

Warning/Disclaimer- Sailor Moon doesn't belong to me.

Het, Angst, Drama, Character Death, Eating Disorders, Depression, Self-Injury

AN—Again this just came to me…I wanted to express how I was feeling lately through a character of mine.

It always seemed to me that Usagi should be very susceptible to having a poor self-image. I mean nearly everyone at one point or another taunts her for being clumsy…fat, dumb. So I just felt that maybe she experienced these feelings, perhaps to a lesser extent though, at one point or another.

But then again Usagi is like a bright flower, she always seemed to bounce right back yeah?