Me: Happy Halloween everyone! Sorry for the long wait, I had a lot to do to prepare for the holiday. But to make it up to you, I'm having a Halloween party! All our favorite characters are here, too. Inuyasha came as a Werewolf, Robin is Zorro, Sora has on his Halloween Town costume, and I came as Count Dracula! (Notices Shadow the Hedgehog in a Dracula costume.) Hey, what's the big idea comming as Dracula?

Shadow: What are you talking about?

Me: I had that idea first!

Shadow: Well maybe you should have thought of that before you imagined me in a Dracula costume!

Me: Huh?

Shadow: You're the writer, its your fault we have the same costume!

(Shadow and Tsuki glare at each other, but then Spongebob walks up, also dressed as Dracula.

Spongebob: Hey Tsuki, hey Shadow. Wow, you guys look great!

(Shadow and Tsuki glare at Spongebob)

Me: I'm gonna have to clear this problem up. Anyhow, enjoy the chapter, and tell me what all of you dressed as this year! (or if you didn't, make something up, just for fun.)

(I only own Hanna. Nobody else.)

Chapter 6

A few weeks later, several people, all of whom had to do with the scientific community, flocked to a theater building. The sign out front read:


Tonight only:

Dr. S. Frankenstein in

A Scientific Breakthrough in Reanimation

Presented in cooperation with H.T.N.S (Halloween Town Neurological Society.)"

There was a "Sold out" sticker plastered over the sign.

The rows of seats before the stage were soon filled with people, all well dressed people of standing. Donald, along with several constables, also filled the room. Ready and waiting, in case something should go wrong.

The curtains rose and a spotlight shone on the stage. A well dressed man with blond hair and goggles on his head walked out, a toothpick sticking out of his mouth. The audience applauded, and he bowed.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Said Cid. "I wish to present to you a man whose family name was once both famous… and infamous. Now, may I present to you Doctor Baron Sora Von Frankenstein." Cid stepped off of the stage, as Sora walked into the spotlight, met with no applause. Someone coughed loudly.

Sora bowed, ignoring the silence, and began. "My fellow Scien-." Someone suddenly hissed. "…tists… and neurosurgeons. Coming from a background, believe me, as conservative and skeptical as all of you, I began an experiment in –incredulous as it sounds- the reanimation of dead tissue." The audience laughed lightly. "And yet, I was able to achieve my goal, and now present you all with what may be the key to immortality. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mesdames et Monsieurs, Damen und Herren, may I present…. The creature!" another spotlight came on, as Riku stumbled onto the stage. Upon seeing his strange face, the people in the audience began to shriek in terror. "Please, please!" Sora pleaded. "Calm yourselves, there is no danger! We are not children here, we are scientists!" The audience calmed a little, and became silent. "Now then," Sora continued. "I wish to present to you, a demonstration of the simple motor functions, balance and coordination." He turned to Riku. "I want you to walk, heal to toe."

Riku, slowly but surely, walked forward a few steps, heal to toe. For some reason, this impressed the audience and they applauded.

Riku stopped, so Sora turned to him and ordered "Backwards!" Riku repeated his trick, this time going backwards, and the audience applauded more.

Sora bowed and turned to pop a treat into Riku's mouth, as though he were a dog. He then turned to the audience and continued. "Up till now, you have seen the basic operation of the brain at work, but for this next feat we must enter… quietly… into the realm of genius. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present for your intellectual and philosophical pleasure, from what was once an inarticulate mass, a talented, sophisticated… man about town! Hit it!"

The lights went out momentarily, and when they came back one Sora and Riku were dressed in fancy tuxedoes, with top hats and canes. A song began to play, and Sora and Riku moved in rhythmSora and Riku began to do a classic soft-shoe dance routine, like in that one Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny cartoon, and the audience applauded loudly. Out of sight of the audience, Kairi and Goofy watched, also applauding, proud of their friends' accomplishment.

Riku, now into the routine, began an amazingly graceful move, jumping up and down, waving his arms dramatically. However, the force of his weight on the stage must have been too much, as a stage light exploded. Riku shrieked in fear and moved away. The music stopped and the audience gasped.

Sora quickly stomped out the flames. "It's nothing!" He shouted. "Five, six, seven, eight!" Sora began dancing again, despite the fact that the music was not playing. He glared at Riku, who stood stone-still. "Come on! Are you trying to make me look like a fool?"

The audience began to boo and throw rotten food at Riku, which they gladly bought from Mr. Krabs before he was tossed out for not being a Kingdom Hearts character.

"Please, I beg you!" Sora pleaded. "For safety's sake, don't humiliate him!"

Riku held up his arms to block the rotten food and growled at the audience. He was about to storm away when Sora grabbed his arm. "Come back!" He said. "I will not allow you to destroy my work! As your creator I demand you come back!"

Riku growled and pushed Sora down, storming off the stage. He didn't get far, however, when Donald and the constables overpowered him and carried him away.

They took him to a deep dungeon and tied him with several chains. He stood sadly in the dim candle light, as the villagers heaped insult upon insult on him. He became a truly sad figure indeed.


"Chained…" Sora said sadly, as he and Kairi sat alone in the laboratory, a few hours after the incident in the theater. "Chained like a beast in a cage…"

"Oh Sora," Said Kairi. "I feel so terrible."

"There's only one answer. If I could correct the imbalance of spinal fluid in his cerebrum, why… he'd be right as rain! But how… how, before it's too late?" He rested his face in his hand.

Kairi lovingly took his other hand. "Oh Sora, if only there was some way I could help…" She kissed his hand. "If I could relieve this tension…" She kissed it again. "If only there was some way I could give you a little peace!" She pressed his hand against her heart, not quite realizing it was also close to her breasts.

Sora's head lifted slowly, as an idea popped into his head.


Later, Maleficent came down to the lab. "Doctor," She said. "I have a…" She didn't see anyone there. "Doctor? Hmm."

She was about to leave when she heard Sora's voice saying "What is it?"

She turned slowly to look around the empty lab again. "Doctor? Where are you?" She heard the platform crank begin to turn and looked up to see the table begin to lower itself. Once it was on the ground, she saw Sora and Kairi laying on it, covered only by the sheets. (KH fans either gasp in shock or snicker.)

Maleficent walked over to the table. "I thought I told you never to interrupt me while I'm working!" Sora snapped at her.

"I'm sorry Doctor," She replied. "I thought this was an emergency. You see, this telegram just came. Your fiancé will be arriving any second!" Maleficent held out the telegram, and Sora snatched it away.

"Hanna, here tonight?.!" He gasped.

"Yes." Maleficent replied. "I will go prepare her room at once." She looked at him contemptuously. "I suggest you put on a tie!"

Later, after Sora and Kairi had a chance to dress, a car pulled up to the castle and Sora, Kairi and Goofy stood at the door to greet Hanna.

She stepped out of the car, wearing a turban and a fur coat, and saw Sora. "Darling!" She called, cheerily.

"Darling!" Sora replied. He walked up to her and held her hand.



"Love me?"

"Love you!" Sora rubbed his hands together. "Well, let's turn in."

"Darling!" Hanna began to chuckle.

"It's been a long trip," Sora said in defense. "You must be tired. Here, I'll get your bags." Sora walked to the other side of the car.

Goofy walked up, a strange smile on his face. "Darling!" He called.

"What?" Hanna asked.

Goofy moved close to her. "Surprised?" He asked.

"Uh… well, uh… yes?"

"Love me?"


"Well, let's turn in." Sora returned and Goofy's voice became hushed. "Say nothing, act casual!"

"So, are you ready to go inside?" Sora asked Hanna.

"Yes…" Hanna replied. "I think I am a little tired after all."

Sora and Hanna walked to the door, Goofy close behind.

"Darling," Said Sora. "I'd like you to meet my assistants Kairi and Goofy."

"How do you do?" Hanna said to Kairi. She turned to Goofy, but turned away and asked Kairi again, "How do you do?"

"And this is my Financier, Hanna." Sora continued. "Uh, Financay. Uh…"

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Kairi said politely. "We've heard so much about you."

"Thank you." Hanna replied. She then looked Kairi up and down, suspiciously. "Tell me, what exactly is it that you… do?"

Kairi blinked nervously a moment. "Um… well, I mostly assist Doctor Frankenstein in the laboratory. We have all kinds of intellectual discussions and… oh, and as a matter of fact, we were just having one as you were driving up…"

"Myer!" Sora mumbled suddenly. "Er… um… I'm sure Hanna, you must be tired. So why don't I just show you to your room now. Uh, Goofy, would you give me a hand with the bags?"

"Coitenly," Goofy replied, imitating Groucho Marx. "You take the red-head and I'll take the one in the toiban." He growled naughtily and bit Hanna's fur, causing her to yelp and hit him over the head.

"Stop that!" Sora shouted, resisting the urge to laugh. "I was talking about the luggage! And what's come over you? You never act this way."

"Sorry," Goofy said sheepishly. "Somethin' just came over me. Ahyuck."

"Well don't let it happen again. Alright, let's go in."

Hanna walked inside, followed by Kairi. Sora and Goofy began carrying in the luggage.

"It's gonna be a long night." Said Goofy. "If you need any help with the girls, don't hesitate to-"

"Get in there!" Sora shouted, shoving Goofy inside.


Back in the dungeon, Riku had been left with only one guard, a cocky young guard with a scar on his face.

"You'd better settle down now," Seipher said smugly, just out of Riku's reach. "You're gonna be here awhile. So you and me, we're gonna be pals. Right?" Riku growled in response. Seipher just laughed and put a cigarette in his mouth. (Wait, is he old enough to smoke? Eh, if Sora is old enough to be a scientist and sleep with Kairi, I guess Seipher can smoke.) He lit a match to light the cigarette and Riku's eyes widened in fear. "What? Are you afraid of this little fire?" Seipher asked. "It can't hurt you…" He suddenly moved the match closer, causing Riku to yelp. "See? Ha! Some monster you are. Afraid of a little fire? What a chicken-wuss!"

But making fun of Riku was Seipher's big mistake. Now in reach, Riku blew out the match and grabbed Seipher by the neck and strangled him. He threw him to the ground and easily broke his chains, growling in satisfaction.

He was free.


Hope you enjoyed it. I had to edit out the part where Sora and Riku sang, cause song lyrics aren't alowed here anymore. Anyone who wants to see the original scene, with the song included (And it is much better that way) just tell me, and I'll send it to ya.