Hey guys! Its like 8 days until Resident Evil: Extinction will be in theaters! It comes out on the 21st (well it comes out the 21st in the USA)! I have been waiting for over a year for it, and it's almost here. I just hope it's as good as the trailer makes it look like it will be. The taglines "All bets are off" and "We have witnessed the beginning… we have seen the apocalypse… now we face extinction" and "What happens in Vegas… stays in Vegas" and I think there are some variants of the second one something like "We fought the infection… we survived the apocalypse… now we face extinction", anyway I love the taglines. I have heard 7 tracks from the OST so far, and I've liked all of them. Can't wait until the 18th when the OST hits the stores. If the movie is as good as the tracks I've heard from the OST, then I think it will be a hell of a movie.

I found the game for this movie the other day also. It's a convoy game, and its pretty fun the first couple of times you play. After beating it about eight times it gets a little repetitive though. I was hoping it would be more like Land of the Dead's Loot and Shoot. Which in that you run around inside of what used to be a store killing zombies and collecting certain items, with the Convoy game though you drive your vehicle through this desert like area (that's supposed to be the ruins of Vegas) running over zombies and collecting armor packs and anti-virus capsules, then you either have to go and drive to a survivor, collect a gun, or collect more fuel. Once you have collected the survivor, gun, or fuel you have to kill so many zombies with whatever gun you have. You start out with two pistols, then get an assault rifle, then a shotgun. Its kind of too easy. Anyway the game is okay, I mean after all the movie is supposed to be kind of set in the ruins of Vegas I think. Actually I think Alice is supposed to be trying to lead the convoy with survivors to Alaska while Umbrella is hunting her. I have heard that Crimson Heads will be making their first movie appearance in this one, and from the trailer it shows infected crows attacking the convoy, and there is a tyrant like creature shown in the trailer… it looks like the tyrant from Resident Evil: Dead Aim. The guy that is listed at the internet movie database as Dr. Isaacs is also listed as the Tyrant… I wish they would include a few Hunters and Spiders in the movie, and maybe have a leach man (heh heh, leach man is the most annoying enemy in any Resident Evil game, well besides Nemesis in Resident Evil: Nemesis, he's not that hard of an enemy to shoot down every time he appears its just every time you see him he is saying, "STARSsss" and by the end of the game I was ready to throw the controller if he said "STARSsss" again and he did. It really made me appreciate the last words Jill says to him in the game.) Sorry about the rant (and I think this is the longest A/N I have ever written.).

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy X, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead, or any other popular zombie movies or games. At one time I may have owned my sanity, but it left me for someone eh… more sane.

Future Horrors Chapter 10:


This could very well be the worst night of his life, if he was still alive. Sitting here about nine hundred feet away from a fortress, watching and waiting for the right moment to strike. Rikku was in there somewhere, and only God knows what they were doing to her in there. It wasn't even something he wanted to think about. He brought the scope level with his eye again and watched.

12 Days Ago:

The group had barely managed to escape from Luca in one piece. Someone had suggested they use the comm.-sphere at the Travel Agency on the Mi'hen Highroad. After walking up the road, they had found that the Agency had been swarming with the undead. Auron and Tidus had walked around the building trying to see how many of the things were inside the agency when suddenly gunfire had erupted from where they had left the girls. Yuna was safe but Rikku was missing.

"Yuna, Tidus we have no idea where she has been taken. We will not be able to find her on foot. I suggest we continue trying to reach the airship. If nothing else Cid will come to hear about his daughters kidnapping from the only witnesses, and to save his niece. There were only ten maybe twelve zombies inside when Tidus and I looked; I think we can take them. The quicker we make contact with Cid, and get on the airship, the sooner we can start looking for Rikku." Auron says as he raises his gun. Tidus and Yuna just nod. Auron walks back about seven feet from the door and stands on one side of it. "Yuna you stand beside of me here. Tidus you get to kick the door in, but as soon as its opened you get your ass back here."

Yuna positions herself beside of Auron and Tidus stands in front of the door. Auron counts to three and Tidus kicks the door before rushing back to Auron and Yuna's position. The three stand with their guns raised. As the first zombie comes stumbling out of the agency Auron fires one shot into its head and it falls. Several more zombies come stumbling out before getting an extra hole in the head. Once the last zombie in sight comes out Auron walks forward and peaks in the door, around the corners and behind the door, then he motions for Tidus and Yuna to come on in.

"Cid anyone on the Al-Bhed Airship come in." Auron says into the comm. sphere and Yuna and Tidus stand watching. "Cid, Brother, anyone come in." After a moment and still no answer, "Machina Man, Cid, Brother; Machina Princess has been kidnapped!"

"Who is this?" A voice says over the sphere.

"This is Auron. I am here at the Mi'hen Travel Agency with Yuna and Tidus."

"Sir Auron did you say that Rikku has been kidnapped?"


"What happened?"

"Cid, we are on the highroad right now, there are these zombies everywhere, and we need a lift."

"You wanna ride?"


"Stay put. As soon as we drop some supplies at Bikaniel and Djose we will be there." Cid says before signing off. Then everyone begins making sure there aren't any undead surprises inside the agency before looting the place. Once they know every room is empty they settled down in the main lobby eating whatever fresh snacks they found in the kitchen.

After eating they pushed some tables and chairs against the door to the agency, nothing would be getting inside, unless it was stronger than the regular zombies or came in the window. Tidus and Yuna left the lobby to go find rooms to sleep in… if sleeping is actually what they did. Somehow Auron doubted it, by the way they had been acting all evening he would have betted that they had "other things" on their minds.

He sit in a chair watching the door and window all night. It was late, he was tired, but if he fell asleep he probably wouldn't wake up in time if something got in. He wondered where Rikku was and if she was still alive or not. He wanted to hurry up and start searching for her. Surely they could find her once on the airship. Hell he would find her if he had to search every place in Spira to do so. Obviously he missed the pesky little Al-Bhed…

As the night passed on the sounds of the undead began to get louder. By early morning it sounded as if there were a hundred zombies outside, but all Auron could see through the window was twelve. By midmorning Tidus and Yuna joined him.

Around nine o'clock the airship arrived. Once they managed to eliminate the zombies surrounding the travel agency the group boarded the ship. It didn't take Cid long to order them into the bridge and begin asking questions about Rikku's kidnapping.

Once they told him everything they knew, he allowed them to go clean up and find a room to rest in. Tidus went off to enjoy running around the ship, while Yuna stayed with Cid. Auron wandered off through the ship.

After finding the showers and cleaning himself up, he began searching for a safe place to sleep, if that would be possible after the events of the last few days. He walked down the hall until he passed a closed door that looked inviting and he went in. The room wasn't really spacious, was scarcely decorated, and whoever stayed here had all their stuff boxed up in a corner. He briefly considered taking a peek in one of the boxes but decided against it. Upon seeing the bed exhaustion began to set in. He felt like he would collapse where he was standing if he didn't lie down fast, so he rushed to the bed.

He had slept maybe four hours when the door jerked open and woke him. He looked around startled before seeing it was only Cid. The bald man stood there looking just as shocked as Auron before speaking.

"What are you doing in here?"


"I can see that." Cid says, "There are plenty of rooms on this ship, why did you choose this one?"

"I don't know."

"You do remember whose room this is?" Cid asked, looking pretty annoyed. Auron thought for a few minutes before it hit him. This was the room Rikku had stayed in during the pilgrimage.

"Rikku's?" Auron guessed.

"Yes." Cid said, "Now do you mind telling me why you chose to sleep in my daughter's bedroom?"

"Cid, if you don't want…

"You could have stopped her from being taken. You shouldn't have let her or Yuna out of your sight. You saw the destruction those things caused back in Luca! You witnessed it first hand! You experienced it for Pete's sake! You know what those things are capable of, and yet you left my daughter and niece alone! What kind of legend are you?"

"Cid!" Yuna yelled from outside the room. "Brother sent me to find you. He says there is someone from Home trying to contact you."

"I'll be there in a minute!"

"He said it's urgent!"

"I'm coming."

8 Days Ago:

Rikku still had not been located, and Home was falling fast to the growing hordes of the undead. Auron stood in a small room with the door closed behind him. He knew it would be suicide to open it and go back into the hall. Sometimes he hated guilt. That's what got him in this mess. He had felt that Cid was right and he hadn't wanted Rikku to be rescued from whatever hell she was being put through just to have to face that everyone at their new Home had been killed by zombies so he had offered to be one of the few to come down into this hell and rescue the few survivors that were left. By the time the airship had dropped the small group though, no one was left, and now he was trapped and alone in a building full of zombies.

He had believed that the Al-Bhed of all people could protect themselves from these mindless abominations. He had believed that if anyone could, then the Al-Bhed could. Seeing the new Home after its destruction made him realize that these undead beasts were capable of ending all life on Spira.

Suddenly the sound of glass breaking brought him out of his thoughts. The window across from him had been shattered and a couple mindless ghouls were now climbing through. Auron put two bullets in their skulls and walked over to the window. There were several zombies beginning to walk towards him now, but if he could get through the window in time then he could make a run for it. Maybe, if he was lucky he could make it to the comm.-sphere and call the airship, but would Cid be willing to pick him up?

4 Days Ago:

Rikku had been located. She was on a small island west of Bikaniel. It would take them maybe three days to get there, but Cid wanted to be cautious, maybe for the first time in his life, and send a smaller airship out with a small crew to bring her back. The only real surprise though was when Cid invited Auron into the wardroom and informed him that he would be leading this rescue mission.

1 Day Ago:

A well rested Auron was standing on the deck of the airship. A smaller airship would hopefully be arriving any minute and the journey to find Rikku would begin. The crew would have to toss a rope across to the other airship and crawl across, it wouldn't be easy but it looked like it would be the only way to board the other ship without risking the infection getting on this ship. Seymour's attack on Home years ago was bad enough, but now that the zombies had wiped out the population of the Al-Bhed at the new Home the Al-Bhed seemed to be a slowly dying out race. There were probably three hundred Al-Bhed on the airship and about fifty at Djose…

Finally a slightly rusted aircraft appeared several miles away. Once it was close enough Auron tossed the rope to the guy who appeared on the deck of the smaller ship. The guy caught the rope and secured it around something. Then the group slowly made their way across to the other ship.

Several hours later they were flying at a dangerous height above the island Rikku was being held on. From this high up it was hard to see many details of the island below. After the little trip over the island, Auron had the pilot take them about fifty miles away from it and fly close to the water.

Several of the crew members gathered on the deck and hung a RIB on the supports beside of the deck, and then they plugged in the blower and inflated it. Once it was fully inflated they dropped it into the water. Once that everyone who was going on the island had jumped into the RIB, they were off.

It didn't take them long to make it to the island. Once the RIB was hidden, everyone started towards the coordinates where the thing had found Rikku. The trip through the area was hellish. The group had mistakenly found several traps and had lost six people in the process. After the traps Auron, Yuna, Tidus and an Al-Bhed kid was the only members of the group left.

After the sixth trap everyone had decided to rest a few minutes before going on. Finding the traps in the way they had, had made everyone pretty nervous, and Auron was afraid that the Al-Bhed kid would run off and get himself killed. After eating some MREs the group trudged on.

Sometime after dark a group of people was spotted, but before Auron could order his team to get out of sight, several members of the group of islanders came running towards them holding axes, swords, sickles, and pitchforks. The Al-Bhed kid fired the first shot and all hell broke loose.

Islanders appeared from all sides and began to charge, once Auron's team managed to take most of them down, more appeared from the trees. Then several islanders ran away yelling something. Once again Auron's team mowed down the islanders coming towards them just to have more approach from the trees. It didn't look like these things would ever stop coming, then finally they did.

After the battle was over, the group found themselves an area to sleep in. Two slept at a time, and the rest of the night was uneventful. The next day they moved on. After walking for about six hours they saw a huge wall in front of them, and as they got closer they saw it was guarded.


The fortress loomed in front of him, and an unknown number of threats waited from behind. It wasn't going to be easy to get inside, but somehow they had to. Rikku was in there. Rescuing her was the only reason they were here. They had to get inside. Auron searched the walls one last time. If they…

Suddenly explosions from the inside could be heard. Maybe it had just been an accident. Then there were more blasts. The guards suddenly stopped watching the outside and began disappearing off of the top of the walls. Auron motioned for his team to run forward.

They had made it about eight hundred and ninety feet, taking out the guards that were still paying attention to them, when the wall or gate exploded. Then a huge machina came rolling out. Auron knew that this could be trouble, but he ordered everyone to raise their weapons anyway.

Suddenly a side door opens. "Guys don't shoot! It's me!" a familiar voice yells.

"Rikku?" Auron says, relief clearly in his voice. The young Al-Bhed steps out from behind the door and waves. Then Auron sees past her. Several guards have appeared about sixty feet away from the huge machina, two of them holding something Auron had hoped he would never see again… rocket launchers. "Rikku watch…

Before he can finish the sentence he sees something red dashing out of the big machina, shoving Rikku, and then an explosion.