A Xiaolin LIFE
Kimiko Tohomiko, Raimundo Pedrosa, Omi, and Clay Bailey were playing Kimiko's Collector's Edition of the game of LIFE.
"I'm going to be the blue car." Kimiko said. "Call out colors."
"You stole my color." Raimundo pouted. "But I guess I'll take silver."
"I'll take gold!" Clay called out.
"I guess I'll have black." Omi said somewhat confused about how the game works.
"Everyone's starting at college right?" Kimiko asked placing the cars at Start College. Raimundo nodded.
"Nah, I'll go the other route." Clay shook his head "College never seemed appealing to me."
"What is college?" Omi asked.
"Just go to college." Raimundo said. "It'll make you smarter."
"Not exactly." Clay disagreed with Raimundo. "I have farm smarts." He took his turn after Kimiko and chose his career of a police officer and salary of 90,000. Kimiko listened to the two as she dealt herself the career of computer consultant and salary of 80,000.
"Whatever." Raimundo shrugged.
"See after you've been farming for a while you can start a career of cropping and selling livestock" Clay said. "And you're set for life." While the two were still talking it came around to Kimiko's second turn and she landed on the "Get married" space.
"Aww, I'm, getting married." Kimiko hugged the blue figure.
"To whom? Look around, there's no one for you to marry." Raimundo teased. Kimiko playfully stuck her tongue out at him.
"Rai, it's called using your imagination." Clay said. Kimiko nodded dealt Omi his career of an artist and salary of 100,000. Then Clay took another turn and he landed on the "Get married" space.
"Yes, I got married!" Clay cheered placing the pink figure in his car. Kimiko smiled at him and took another turn. She land on the "Buy a house" space and paid for her Tudor house.
"I'll take this mighty fine farmhouse" Clay said once he landed on the house space.
"Who is it that I am to marry?" Omi asked once he landed on the get married space.
"Her." Kimiko placed the pink figure in his car and Omi gave it an odd look.
"A game that I used to play," Clay said. "Was naming your spouse, a game where you name your spouse."
"In this game?" Raimundo asked as he took his turn and landed on the "Get married" space.
"Hmm, I'm getting married." It soon came back around to Clay's turn and he landed on a "Baby boy" space.
"Aww, I've got a son." Clay said placing the blue figure in his car. "I'll name him Clive." After Kimiko took her turn it was Omi's turn again and he landed on the "Buy a house" space.
"Hmm, I shall buy this mobile home." Omi said when Kimiko dealed out his house deeds. Raimundo landed on the home space shortly after Omi did and purchased the log cabin. Soon it was once more Omi's turn and he landed on a "Baby boy" space.
"Ooh, a son." Omi said.
"Cool, now you have another Omi." Clay took his turn after Raimundo and also landed on a "Baby boy" spot. "And so do I." Omi's turn came around soon and this time he landed on a "Baby girl" spot.
"Oh, now a daughter." Omi said.
"Hmm, a female Omi." Clay said. "What will you name her?"
"She will have no name." Omi said. Shortly after Omi said that it was Raimundo's turn and he too landed on a "Baby girl" space.
"Oh, now I have a daughter." Raimundo said.
"What'll you name her?" Clay asked.
"Kimiko." Raimundo said simply yet romantically.
"That's sweet." Clay said. "But why?"
"Well, besides my family, she's really the only girl I know." Raimundo shrugged.
"Well, I think it's very sweet." Kimiko hugged Raimundo then took her turn and let out a laugh. "Hey, look where I landed."
"Where's that?" Clay asked.
"On the grandparents space and I'm the only one without children!" Kimiko laughed.
"Poor you." Clay said Raimundo chuckled and a few minutes later Raimundo won the board game with 2,300,090.