I walked through the streets of Shinjuku, where the lights were flashing, and the gay couples were dating. I always wondered how I ended up like this, but I guess that was how my life went.

Walking through the streets
Author: SasuNaru-love
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters. Or Shinjuku Nichome…
Warning: Shonen-ai, Yaoi, AU.


"Blah." Talking

'Blah' Naruto's thoughts

I got out of my house like always. Every night at nine, I would always go to my workplace, where I got to entertain others while I just enjoyed the time. I didn't have to do anything, just smile, and act cool. Nothing else.

I, Uzumaki Naruto, was the King of the gay bar I was working at. It wasn't that hard—I could just like, you know, act like my normal self.

Shinjuku Nichome was this place filled with gay, and lesbian bars…and people could easily express their sexual orientation there. Like myself.

I dunno…I don't know how I found out that I was gay…I really don't know. I was probably like about 12? I really wouldn't know, but I enjoy it.

I walked to the bar, and got my keys out.

"Naru-chan!" A fat guy screamed.

Another shouted, "Come here honey!"

I smiled to both of them and I walked over to the counter. I looked at the list of people who had booked me today.

Hyuuga Neji

Uchiha Sasuke(Full)

Interesting. I looked over at table #25. I was guessing that was Hyuuga-san.

"Excuse me," I smiled.

The guy looked up at me. "Hello Naru-san."

"So, how are you today, hottie?" I asked.

He blushed. Almost everyone does. I feel the other customers glaring at him, filled with jealousy. Why wouldn't they just go back to their own hosts?

"I'm fine. You?"

"Excellent. I almost feel like I want to eat you up whole!" I smiled.

He made the weirdest smile, one that said, "Do me" all over. Like hell, this was my job! I wouldn't just screw a random person. Who did he think I was?

"Anyways, would you like some cake? Our specialty today is-"

"I don't care about that I want to eat you." Neji licked his lips.

"Umm…sir, that isn't allowed." I tried to smile. "But, I will kiss you if you eat some cake." I whispered.

He stopped and blinked for a second.

"Fine. How much are they?"

"3000 yen!" I laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me."


Neji took out his wallet and placed 3000 yen onto the table. I was gonna be rich by the end of the day—this guy was easy. Not like the guy who booked me yesterday…

"Here's your cake"

"Now, where's my kiss?" Neji smirked.

Oh yeah, that part. I completely did not forget but at least tried to forget that part. Why did I have to kiss this guy? Che…

A chaste kiss on the lips would do.


"Hyuuga-san, your time is up sir." A man came up to us and said.

'Yes! Finally! I was out of this weird man's clutches! MUWAHAHA. Ahem. Anyways…Who was the next guy?'

Uchiha Sasuke (Full)

I stared at the name and blinked for a moment. FULL. So that meant I had to entertain him for the rest of the night, right? Yeah, seemed easy enough….or so I thought until he walked into the bar…

'Don't tell me…that he's an Okama. A beautiful one to be exact. He has smooth pale legs and oh my gawd! That gorgeous face! Is he really a guy?'

"Uchiha Sasuke" He spoke.

"Right this way sir."

He came towards where I was sitting. 'Wow…he's even prettier from here…'

"Hey cutie" I said seductively.


I frowned in the inside. Of course I wouldn't show it in front of him! But anyways, I thought he was going to be harder than the others.

"So Uchiha-san. What are your hobbies and stuff?" I asked.

"Hn. To be better than my gay brother." He smirked.

"Your brother huh? Does your brother visit this town quite frequently?"

"Yeah he does. He comes to Shinjuku Nichome every night. You see, he's very good at cross-dressing and he could easily be mistaken as a girl."

'Yeah. Hell. So could you. I mean you, seriously. I wouldn't know that you're a guy unless I heard your, sexy—I mean deep voice.'

"Hm" I smiled. "You get engaged in conversations that concern your brother don't you?" I asked sweetly.

"W-what?" He blushed. "I just…he's just my idol…type thing."

"A-ha." I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"I don't know really. Anyways, would you like some cake sir?" I asked.

"I'm not good with sweets."

"Then how about me?"

I watched his reaction closely. He blushed in five different shades of red. Hahaha.

"I'm just kidding sir."

He smiled. Wow, the whole night, this was the first time I'd seen him smile. I cocked my head sideways.

"Uchiha-san. Your time is up." The guy came up to us.

'Boo! Why does he interrupt when it just gets good?'

"All right." He stood up. Wow, legs. "I'll be back tomorrow night. I have you booked for the rest of the week, Naru-san."

'Oh… how did I not know that?' I looked up at him.

"Also Naru-san, I would like it if you cross-dressed." With that, he walked away..

Wah…cross-dress? This wasn't an Okama bar, and I was the king. Cross-dress? Was he gay, or did he want to be a les? Oh well. This is where the story probably unfolded.

Authors Notes:

I'm done with the prologue! And anyone else who's reading my other stories, they will be updated soon as possible since I began re-typing my chapters again… or that's what I thought last time, but SOMEBODY deleted it.. so it's not my fault.. it's my computers! Anyways, I finally got a Beta! And she's one of my good friends at school. So yeah read her stories when you have a chance.

Bloodied Palms:

…uh…hi…people…? I beta for SasuNaru-Love, just for, you know, grammar and spelling and stuff. Just so you all know, I don't correct content, so if you find anything wrong then BLAME IT ON SASUNARU-LOVE! well, as a side note, my stories will be coming out soon, once SasuNaru-love betas them. Try to check them out yourself…if you dare…