Kyouya had been on his way to Haruhi's apartment to help her with an essay when Tamaki had called. Apparently, he'd been worried about their friendship and how competing for Haruhi's heart would affect their relationship. They'd talked for a few minutes, discussing everything, and had come to a conclusion or two. The two of them would do their best to keep their friendship, no matter what happened, and Kyouya honestly hoped that nothing would damage their friendship. As crazy and dramatic as Tamaki could be, Kyouya did value their friendship.

The essay that Haruhi needed help was for the university she was applying to, the university Kyouya was currently attending. As he'd been accepted, she was hoping he might be able to give her a few tips on the essay. Kyouya didn't want to tell her that part of the reason for why he was accepted was because of his family's financial situation, but he'd nonetheless decided to help her.

"Thank you for coming, Kyouya," Haruhi said when she let him in.

"It's no trouble at all." Kyouya followed her to her bedroom.

He looked around as Haruhi retrieved the essay. Surprisingly enough, her bedroom was painted a light shade of pink; he assumed that this was her father's doing. Her room was tidy, with a small shelf filled with books and a desk that was covered in what was obviously schoolwork.

"Here." Haruhi handed him the essay. "It's just a rough copy so it's okay if you want to mark it up."

Kyouya nodded in response, and sat down at her desk.

"Would you like some coffee or tea, Kyouya?"

"Tea, please," Kyouya asked, beginning to read.

Kyouya only read through it once. Her essay was perfect; with her grades and an essay like this, she'd be sure to be accepted. Haruhi hadn't returned with the tea; Kyouya considered going to meet her in the kitchen, but he was being given the prime chance to understand Haruhi even more, just by looking around her room.

The first thing that caught his eyes was a framed photo sitting on the desk. He picked it up to look at it and was surprised to see that it wasn't a photo of her mother (as he thought it might've been), but instead a photo of her and Mori. Kyouya raised his eyebrows at the position they were in. With any other members of the Host Club, this would've been normal, but with Mori….

Haruhi was leaning against Mori's chest, an arm wrapping around him. Her smile was huge, and quite adorable. But, Mori's arms were also wrapped around her, obviously holding her very tightly, and he had a very content look in his eyes.

Kyouya stared at the photo for a minute longer then placed it back where it had been. He went to meet Haruhi in the kitchen.

She looked up when he came in. "The tea's ready; I was about to bring it in," Haruhi said, placing a tea cup and a small teapot on a tray.

"There's no need; I've finished going over your essay."

"Really?" Haruhi sounded surprised.

Kyouya nodded. "There's nothing to fix. It's fine the way it is."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded again.

"Well, would you still like the tea? We could sit and catch up…"

Kyouya was about to decline, but then thought better of it. "All right."

Moments later, the two of them were seated, each with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of rice crackers between them.

"How's college?" Haruhi asked, breaking the ice.

"Fine. There's more work, but that's not too bad." Kyouya took a sip of his tea. "How long have you and Mori been together?"

Haruhi nearly choked on the cracker she'd been eating. "W-what?"

Kyouya repeated the question.

"About six months," Haruhi said slowly. "How…how did you know?"

"I saw the photo on your desk."

"Please don't tell anyone, Kyouya. Mori doesn't want anyone to know; something about his family disapproving. I'm not sure exactly what."

Kyouya nodded, understanding. Mori's family was probably eager to continue fitting in with the upper-class society, so of course they'd frown upon Mori dating someone outside of his social status.

He smiled suddenly; just his usual small smile. The thought just occurred to him: what would happen when Tamaki found out?


I know, surprise ending. But, it's what I've had planned from the beginning.

Now, I may or may not add a little side story with Tamaki's reaction; no promises, though.

I hope you enjoyed this story, and please leave some constructive criticisms.