Chapter 26 - Can You Leave me here alone now!
"Okay it's been three days and still no sign of Chris, something must've happened." Phoebe said to her sisters.
"He's probably been caught by Wyatt." Piper said to her sisters looking worried. "I knew we shouldn't have left him behind."
"I know...I should've orbed him out with us." Paige said massaging her temples as she paced the small area that's given to the Charmed ones in the safe house.
"We have to do something, we can't just sit here." Piper said to her sisters as they nodded.
"We tried everything Piper, from scrying to summoning, it didn't work." Phoebe said to her sisters who glanced at each other in worry. Just then Billie rushed into the room, almost out of breath.
"We found out where Chris is," Billie said to the sisters as both Piper and Phoebe immediately shot to their feet.
"Where?" Paige asked the witch before her.
"At Wyatt's castle," Billie said as the Charmed ones glanced at each other. "Follow me, I'll show you." with that note Billie turned and disappeared around the corner.
Chris glanced down at the ground from the window as he took in the beautiful palace gardens before him and the big prison like walls that towered halfway up to the palace. He realized he was located on the third floor which was a good thing, seeing the palace seems to climb above him up to god knows how many floors. From his window to the ground, there wasn't much height, but at the same time, it's not short enough for him to jump down…and even if he does, who knows what will happen. Probably he'll get electrocuted or something worse that he could not think of at the current moment.
Glancing around his room, he saw a table lamp sitting on the drawer next to the window. Grabbing the lamp from the shelf, the young witch dropped the object outside the window, watching it spiral down and meet the ground with a soft thud. He waited for few seconds, waiting for something to happen, like waiting for Wyatt's demonic guards to shimmer in or the object to combust into million pieces or something, but to his surprise nothing happened.
Once again not wanting to risk anything he grabbed few books of the shelves nearby and dropped each one of them far as he could, to see how far they could reach without being bounced back or altering anyone, but to his surprise the final book he threw, guided by his TK reached the wall and yet still nothing happened, only it fell on a rose bush destroying part of a flowers, but oh well. He got more pressing matters to worry about…like getting out of here and getting the sisters back in time.
The witch lighter glanced around the room before approaching the closet where he grabbed every sheets he could find, down to the floor. Once ensuring that all the sheets are tied from one end to another - pulling on them to check their knot strength – after all he doesn't want them to give up on him when he's climbing down the wall – he tied one end to the window sill and pulled to see if the sheets could hold his weight, when he was happy, he threw the bundle down the window to see the length. Although they didn't fully touch the ground, Chris figured he could jump as it was only about ten inch off the ground or so.
Wyatt meanwhile in the throne room smirked at the sight of Chris beginning to climb down the wall in his quest to escape the castle. Chris on the other hand climbed down the wall, glancing down at the ground once in a while to make sure he knows when to jump, however that's when everything got interesting. As the young witch climbed down, he noticed the sheets kept on coming, he glanced down to find he was still good few feats above the ground, with a quick glance towards the window, he also found its good few feet above him - so he was somewhere in the middle. Brushing the little nagging voice aside, he started to climb down again, his eyes fixed on the ground but to his surprise or to worry, the ground didn't seem to be getting any near, in fact he realized either the building is climbing above him – which is not possible since he would've ran out of sheets - OR Wyatt is messing with him again.
Just to clarify he wasn't imaging, he climbed up which to his surprise reached the window within seconds. Not wanting to quit yet, he began climbing down but once again half way down, he doesn't seem to be going anywhere. "I'm not giving up that easily." Chris thought to himself with a hiss as he glanced at the ground, before releasing his grip on the sheets. Expecting a hard hit to the ground, he closed his eyes to barricade himself again the pain, however to his surprise, the ground below him bounced like a water bed, the moment he collided into it. Opening his eyes, he found himself, face down on his bed.
"What the Fuck…" Chris thought to himself as he rolled himself off the bed to face the ceiling, before glancing at the window, little confused about what just happened. Still curious, he made his way to the window, glancing down he saw nothing but the lamp that he threw earlier on…but nevertheless, just wanting to be safe again, he grabbed a book from the nearby shelf and dropped it. As Chris watched, the book landed with a dull thud on the ground.
"Okay…" Chris thought as he climbed the window again, slowly climbing down but it wasn't too long before he noticed that what happened earlier on was happening again. He was neither moving up or down, he was stuck climbing down at the middle. "Alright no choice Chris, just jump." Chris thought to himself as he glanced down at the ground and with a wince to embrace the pain, he jumped, keeping his eyes peeled open just in case, something funny should happen again and to his surprise, it did. As Chris fell, eagle spread, he watched the ground below him ripple and open up, showing his bed below him, a quick glance above him, he saw the ceiling of his room form back as he landed hard on his bed, bouncing few times before landing hard on the marble floor with a loud thud causing his vision to blur momentarily.
Screaming in frustration he kicked the bed, only for another pain to shoot through his feet causing the young witch to wince in pain.
"LET ME OUT!" Chris screamed out loud as he pounded the floor with his fist. However after half an hour of screaming and yelling, not to mention throwing things at the door, trying to blast through, - decimating almost everything else in the room during the process - Chris gave up. He was tired, drained of his energy from constant use of his power, sore from not just landing hard on the marble floor but being constantly blasted back from the door whenever he tried to get anywhere near it, human form or through his orbs and he was hungry.
Groaning in frustration, Chris fell back on his bed, arms over his eyes. Thinking of the day when his life was turned upside down.
~~~Flash Back~~~~~
"Hello!" Six year old Victor shouted, jumping up and down on his parent's bed as Chris groaned under the pillow. "Come on dad, wake up."
"No!" Chris moaned grabbing Wyatt's pillow to burry his face even further. "Go and annoy your father. Leave me alone."
"But he's in the shower." Victor said dropping on his knee on the bed, which simply bounced him back up in the air like a trampoline. "Come on dad, I'm hungry. "
"Dad, Dad, Dad," Victor called out when he found that Chris is trying his best to ignore him. But the young offspring didn't give up. So he continued. "Dad, Dad, mom, mom, mom, mom, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, Pa, Pa, Pa, Papa, Papa, Papa, mama, mama, mama, mama, Pops, Pops, Pop…."
"WHAT!" Chris screamed sitting up on the bed as Victor fell back legs over head as he tumbled down to the floor, before scrambling to his feet to look at his father's angry red face.
"I'm hungry." Victor simply stated as Chris dropped back on the bed.
"Wyatt, Victor is hungry." Chris shouted out loud before burying his face under the duvet, only to his surprise it was yanked from him so hard that caused him to roll off the bed and landed hard on the floor. "What the…" Chris started much like Piper when she was taken by surprise.
The young witch lighter saw Wyatt standing there dripping wet, towel wrapped around his waist, holding the duvet.
"What is going on here?" Wyatt asked obviously been scared out of the shower by Chris' scream.
"Our kid's hungry." Chris said to Wyatt as he slowly climbed back into the bed.
"So make him food." Wyatt said as Chris gave him a quick glare. Victor on the other hand stood by his father, holding on to the Wyatt's plush teddy bear looking sad.
"Oh don't give me that. You're six; you're old enough to make food for yourselves. I'm not moving out of bed today, I don't care." Chris said burying his face under the pillows.
"Why not?" Wyatt asked as he dropped the duvet in the corner, before snatching the pillows away from his lover.
"Cause you insulted my cooking that's why." Chris said as Wyatt raised an eyebrow.
"What? When?" Wyatt asked surprised, not knowing when this happened.
"When we got back home," Chris said sitting up as he looked at Wyatt. "Remember the little conversation you had with our babysitter? I may have had few drinks but that doesn't mean I was drunk and out of my head not to hear what you just said."
"What…t-that was a joke." Wyatt said to Chris, totally baffled by the young witch's reaction.
"You joked that, how you can't tell a difference between strawberry and raspberry because your taste buds were killed off by my cooking?"
"That was a joke. Is that why you were mad at me last night" Wyatt said dropping the pillows on top of the duvet, before approaching the wardrobe to grab some clothes. "I thought it was because you know…" Wyatt glanced at Victor before looking at Chris, as he spoke telepathically to him. "That I didn't suck you off in the car." The blonde witch said as he pulled on a White stretch t-shirt while Victor propped himself on the dressing table chair, watching his parents.
"Not everything has to do with sex Wy." Chris thought back, orbing his duvet and pillows back to him as Wyatt rolled his eyes.
"Alright I'm sorry Chris, come on now." Wyatt said as he finished buckling his belt up before climbing on to the bed, laying next to Chris on top of the duvet. "You know I love your cooking honey." the witch said trying to pry the duvet away that's acting as a shield between them.
"Yeah right. Whatever." Chris' voice came from under the cover.
"Dad…" Victor whined as Wyatt glanced at his son.
"Oh, sorry buddy," Wyatt said clicking his fingers as tray of hot food appeared next to his son, on the dressing table.
"Personal gain." Victor giggled before digging into his toast, while Wyatt went back to Chris with a roll of his eyes. The kid is every bit like Chris, except in looks, he inherited the twice blessed look, along with little dopiness.
"Come on Chris; don't be like this, you know I love your cooking." Wyatt said as Chris peeked over the covers.
"Oh yeah, give me one good reason why?" Chris said with a raised eyebrow.
"Because…you're like mom, every time you cook, its like eating mom's cooking and you know how much I love mom's cooking." Wyatt said with a hint of sadness on his face and moistened eyes. Chris felt the sadness as well and only because of that he leaned in and pressed his lips with Wyatt.
"I'm sorry." Chris said looking at smiling Wyatt.
"Na, don't be, that's why I have you." Wyatt said with a cheeky grin as Chris rolled his eyes before glancing at his son, who's munching pancakes now.
"And that's personal gain." Chris said looking at Wyatt.
"And I don't care." Wyatt said getting under the duvet with Chris, so their son couldn't see what they're doing.
"Wy…are you outta your mind, Victor's only three feet away." Chris whispered under the duvet when Wyatt started massaging the young witch's nipples and rubbed his thighs against Chris.
"Not anymore." Wyatt said as Chris heard sound of chimes.
"What?" Chris muttered as he pulled the cover off them to find his son was no longer there. "Where is he?"
"In his room." Wyatt said cheekily as he nuzzled his face into Chris' neck, who shifted his body to get comfortable against Wyatt. "Chris…" Wyatt mumbled against the skin causing the young witch to giggle. Wyatt pulled away to rest his head on the pillow, as he pulled Chris against him tightly. "You know…I was thinking you know, maybe…."
"What?" Chris asked feeling Wyatt's finger run along his spine.
"Can we make another one?" Wyatt whispered against Chris' ears.
"Well, I'm thinking going downstairs to cook now is kinda pointless, so why not." Chris said looking at Wyatt as the twice blessed looked into the emerald eyes.
"No…" Wyatt said holding Chris close to him. "I meant…can we make another baby? Only this time I want it to look like you."
"What? You're kidding right?" Chris asked as Wyatt looked at him solemnly. "Uh huh, no way! One kid is enough."
"But come on Chris, think about it, Victor is the only child, he has no one else to play with, if he has a baby brother or sister, he would be so happy."
"Nice try bro, but no."
"Come on, think about it, at least when we were young, we always looked out for one and another but who has his back."
"We do."
"But come on Chris, you know it's different from parents to siblings. I told you things I never told our parents, that's what brothers are for…"
"And look where that got us." Chris said with a shake of his head.
"Yea…huh, what is that suppose to mean?" Wyatt said getting on his elbows to look at his brother.
"I just…I don't know Wyatt, I'm just worried," Chris said not meeting his lover's eyes.
"Worried about what?" Wyatt asked.
"Worried of them becoming like us!" Chris said as he sat up as Wyatt looked taken back, confusion still etched on his face.
"I don't understand…" Wyatt started but Chris cut him off.
"I'm scared that our children will end up where we are now, in bed together." Chris said to Wyatt. "It's wrong Wy."
"Chris, they would love each other…" Wyatt started but once again Chris cut him off.
"That's the thing, they would love each other but we won't know to the point of what? Whether as siblings or lovers, cause children learn half of the things from their parents Wy."
"So what? If they love each other, let them be, who are we to stand in their way?" Wyatt said as Chris shook his head.
"You don't get it."
"What don't I get?"
"It's wrong, it's sick and incest, I'm scared enough that we screwed up our first child, now you wanna bring another one into the mix."
"Screwed up?"
"Yea screwed up, I'm worried that he's gonna end up gay like us, its bad enough his birth is screwed up but now I'm scared he's gonna end up in some guy's bed than some girls."
"Don't think like that, we just need to teach him that's all."
"How exactly are we suppose to do that, its bad enough I'm screwing a guy but my own brother and if that's not bad enough, we are his parents, that gotta mess any kids mind up Wy, magic or not, a kid should have a woman as a mother, not a guy."
"Chris, you're overreacting baby."
"No I'm not, you don't spend your time with him Wy, I do…do you have any idea how much it hurts me when he asks me why others have mom as a woman and only he has a guy….magic yea sure, but come on, what do you think his friends would say about this."
"Who cares, he's our kid, we been through enough, these mortals don't understand." Wyatt shouted back. "If you want I'll change the entire species of woman into men for you Chris, I'll do that."
"But that's not natural, we weren't raised like that, we were raised by our mom Wy…MOM, the word alone holds so much meaning, mom are like goddess you treasure them because they are the one that have the most closest link with you, because only they can give birth to you, not men."
"Chris I don't understand….You have that special bond with victor, I see that everyday when you're with him …" Wyatt said, completely confused at where Chris was going with this.
"That's not the point…I know I'm being hypocritical but I-I I just want him to be normal and he's not, we're not, so we cant and I wont bring another one into this word and screw up its future too."
"So you think having a child as proof of our love, is screwing up?" Wyatt said looking at Chris taken back. "We wouldn't have given this chance if it wasn't meant to be Chris, surely you know that as well as I do, mom always says everything happens for a reason."
"I know Wy but it just…" Chris started but Wy cut him off.
"Maybe Chris, maybe have you thought that we are given a chance to create a family that's been taken away from us? Huh? Do you remember that?" Wyatt asked hurt deep inside as Chris picked up on that feeling. "After saving lives after lives, what do we get? Pain and misery follows this family like plague. You care so much of what the world will think of us but where was your precious world when our mom and aunts got themselves blown up? Or when they slaughtered our grandpa? So you tell me why I should give a damn of what the world thinks, because I don't…they don't know about us, so they cant ever imagine what it is like to be us. This is our chance to be a family but you know what hurts me the most…huh? What hurts me the most was the fact you said our kids would end up in bed together shows your regret of ending up in bed with me.
"Wyatt, I'm not saying…"
"You know what, forget it. Maybe you're right. What do I know right?"
"Wyatt please I'm not." Chris said as Wyatt got off the bed.
"Forget it, if you think having Victor was a big mistake, and then you don't really see the love I have for you, because I tell you something Chris, every time I look at that kid I see you. I see the love I have for you and how he was created. We may be brothers but we weren't raised as brothers, we were more than that and I'm not ashamed of that and not once, you hear me, NOT once have I ever regretting having kids with you, because it's a dream come true. To have kids with someone I truly love and treasure."
"Wy, I'm sorry I didn't mean it in that way…" Chris started but Wyatt shook his head.
"No, enough Chris, don't say anything." Wyatt said with that note he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. the twice blessed saw his kid peek out of his room, who looked exactly like little Chris, the curious large emerald eyes….but when he thought of Chris, he remembered the words he spoke about screwing up their future, which was too much for the twice blessed to bare…with his emotions radiating off the scale, he walked off.
Chris, on the other hand, felt each one of his brother's feelings, causing him to go mad at himself. He can't believe what he has said to Wyatt. He always dreamt of having Wyatt's kids, especially when he was little young, imagining every night when Wyatt came inside him, that how great it would be to have a small baby, but now he has the ability but what does he do….he hurt Wyatt by pushing him away. Hissing in anger and frustration he punched the bed, his tears threatening to fall, he screamed into his pillow when he heard the door slowly squeak open. Glancing sideways he found his son standing there, who looked so much like Wyatt, the thought of Wyatt crying, made him feel as if someone plunged his heart with a knife.
"I'm so sorry Wy." Chris thought to himself feeling his heart skip a beat. Fear seeping through his being, knowing something is going to happen, something big.
######## End of Flashback##########
Huge thanks to those who reviewed. Don't know what made me write this story lol, I guess when I have another 3000 words, I guess My muse decided to have fun with me. Ergh! Have I mentioned How much I hate her? Yeah Alright, Hope you enjoyed this Chapter, I know some of you may think I've lost the plot in this fic, NOOOPEEE, I haven't. Strange and New Twist will begin but Not sure when though…Since I have another two stories going on at the moment. I try my best to get this done writing as well…Motivation is the key people. Remember that.
As Always I want to thank my readers: FaithfulLover01, Wragziez, JJ Ann, Wesdrewlover, I-Love-Trunks1, CelticWolfster, PapiEsteven, ChrisxWyatt, Phil, Jessie121, Steven, Sucker4WynChris, JinKa7, Avid30, Melindahalliwell, Darius Prince of the sea, Spott, Asm613, FanficsForever & S.
Once gain thanks to my awesome readers. You are my inspiration. ^^)