The Autumn Dance
The Autumn Dance



          A tired looking man with torn, weathered robes stepped into the clearing. It was a peaceful place, and the wind blew lightly around him. Autumn was quickly stepping into Winter, and the dried leaves crunched under his feet.

The wind sings for the Hopeful,

The Lovers and Dreamers,

It dances for the gazers,

The Lookers and believers,

The wind will sing for you and me.

            The man knelt and brushed away some leaves. They should be here, alive and happy. Its been seventeen years since he last saw them, happy, and full of life. It seemed as though everything he loved got hurt. He shed a silent tear, and thought about the living proof of their love. The man watched over their only child everyday. He remembered his friends. He wanted so much for them to be here. Their son would graduate next spring.

I remember your face like yesterday,

Your eyes were full of light.

The ones that made everyone happy,

The ones that made things bright.

            The man collected his thoughts. He stood slowly, with one more word to the ground on which he stood. He turned, and walked solemnly away. If he had turned, he might have caught a glimpse of an echo of the past. The seemingly unreal girl danced in the leaves that swept up around her long white dress and silky red, though now dimmed, hair. If the man had listened, he could have heard the wind sing to the girl as another echo called her name. He might have glimpsed a tall man with unruly hair and glasses sweep the girl into his arms and laugh. If the man had only looked back, he might have seen, for a moment, the love of his life. But, the man did not look back, or he would have known his friends were at peace.

James "Prongs" Potter        "Tiger" Lily Potter            Callie Marie Lupin

     1963-1987                            1963-1987                     1964-1990