Disclamer: I don't own Naruto.


Authoress' Note: Oh my, finished at last! Enjoy.



"blah" normal talks

"blah" Kyuuby talking

'blah' Naruto thinking

'blah' Kyuubi thinking

"blah" Telepathy

"…blah…" only for Jutsus

((blah)) Author's note

(blah) notes for story



Last time:

"I'm going to be a ninja?" back to her true from, tears filled her crystal blue eyes, her little voice shivered, Kyoko felt a bang on her chest. The sadness was filling her small voice; it was clear that she was not really used to someone to care for her. Maybe the Hokage but he was alone. Taking the little girl in her arms, she soothed her tears and said, "Natsumi-chan, you're going to be a great ninja someday; just like your parents."

They sat there for hours with Natsumi questioning on her parents and Clan while Kyoko answered patiently. Then, Natsumi fell asleep with a smile on her cute face. Kyoko gazed on her little sleeping form with soft, motherly eyes and left the room swiftly without a sound.




By Yue Hime

Chapter 2 – Family and Secret

The next day evening, Natsumi woke up with a jump. Looking around, she found herself in the blank room of the hospital. Saddened suddenly, she concluded that everything that had happened after the beatings were just some silly dreams. Lowing her head, she wept softly.

The door opened, revealing Kyoko. Seeing the scenery, she sat beside Natsumi and asked in a kind voice. "Why are you crying?"

Lifting her head, she sniffed and threw herself into the arms of Kyoko. The latter was surprised but caught her nonetheless.

"Are you alright?" she asked the trembling figure in her arms.

"I thought everything was a dream." She heard the little voice quivered. Chuckling, Kyoko pulled the girl close.

"Of course not, dear. You're part of the family now."


"Hai, our family, my little cousin." Kyoko smiled upon Natsumi.

"Cousin? I'm your cousin? You're not disgusted with me?"

"Why would you think that? You're family!" a new voice said from the doorframe. It was a man with messy auburn hair and amber eyes like those of a wolf. He was smiling with kindness at Natsumi.

"Ryu-kun, you're late." Scowled Kyoko.

Holding his hands in defence in front of himself, Ryusuke replied with a chuckle. "I'm not late. Not everybody is punctuality-freak like you Kyoko-chan."

Kyoko huffed with arms crossed in front of her torso and Natsumi giggled softly.

"Hello Natsumi-chan, my name is Ryusuke, and I'm also your family." He softy smiled at Natsumi.

Natsumi beamed through the tear filled eyes.

"Sleep now, little one," cooed Kyoko. "We'll talk about all those things tomorrow okay? You'll need to fill your strength." Yawning lightly, Natsumi snuggled in the comfortable shits of the bed and closed her eyes. "Good night." She mumbled with sleepiness in her voice.

Kissing her forehead, Kyoko whispered, "Good night little cousin." Sharing a knowing smile with Ryusuke, they left the room swiftly.




The next morning, Natsumi woke up to see the rippled face of the Sandaime Hokage. Beaming brightly, she jumped out the bed and threw herself in on top of the old man she considered as close as a grandfather. Surprise written on his old face, Sarutobi caught the little girl and smiled.

"How are you today Natsumi-chan?"

"I'm fine!" she grinned widely before lowing her head, "Is what Kyoko-san said true? Am I really her cousin? I really have a family of my own?"

The Sandaime sighed, mentally cursing the villagers for their stupidity toward a child. "Natsumi-chan, that's right! You really have a family of you own that loves you a lot."

"Sou ka? Domo arigatou kami-sama." She murmured under her breath.

The door opened and a man entered and bowed before Natsumi.

"Hello, I'm Kenshin, nice you meet you my Heiress." He was a man of earlier twenty with deep red hair and chocolate colour eyes.

Blinking confusedly at the man in front of her, she asked, "Heiress? But I'm just Natsumi!"

With a smile floating on his face, Kenshin replied. "You are Uzumaki Natsumi, the Heiress of our Clan. But you also is our little cousin, so, welcome to the Clan."

Still blinking confusedly, Natsumi nodded and then, threw the confusion aside, she grinned happily before leaping on the man in front of her to give him a big hug.

A little surprised, Kenshin closed his arms around the little frame of Natsumi and held her close while promising in his mind that he'll protect his little cousin no matter what. In the background, Sandaime looked at the scene in satisfaction; it's about time for Natsumi-chan to find somebody to protect her from harm. He sighed, at her age; she should be having fun with others, not being hurt by the villagers. Suddenly, he felt that he was really getting old.



A year later.



"Now Natsumi-chan, concentrate your chakra to your right hand to form a small tornado." instructed Kyoko.

Natsumi concentrated. She pushed a big string of chakra slowly to the chakra pathway of her hand. Then, suddenly, a big thrust of red, demonic-feeling chakra enveloped the blue chakra, making her lost her concentration and unintentionally releasing the blue chakra that was not ready to be released. So it rushed out of her pathway and created a huge whirlpool of wind. Natsumi slumped on the ground, eyes widen at the sight of the tornado destroying everything in its path.

"Natsumi-chan! Are you alright?" yelled out Kyoko as she rushed to Natsumi's side.

Natsumi looked at the destroyed part of the forest with wide eyes before with a shakily voice, asked, "What was that red chakra Kyoko-nee-chan?"

Kyoko looked at Natsumi with serious eyes then sighed deeply. "Well, I guess it's to bound to happen sooner or later. Come, we'll need to go to the Old Man Hokage's office."

Natsumi giggled at Kyoko's nickname of Sandaime-jiji. She had forgotten her fears before, noted Kyoko, reassured.

In a swirl of leaf, the two cousins disappeared.

They reappeared in the Hokage's office, startling the said one from a deep slumber behind the mountains of paperwork. Kyoko smiled mischievously at Natsumi and went quietly to the sleeping Hokage's side and yelled in this ear loudly. "BOOYA!"

The Sandaime jumped, but unfortunately for him, he hit the mountains of paperwork and found himself enslaved under. Natsumi and Kyoko giggled and it turned to full blow laugh when the Hokage tried to mend the dignity that were left of him.

"What are you girls here for?" he asked.

At this, Kyoko turned serious as she began to explain. "I was teaching Natsumi-chan a chakra control exercise but it turned bad and destroyed everything in its path. Natsumi-chan told me that she saw a red chakra."

Sandaime looked at Natsumi; so she had found out more sooner than he thought. Sighing, he decided to tell her about it.

"What do you know about the Kyuubi no Kitsune Natsumi?" asked the Hokage.

Turning her face and stared confusedly at the Sandaime, Natsumi answered. "Didn't the Yondaime kill it?" then, realisation drew on her face. "He sealed it in me, isn't it? That's why the villagers were always calling me Demon Child, isn't it?"

Sandaime sighed as Kyoko embraced Natsumi with love. "Yes. He couldn't make other's child to bear this burden. He knew that his little daughter could forgive him for she'll have a big and forgiving heart. Those villagers were fools; the last wish of the Yondaime was you to be seen as a hero. They betrayed Yondaime-sama's wish!"

Natsumi cried hard against Kyoko's shoulder. When she finally calmed down, she looked at the Hokage and said, "I understand. I'll make everybody respect me, I swear!"

The Hokage and Kyoko smiled as the determination shone in the eyes of Natsumi. Yes, she did have a big and forgiving heart. 'She also has your determination my friend.' Thought the Sandaime as he looked at the picture of his successor.






Finished finally! I hope this chapter is up to your satisfaction because it is not for me. I don't like this chapter. Hope the next one will be better.

Till next time!

Yue Hime