Alas, this is the end. Never fear, though. I will start a new story-a -day soon enough. I am thinking the next one ill start December 1st and go through January 1st. What do you all think?

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has helped make this so successful! I currently have 147 reviews; 34 favorites and 33 alerts! Wow! (Hugs everyone) THANKS!

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or the characters!

The End?

"Is that it?" Rukia asked, staring at the last page of the book. "That's the end?" she exclaimed. Ichigo, who was lying on his bed and doing his best to totally ignore her, said,

"Yeah. It's the end. But I don't get why you're so surprised. That book has a good ending," he said, sighing as he went back to trying to read his own book. Rukia glared at him and put the book down on the floor as she rose to her feet and walked over to Ichigo, dropping down on the edge of his bed.

She spoke as he did his best to kick her off.

"That's not a good ending! The guy died!"

"So? Look, the point of the book was romance," Ichigo said, rolling his eyes.

"So . . . why did you read it, then?" Rukia asked, her violet eyes shinning as she kicked her feet back and forth, having evaded Ichigo's shoe that had been trying it's best to make her sit on the floor again.

Ichigo turned a brilliant shade of red as he buried his face back into his book.

"Just because it's by an author I like. Now, leave me alone."

Rukia was quiet for a second, allowing Ichigo to read nearly two more pages in his book. Then, she said,

"I still think the ending sucked."

Ichigo groaned and put his book down, sitting up and crossing his legs as he glared at Rukia.

"Look, if I explain the book, will you leave me alone?"

Rukia seemed to think for a minute then nodded, turning around so she could face him. Ichigo sighed again and ran a hand through his hair, looking up at the ceiling. Rukia tapped her fingers and said,

"Anyday now . . ."

"Alright. Fine. The point of the book is really love; In the beginning, the main character, Ryou, meets the other main character, Sakura. Um . . . how did the meet again?" Ichigo asked, scratching his head.

"He bumped into her and made her fall into the lake," Rukia said.

"Right," Ichigo said, nodding. "Anyway, he accidentally hauls her into his life of a gangster, and when he tells her to leave him because it's too dangerous; she doesn't listen and stays because she thinks that he's special. Why she thinks that, I'm not quite sure . . ." Ichigo thought for a moment. "I think she won't leave because she feels that he is special and that she likes him or something. Anyway, back to the plot. She doesn't listen to him and instead stays by his side and gets caught up in a death. He begs her to leave again because he loves her and doesn't want anything to happen to her. But she doesn't listen," Ichigo explained.

"Why should she listen? Because while I was reading the book, it came across as she loved him, too."

"Whatever. But she wouldn't leave, and so she got caught up in his problems, and now she is fighting for her life while he is trying to protect her. But in the middle of the book, she get's taken hostage and held for ransom; but the guy doesn't want money, he wants Ryou instead because he has this big grudge of him from something he did in the past, which we later figure out to be someone that Ryou killed."

"You know, the girl in the book sounds as thickheaded as you," Rukia said, laughing. Ichigo glared at her.

"At least I'm not in love with a manic that everyone has it in for," Ichigo said, sighing. "Anyway, can we get back to the story?"

Rukia nodded eagerly.

"Anyway, after Sakura get's loose, Ryou is still being held captive. In the end, Sakura fails to rescue him and he is killed. But before he dies, he is able to tell her that he loves her, so he died peacefully," Ichigo said. "Now, can I get back to my book?"

"But what happened to her? Did she ever get over him? Because she loved him, too," Rukia pointed out.

"Well, sure she loved him. But she had to move on because that was what he asked her to do. Remember? On the last page, as he died, he begged her to move on and forget about him."

"Of course I remember baka! But can someone really forget about someone they really love? I don't think I could," she said, turning the book which she had just picked up around in her hands.

"Nah, I don't think she'll ever forget him, but she'll move on, because he asked her to," Ichigo said, putting down his book and crossing his arms.

"Well, I think that he should have lived. Then there could have been a happy ending," Rukia argued, opening the book up again and running her hand over the soft paper.

"Yes, but are there really ever any happy endings?" Ichigo asked quietly. "When two people love each other . . . it seems that it never really lasts." Ichigo averted his eyes from Rukia and stared up at the ceiling. "My dad loved my mom more than anything in the world; but she died. She dies after they had only been together for ten years. Does happiness really exist?"

"Sure it does. For some people. But for others I guess not. Nii-Sama loved my sister, too. But she died," Rukia said, smiling sadly. "But happy endings do exist. I know they do."

"Maybe not for us, huh?" Ichigo said, leaning back on his bed as he folded his arms under his head.

Rukia just smiled and closed the book, her hand lingering over the title for a second before she climbed off of Ichigo's bed and began walking back to her closet, placing the book on the bedside table.

"Maybe. Maybe not," she said, smiling back at Ichigo, who was no longer trying to read his book, but was instead just looking out the window. "But happy endings do exist. I promise."

THE END! Muhahaha! Well, that's the last one for this month. I hope you enjoyed it! I really liked writing it, and thought it fit well. What do you think?

Can anyone see how the story is kinda like Ichigo and Rukia's life? Or did I not get that across well enough?

◦♥◦♥◦NOTICE: A Story A Day Keeps The Arrancar Away is up! It is the continuation to this one!◦♥◦♥◦