Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Chapter Two



Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Order of Merlin First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and publicly viewed Leader of Light, flinched violently as a crystal ball that had managed to survive Harry Potters temper tantrum, exploded across his office. Slowly standing up he magically gathered all of the glass and cast a multitude of detection charms, searching for any sign of dark magic. Nothing...not even a blip. "I was afraid this might happen." He vanished the pile and walked over to Fawkes while he thought out loud. "I figured that, as soon as he found it a viable option, he would get emancipated. That, however, should have only caused a flicker in the blood wards. They would slowly weaken the longer he stayed away, but they wouldn't just collapse as long as he called that house, home..." Albus quickly moved back to his desk and grabbed a quill that was a duplicate to Professor McGonagall's letter addresser. Pulling a blank parchment to him, he activated the quill and stated, "Harry Potter."

The quill jumped to the parchment and, as it wrote the salutation, Albus' eyebrows lodged in his hair, then they came down into a scowl as it paused a moment then stuttered on.

Lord Harry Potter-Black



To make sure it was working correctly he muttered, "Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley," and watched as it quickly wrote out the locations of their homes.

Hermione Granger

Attic Bedroom

Dome Way, Red hill

Ron Weasley

Fifth Floor Orange Room

The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole

With a strangled sigh Albus accepted that Number Four, Private Drive was no longer the home of one Harry Potter. 'Keeping that boy out of trouble would be a lot easier if I put a leash on him.' This time his sigh was tired as he sat down and pinned a note to each of Harry's friends asking them to pass on a request for a meeting with Lord Potter-Black. Hopefully, if Harry met with him they could reconcile. After he sent the notes off he walked back over to Fawkes and started petting him. "I have been Headmaster for almost fifty-years, and a Professor for many years before that. In all my years I should have realized that children are naturally curious and strive for a sense of control in their lives. So when I kept information from Harry that he knew would affect his life I took control away from him and his curiosity led him to seek any way possible to get that control back."

Fawkes gave a trill, trying to cheer up his old friend, especially now that he was realizing his mistakes. He had feared for a while, with the way his friend hoarded information and manipulated lives that he was beyond all hope. After all, a phoenix could only stay with someone who was good in heart, mind, and soul.

Albus smiled at Fawkes and nodded in determination, "Yes, I believe that once I explain to Mr. Potter why I cannot tell him something and why he must do something then he will understand and not act irrationally."

Fawkes sighed and shook his head, 'Well, they're baby steps but at least he's moving forward.'


The Retreat

Harry's eyes popped open as a screech sounded out. Sitting up he quickly grabbed his head, as it started throbbing and pounding. Once he could concentrate, Harry looked around and found himself in a very large and orate bedroom that absolutely oozed money. Guessing that he was in the Master Bedroom, Harry wondered how he got there when the last thing he remembered was being in the dungeons. His musing was interrupted by another screech even louder then the one that woke him up. Quickly standing and walking over to the door, he reached for the handle when there was a loud crash just outside. Opening the door Harry could only blink stupidly at the scene presented to him.

The table that had been next to the door was now on its side and an expensive looking vase was now in thousands of pieces on the ground. In the middle of the shards two house-elves were frozen in the positions their argument had put them. Harry immediately recognized Dobby with his tower of hats, but the other one he didn't know so he figured it came with the house. As he looked them over, Harry could see that Dobby had his hands wrapped around the wrists of the other elf as it's hands had been twisting and pulling at his neck and nose. Both of the elves gave sheepish looks and snapped apart with three feet distance between them, and the unknown elf vanished both the vase and the table.

"Oookaay...what's going on?" Harry question had both elves glaring at each other and, though they kept their distance from each other, they started babbling at high speed, each trying to convince him that they were in the right. Harry rubbed his head as is started pounding again, "Woah, stop!" Finally there was blessed silence. "Okay, now Dobby...what are you doing here? How did you find me?" Harry began to worry that Dumbledore had found him through whatever wards that were around house.

"Dobby felt Great Harry Potter Sirs magic explode. Dobby knew Great Harry Potter Sir needs help, so Dobby camed to help Great Harry Potter Sir, but nasty elf gets there firsts and tells Dobby to leave, that Great Harry Potter Sir not need Dobby. Is not true is it Great Harry Potter Sir?" Dobby had worked himself into hysterics and only stopped himself from tackling Harry when the other elf shifted in preparation to keeping him away.

"How did you find me Dobby?" Harry tried not to let Dobby's tears affect him; if Dumbles sent him then he would need to prepare for a confrontation. As Dobby started rattling off about 'life-saving' and 'link-not-bond,' he relaxed then what was said registered and he had Dobby repeat himself and expand on some parts until he got everything. Apparently when he freed Dobby there had been a life debt, and then when Dobby saved Harry from Malfoy Sr. the life debt didn't quite dissolve as warp to form a light bond between the two of them. To make it a complete bond all Harry had to do was formally accept Dobby as his house elf. "But Dobby, I thought you liked being free?"

Dobby's ears drooped a bit. "Dobby liked freedom yes, but, but...Dobby's BOARD!" With that Dobby started bawling and in an uncharacteristic act considering their earlier clash, the other house elf patted his back in sympathy with a shiver of revulsion at having nothing to do.

Harry's attention switched to the other house elf as it comforted Dobby and on a closer inspection he noticed that it was wearing a dress with a coat of arms on the front and back. "So, little one, do you mind telling me your name, why you had such a violent reaction to Dobby earlier and why you've changed your mind?"

The elf snatched her hand away from Dobby and blushed as she gave a curtsy. "My name is Rose, Master Black, it will be a pleasure to serve you." She looked up at Harry and he gave a motion to continue. "As your bond is not complete it could not be detected unless one of the bonded mentioned it, so to me, an unbonded house elf invaded the territory of a family of bonded house elves and that is against our laws. I had every right to kick him out and that is what I was trying to do." She sent a glare to Dobby who looked ashamed. Turning back to Harry she said, "Once I saw the light bond I could accept his coming here without being called." As Harry considered this and debated on what to do about Dobby, he questioned Rose about her speech patterns compared to other elves. "When this house was built the Families took great pride in perfecting everything about themselves. Since house elves are considered property, having educated house elves made a statement that theirs were better than anyone else's." From her stature, Rose took will-deserved pride in being literate.

Harry nodded in understanding and turned to Dobby, "Well, if you're board I guess you can hang out around here or I can hire you..." he trailed off as both elves started to fidget.

"Master Black," Rose hesitated a moment then glanced a Dobby and continued, "Even though house elves have their own magic, bonding to a family makes their magic even more powerful. The power granted to the elf depends on the total power of the family it's bonded to. If Dobby is bonded to you personally, he will be able to anticipate your requests and needs." Dobby looked gratefully over at Rose and nodded his head so fast Harry feared it would fly off.

"Okay, Okay, so Dobby you would rather be bonded to me than free?" Harry braced himself as Dobby quivered all over and leapt at him...only to fall short as Rose grabbed the back of his rags and yanked him backwards. Harry smirked a little and relaxed as he realized that Rose would most likely curb Dobby's...enthusiasm. "Right...now how do we bond?"

"That is easy Harry dear," Harry spun around to find that the Founders were all situated in his sitting room. They each nodded a good morning as Helga continued, "Take his hand; state your title and full name; then state your intent to bond and ask him if he accepts. Once he agrees the bond will be complete." Harry completed the bond immediately, and then asked if breakfast could be brought to his office. As Harry entered his office he saw five easels set up along one side of his desk, and when he sat down he turned and saw the founders set up so they could talk more easily. When questioned about the fifth easel, Rose popped up with the portrait of Sirius and placed it in the empty space.

Swallowing, Harry turned expectantly to the founders as Ren cleared her throat. "Harry, if you turn to the left, you will find a small diamond shaped crystal embedded in the desk. This is a recording crystal. Moving your hand over it from left to right will activate it to record anything that is said in this room. To deactivate it you move your hand from right to left." Harry saw the crystal that he'd missed earlier because of it's small size and nodded to Rowena. "This will allow us to review any discussion as needed."

"Now Harry, you have given us a summary of your life, so we know where about to begin your training, but we would like you to give us some more detail." Rick smiled at Harrys open confusion and elaborated, "It may be that you know something that will defeat Sals brat but are unaware of that knowledge."

Sirius chuckled, "Reminds me of James. That boy could absorb information faster than a sponge, but actually using that information..."

"So young Lord," Salazar glared at Sirius for changing the subject, "why do you not wave the crystal and start talking."

Harry nodded and began explaining his years at Hogwarts in detail. Harry started with his first year getting out as much detail as possible. Salazar smirked when he mentioned the Sorting Hat almost placing him in Slytherin. Helga frowned when he mentioned getting into Fluffy's room with a simple 'Alohamora'. When Harry mentioned talking to Hagrid, Godric glared but grudgingly nodded at Salazar's mumbling about Gryffindors not keeping their big mouths shut. Both of the men scowled as Harry talked about Halloween and Rowena commented that some of Hogwarts Wards must be disabled if a troll was able to enter even with a Professors help. When Harry got to his first Quidditch match the other three founders agreed with her, as Hogwarts would have blasted a Professor attempting to overtly harm a student. At this Harry gave them a skeptical look, but continued when Sirius asked if he won the game. When Harry came to the end of the year all five pictures were incensed at having traps that were easily beaten by first years, not to mention Hogwarts housing something as valuable as the sorcerers stone.

Rowena frowned but shook her head, "Please continue Harry, we will discuss everything once it is all laid out and reviewed."

Harry nodded and quickly went on to his other years, briefly describing the summer sessions in between. At different points he observed the various expressions ranging from alarm and fear, to shocked pride and approval. Salazar's distressed expression at hearing of the death of his basilisk and the reputation of Slytherins was painful to see. Sirius had both pride in himself escaping Azkaban and in Harry surviving the trials he'd undergone. Godric's face was purple with rage at the thought of the manipulation that Harry had been put through. Helga was sorrowful that in all of Harry's life he had, at one time or another, had no one to support him. Rowena's reaction confused Harry as she had a look of pure terror, and it was directed at Salazar.

Slowly everyone's attention focused on Rowena in concern, as she seemed to have some trouble pulling herself together. When Salazar looked at her she whispered, "Horcrux." At that Salazar blanched and quickly left his portrait. The others in the room grew more concerned and Rowena visibly braced herself, "Salazar had a friend...no, more like a brother who had been through many tortures and then had delved deeply into the Dark Arts, which somehow resulted in him accidentally fracturing his soul. Salazar wanted to help heal him so he studied everything about magic affecting the soul and developed a way to put parts of a soul into an object so it could be healed and replaced. He called them Horcrux. Done properly each healed piece of soul would restitch itself until it was whole. However, his friend read his notes and twisted them around until he found that if a person had at least one object containing part of his or her soul then they could never truly die. Once aged they just had to switch the piece of soul with another and they would be refreshed with youth. If killed they would be able to be resurrected. The more Horcrux formed, the greater chances of immortality."

Rowena had tears running down her face at this point and Helga had entered her portrait to hold her in comfort. "Salazar has never forgiven himself after he found what his friend had done. He died before he could find a way to either heal his friend or destroy the Horcrux, but we thankfully found that the soul can handle being fractured only so many times before it would completely dissipate from being too broken."

Godric had a grim look on his face as he took in the fearful expressions on Harry and Sirius' faces, "Now we have another who seems to have found his notes and we still do not know how to destroy the Horcrux."

Everyone was startled as a pop sounded in the office. Dobby actually seemed to shrink into himself as everyone focused on him, then he shook himself slightly and walked over to the desk and handed a plate piled with food to Harry. "Great Harry Potter Sir needs to eat."

Harry smiled a little and accepted the plate as the founders encouraged him to eat his breakfast. "Go ahead lad, we can finish this discussion later, just do not forget to turn the crystal off. You need to get as much food down you as possible." Godric started, "From what I have seen, you don't have much meat on your bones, so you need to start building up. I am sure Helga will give the kitchen elves instructions on a special diet for you." Helga nodded and Harry began mowing his way through the plate.

Some time later Rowena had had time to compose herself and Salazar returned to his portrait, though he refused to speak to anyone. "Harry dear, you need to send out you letters to gather everyone here. We need to set the spell as soon as possible so that we can begin your training." Rowena had conjured a desk and she was now writing furiously. "So far for instructors we have Salazar, Godric, Helga, and I. Do you have anyone that you have asked or believe will help?"

Harry nodded as Sirius piped up with Remus' name, "Yes, Sirius and my fathers friend Remus Lupin has said that he will help. So has Sirius' cousin Nymphadora Tonks, and my friends grandmother the Lady Longbottom." Harry paused a moment, then with a quick look at Sirius, he added, "I'm also going to ask Professor Snape to help. Not only does he know how the Death Eaters fight, with him being a spy, but since he's a Potions Master, he would be the best one to teach modern day Potions." Harry flashed through different people discarding one after another. "I'm not sure about anyone else."

"You will need a caregiver since my time spell will first physically turn back time ten years." Rowena smiled at Harry's surprised expression.

Harry blinked a couple more times, "Okay, then I'll ask my friends mom to come as well. Actually that would be best since she would be the hardest to convince to keep quiet. She will probable feel better having us where she can keep an eye on us. I can ask the others if they can think of anyone else." Harry pulled some parchment out of his desk and started his letters. He figured it would be better if he explained what was happening and what was needed to the parents or guardians of his friends. Looking up in concern, Harry asked, "Do any of you know of a spell to keep the readers of the letters from telling or showing the contents to anyone I don't want them to?"

Salazar finally spoke up again, "I know of a spell. You will have to state in the letters who the readers can discuss them with. Otherwise you will have to write a separate letter to every single person."

Harry nodded, finished his letters to the adults, and then started on the letters to his friends. For a few minutes the sound of the quill filled the room. "Harry," Harry's head popped up at Sirius' hesitant voice. "Do you think I can help you and your friends?" Harrys grinning nod seemed to reassure him and he perked back up. "Okay, I may not know as much as most of the people you'll be getting to teach you, but since Lady Ravenclaw said that you'll be turned into kiddies, I can at least make sure you lot have fun." Sirius rubbed his hands together and turned to his table so he could start planning some pranks. Looking back up he frowned a bit, "Has anyone figured out exactly what is being taught and who's teaching what? Like what exactly will Tonks be teaching, cause if I have the years correct, she will be a little first year."

Harry explained his metamorphmagus abilities, which gained the attention of everyone, and stated, "I don't know who all will be here, so I think that we will have to wait until everyone arrives before subjects can be handed out." The portraits nodded and, after Salazar walked Harry through the secrecy and specialized portkey spells, Harry called for Dobby to lead him to the houses Owlery.


Remus was just sitting down to tea when an owl flew in through his window and landed in front of him. Looking at the letter it was holding, he smiled when he recognized Harry's handwriting. Opening the letter the smile vanished when he felt a slight tingle.


First I'd like to apologize. This probably isn't necessary, but I can't take the chance that someone (Dumbles) will find out my plans and try to stop me. You wont be able to speak of this letter or the contents to anyone who is not in the know.

I hope you will still agree to teach me and my friends to defend ourselves. I have not only found a place to learn, but also some more teachers, and the time to learn.

Should you decide not to come, just say no and this letter will disintegrate. If you do want to come, say yes and this letter will be a portkey for eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Do not worry about books and such as I'm ensured that my library has more than enough material for any subject.

Thank you for all the times that you've been there for me. I hope to see you soon.


As Remus said 'yes' and the letter glowed blue, he started packing up his stuff for the trip, all the while dreaming of getting his hands on Harry's library.


A small fluttering ball of feathers almost caused Tonks to fall down the stairs at Grimmauld Place, but she thankfully was able to catch herself on the railing. Straightening up, she glared at the owl that actually looked sheepish as it held out its leg with a letter attached. Snatching the letter and opening it, she barely registered the owl flying away and a tingle spreading over her as she tried to walk down the steps and read at the same time with her hand firmly attached to the railing.

Cousin Tonks,

I'd like to apologize in advance cuz, though working at the Ministry, you're probably used to having to take security precautions. This precaution probably isn't necessary, but I can't take the chance that someone (Dumbles) will find out my plans and try to stop me. You wont be able to speak of this letter or the contents to anyone who is not in the know.

I'm writing to first of all say welcome to the family and I hope you will come to see me more as a little brother than a cousin. I always wanted a sister and both you and Hermione seem to fit the descriptions of older sisters. I also wanted to know if you still want to teach me about being a metamorph. I hope that if you do come you'll also be willing to lend a hand in teaching my friends and I defense. I have not only found a place to learn, but also some more teachers, and the time to learn, so I hope that you will be one of the teachers to come.

Should you decide not to come, just say no and this letter will disintegrate. If you do want to come, say yes and this letter will be a portkey for eight-fifteen tomorrow morning. Any materials you need can either be found at my new home or sent for when you arrive.

Thank you for all the times that you've been there for me. I hope to see you soon.


Tonks gave a sappy smile and said 'yes'. When the letter glowed blue it distracted her enough that she slipped and skidded down the last three stairs and she just lay there wondering just how much bad luck she could have in one day.


Severus Snape was leaning over his desk writing furiously as he tried to catch and copy down an earlier brainstorm on how to simplify and improve the Wolfsbane potion. Just as he got to a particularly complicated spot he was interrupted by a tapping on his window and lost his train of thought. A string of curses spewed from his mouth as he yanked the window open, "WHAT!!" A tiny owl was huddled in on itself, scared out of its wits, and it took a moment before it gave a plaintive cheep and held out it's leg to offer the letter tied there. Severus snarled and ripped the letter off, then paused as the familiar writing distracted him from the owl that threw itself away from him as fast as it's wings could carry it.

Severus walked to his desk dumping the letter and placing his head in his hands as he dropped into his chair. "Damn you Potter, this is summer vacation! Do you think you are so above the rules that you can invade my very home?" With a put-upon sigh, he opened the letter with one hand while rubbing his temple with the other.

Professor Snape,

Here's hoping you actually read this letter before you burn it. I would like to offer an apology and ask a question. I should never have invaded your privacy. I have no excuse for doing so, and the only reason I can give is that I thought you had information that Dumbledore had refused to tell me all my life. The only time I have said anything about what I saw was to confront both Remus and Sirius on if it was true or not, in fact my last memory of Sirius before the Ministry was when I got into a yelling match with him. I would add apologies for my fathers' behavior as well if it weren't for the fact that doing so now would most probably be insulting to you and as I am not my father, an apology would have virtually no meaning. One thing I can give is the release of any debts from the family Snape to the families Potter and/or Black.

Severus felt a snap and a lightness settle over him and he realized that somehow Potter had magically imbued the letter to brake the Life Debt. Shaken, he continued reading.

My question that I wished to ask you is: What is it exactly that I have done to make you hate me the moment you saw me in the Great Hall my first year? You constantly say that I am an arrogant, attention-seeking, copy of my father. How so?

To be arrogant I would have to believe that I am in some way better than those around me, and I cannot thank of anything that would make me so. To be attention-seeking, I would have to desire a place in the spotlight, but I can truthfully tell you that I would rather hide in the shadows. As for a copy of my father, I'm sorry to say this but I have photos of my parents and while I have similar features I don't have an exact stamp that says James Potter. Perhaps people wanted the perfect 'Gryffindor' hero, and as my father was supposed to represent everything a Gryffindor could be, they placed that mold over me, and that is what they saw.

Well, the apology and question aside, I wanted to tell you something and perhaps ask a favor. I don't want my information to go to anyone that I don't choose it to, and though I trust you to keep my secrets, I have to take all precautions necessary to keep me and my friends safe. If you agree to see the information, say 'agreed' while holding this letter, and then turn it over. You will automatically be put under a secrecy spell that will not allow you to give up anything in this letter to anyone not already in the know. If you do not agree, then I thank you for your time and hope you have a quiet summer.

Harry Potter

Severus sat brooding as he thought over the letter. Getting up he walked over to his pensieve and started taking snippets of both the elder and junior Potters throughout their years at Hogwarts, alternating between one and the other. As he walked through his memories and compared behavior he realized that the younger Potter had been right. Comparing him to his father was similar to comparing a Slytherin to a Gryffindor. That thought stopped him with enough force to knock him out of his pensieve, and he quickly gathered his memories up, then started a more in-depth study of the younger Potters life.

Taking in Potters reactions to people and situations, Severus was slightly alarmed to see a behavior that only showed up in people who have been abused; maybe not physically, but emotionally and mentally. Passing through one of the ending feasts', Severus watched Potter eat and amended his last thought to emotionally, mentally and physically abused. 'No one eats like that unless they believe that they wont get much food in the near future.' Taking all this in, he wondered what Potter had done to make the hat put him in Gryffindor, because there was no other way for him not to have been in Slytherin.

With this knowledge, Severus sat back at his desk and flipped the letter over saying "Agreed." Ignoring the tingle settling over him, and reading the writing as it appeared on the paper, Severus had to admire Potters maneuvering and planning that got him out from Dumbledores thumb and at a point to actually learn enough for the war. If Severus offered enough help he would also become a person of power and being the loyal person he was would keep Severus out of prison once the war was over. 'Hopefully, if he trusts me enough, I wont be trading one slavery for another like I did with Dumbledore.' Severus blinked as he realized that he had decided to help with the training of Potter and his friends. 'I hope I will make it through living for two months with nothing but Gryffindors.' He said the key word, watched the letter glow, then left to start preparing for a set intensive teaching sessions.

The Lovegoods

Xenophilius glanced up from a pile of potential articles from his reporters as someone knocked at his office door. Calling a greeting he watched as his daughter Luna, walked in with a very tiny elf owl. "A letter just arrived for you father. I believe Harry wants to explain some things to you and ask a favor."

Xenophilius frowned as he noticed the hesitant way Luna was standing and realized that she had had one of her visions. At the end of a long line of seers and psychics, Luna most often saw a jumble of color and sound, but sometimes a picture cleared up enough to become a true vision. Taking in the way she seemed almost afraid of what he would read he opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Lovegood,

I, Lord Harry James Black-Potter, would like to extend my apologies for the trouble that I involved your daughter, Luna, in this past year. When our DADA Professor wouldn't properly teach us how to defend ourselves, I got volunteered to teach a Defense club. During the gatherings I got to know Luna and I am grateful that she chose to be my friend. It was friendship that caused her to follow me at the end of the year.

I was given information that I now know to be false. I believed that my Godfather was being tortured by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries. When I tried to tell this to some teachers Ms. Umbridge blocked me because she doesn't believe that Voldemort is back. With no one to turn to I decided to rescue my Godfather myself. My friends tried to caution me against going and when I wouldn't listen to them, they went along to help keep me as safe as possible.

When we got there and found that it was a trap, my friends being there made it possible for us to stall the Deatheaters long enough for someone to rescue us. I can truthfully say that I would be dead if it weren't forall of my friends. I will be forever trying to repay my debt to them.

Mr. Lovegood, I have some more information that I would like to give you, but I can not take the chance that it would get out to people who would either try to stop or kill me, so I am giving you an option of going under a security charm and learning this information, or leaving the charm and settling with my sincere apology. Should you choose to hear the information, say 'accepted', and turn the paper over. Just as a warning, you will not be able to discuss the rest of the letter with anyone but Luna.

Thank you for what ever you decide.

Lord Harry James Black-Potter

Xenophilius sat back and glance up at Luna. Truly looking at her, he noticed that she seemed to be settled more in reality and less in her visions. He had been afraid that, when his wife died, he had lost Luna as well since she seemed to live more in her dreams than in real life. Going to Hogwarts had not helped as each year she retreated deeper into her mind. If being friends with Harry Potter brought her out into life, then he couldn't deny him his request. "Accepted," Luna's head shot up from where she had been studying the floor and Xenophilius gestured her over so that she could read the letter as he flipped it over.

Thank you very much for agreeing to hear me out.

I want to start off by telling you that the reason that Voldemort is after me is from a prophecy that was given just before I was born. He only heard the part that a child with the power to defeat him would be born about the time of my birthday. When he hit me with the killing curse the prophecy triggered, and now the final battle will ultimately come down to him or me.

The thing is that while he has his Deatheaters, I have my friends who are determined that I will not be fighting alone. I am very grateful for them convincing me that I will have a greater chance of living through this war if I have people who are helping me. The problem we have now is that we aren't trained enough to fight either the Dark Lord or his Deatheaters, no matter how lucky we were at the Ministry.

I am proposing a training program for my friends and I that will give us that experience. It will be held at my current residence that can only be accessed by people brought in by me personally. The people training us will include Lady Augusta Longbottom, Mr. Remus Lupin, Ms. Nymphadora Tonks, and the portraits for Lords Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Ladies Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. The training will include the basics in all of Hogwarts current courses, advanced courses where necessary, and some courses that haven't been taught in quite some time.

By the time we are done, I believe that we will not only be able to put an end to the war, but also be able to easily pass our NEWTS. (This includes those who haven't yet past their OWLS.) Looking over the training plans and Professors, I have great confidence in our group being able to graduate possibly at the top of our year, after the war.

I hope that you will allow Luna to come train with us. Just say 'yes' and this letter will turn into a portkey for tomorrow at ten am. Any materials that are needed will either be provided here or will be bought later on.

Thank you again for listening,


Xenophilius glanced over at Luna and sighed as she actually gave him a pout and puppy eyes. "Do you really think that going will make a difference?"

Luna looked from her father to the letter and back, "The question you should be asking is 'How many deaths will occur if I don't?'"

The Grangers

The Granger family were just finishing dinner when a beautiful ebony screech owl landed almost in desert. Hermione automatically reached for the letter and snatched her hand back as the owl snapped at it. Mr. Granger blinked slowly as the owl stretched out its leg to him. After removing the letter, he leaned backwards to avoid the owls departure, then carefully broke the seal and started to read.

Both Hermione and her mother watched anxiously as the color was leached out of Mr. Grangers face, and his hands started shaking. "What is it?" they asked in unison. Hermione was afraid that someone had sent a death threat. She had tried so hard to keep her parents from knowing how dangerous the Wizarding World was. She knew that they would keep her from going to Hogwarts if she hadn't done some serious editing of her school life.

When he reached the bottom of the letter, Mr. Granger glanced at Hermione with an indecipherable look as he handed the letter to his wife. Giving him a questioning quirk of her eyebrow, Mrs. Granger skimmed over the letter, stopped, and reread it more thoroughly. Hermione watched fearfully as her mother finished the letter and both of her parents stared at her. "Is something wrong? What happened?"

"Hermione," Mr. Granger gestured at his wife and she handed the letter over. "Perhaps you'd like to explain this?" He handed his daughter the letter and she frowned as she read it.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger,

My name is Harry Potter, and I consider your daughter Hermione to be my best friend, if not my sister. I would like to apologize for the happenings of the end of this past year. I never meant for Hermione or any of my friends hurt when we went to the Ministry. Truthfully, if it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have even been there.

I was given information that I now know to be false. I believed that my Godfather was being tortured by Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries. When I tried to tell this to some teachers Ms. Umbridge blocked me because she doesn't believe that Voldemort is back. With no one to turn to I decided to rescue my Godfather myself. My friends tried to caution me against going, Hermione even suggested that it was a trap, and when I wouldn't listen to them, they went along to help keep me as safe as possible.

When we got there and found that it was a trap, my friends being there made it possible for us to stall the Deatheaters long enough for someone to rescue us. I can truthfully say that I would be dead if it weren't for all of my friends. I will be forever trying to repay my debt to them.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger, I have some more information that I would like to give you, but I can not take the chance that it would get out to people who would either try to stop or kill me, so I am giving you an option of going under a security charm and learning this information, or leaving the charm and settling with my sincere apology. Should you choose to hear the information, say 'accepted', and turn the paper over. The charm, which will only activate if one of you say the key word, will make it to where you will not be able to discuss the rest of the letter with anyone but Hermione.

Thank you vary much,

Lord Harry James Black-Potter

Hermione kept her eyes on the letter as fear and fury alternated through her body. 'Voldemort won't have to worry about competition anymore. Harry's dead when I get my hands on him...oh dear, how am I going to get myself out of this?' She looked up fearfully at her parents. "Umm..."


"One at a time dear," Mr. Granger looked at his daughter and continued. "Hermione, I want you to start at the beginning and tell us exactly what it is that you have apparently been lying about for the past five years. I expect you to be very truthful and very detailed as this discussion will determine your future with magic."

Staring at her parents in dread, Hermione decided to give as much detail as her father asked and she hoped that she would be able to spin 'the life of Harry Potter' in such a way that she would be able to continue helping him. 'Yep, he's a dead man.'

The Longbottoms

Augusta leaned against the back door as she watched her grandson work on a greenhouse that she had Okayed when she discussed his grades in Herbology with his Professor. Looking at him she realized that she had somehow missed the point that he grew into a man. 'Oh Frank, you and Alice would be so proud of him.' Glancing at the letter that had just been delivered, she smiled and started walking over to Neville to tell him of their departure on the marrow.

The Weasleys

Molly finished cleaning the dinner dishes and wiped her hands as she saw an owl winging its way to the Burrow. Holding out her arm, she detached the letter as soon as it landed and gave it a boost up when it turned to leave. She looked at the seal holding the letter closed and was curious, as she couldn't remember what family it represented.

Shrugging, she opened the letter and almost immediately started sniffling. Even though she had always considered Harry as another one of her boys she never thought that he would consider her as his mother, if by unofficial adoption. Molly frowned in concern as the letter explained everything that lead up to the Ministry fiasco and even what happened during it. She gave a start as she glance at the top of the letter and realized that she hadn't felt the security charm settle on her. Shaking her head, Molly muttered, "accepted," and flipped the letter over. As she read little snippets had her sniffling all over again.

Some of the training is going to require us to be de-aged. We will still have our memories, but since we will be in our childhood bodies we will have most of the mentality of children. Now Molly-mum this is where the favor I have to ask you comes in. Since we will all be children I figured that we would need a 'mother' to make sure we turn out all right, and well, you were the first person I could think of that would be great for this job.

Don't worry so much about the security charm Molly-mum; you will be able to show this letter to any Weasley. Just warn them that they won't be able to discuss it outside of our family.

Looking at the salutation, Molly realized that the seal was a new combination between the Black and Potter families. She nodded with determination and decided to call a family meeting. She figured that since Bill was visiting on one of his rare vacations between contracts, she would ask him to come along; after all, he not only knew curses and their counters, but also warding and how to break them down.

The Retreat

Harry wandered around, trying to get a feel for not only the house, but its grounds as well. Outside, he was alternating between amazed and in awe each time his eyes fell on a new spectacle. There was a forest on grounds that, when he grabbed a broom and flew around, he couldn't see the end. 'There must be hundreds of plants for Herbology and creatures for CoMC and DADA.'

Spotting a strange grouping of rocks at the forest edge, Harry flew down nearby and walked over. As he got closer was suddenly surrounded by house elves and, when he looked at the 'rock' formation, he could see that they were actually small huts. Looking back at the elves he ran his hand through his hair, thinking about what he should say. The eyes of the elves in front of him grew large and suddenly they were clamoring and dancing about. Apparently, though Harry couldn't understand anything, the other elves had no trouble and soon every elf around him was jumping and dancing around in excitement. Shouting and bringing his hands up in calming gestures finally got the elves to quiet. "Someone mind telling me what that was all about?"

Some of the elves turned a red-green in embarrassment, and one somewhat elderly elf stepped forward. "My Lord, I apologize, but we haven't had one of the lords to take care of in so long that our joy got a little out of hand. If it please you my Lord, would you tell us the name we may address you by and the services we may render?"

Harry actually had to think for a moment as the formality of that statement confused him. "My full name is Harry James Potter-Black. I have just become the Lord of both the Potters and the Blacks." Thinking a moment Harry continued, "I don't suppose that I can get all of you to call me Harry?" At this the elves looked both outraged and uneasy, and the elder told him that if he ordered it that they would have to obey him. "No, no, I don't want you to be that uncomfortable around me so, like Rose, you can call me by either Potter, Black, or if you must, Potter-Black." Harry gave them a stern look, "I have already spoken to Rose, but I would like you to know that I have had bad experiences with the phrase 'Master' and I would prefer if you don't call me that."

The elder elf thought a moment and decided on Lord Potter-Black. The elf turned in a slow circle introducing the elves around Harry, who stepped forward as their name was called, and ended with himself, Edern. Harry greeted each one, and then explained about Dobby moving in with them and his other guests coming the next day. Edern looked solemnly at Harry, "Lord Potter-Black, will each guest need an elf or would you like a general number of elves to be readily available?"

"Hmmm," Harry considered what Rowena had explained of the time spell, and the area that it would encompass. "I am planning on having the house and only some of the grounds in a time bubble, so no one will be able to come and go once it's set up. I will be asking only for volunteers to be inside the house, as they will be aged twenty years and Lady Ravenclaw has informed be that the de-ageing potion is poisonous to house elves." Harry was surprised when every elf around him immediately spoke up to volunteer.

Edern frowned at the other elves and called for silence, "Lord Potter-Black, I am aware of the spell that you speak of. It has been used in the past and there are foundations for the spell already placed around the entire Retreat lands. It will be easier for you to use the foundations then to build new ones."

"But what about your people loosing twenty years?"

"Our lives will be well lived in service whether in a 'time bubble' or actual time to the world around us." Edern gathered up the elves before Harry could protest and started herding them towards the village, throwing over his shoulder, "We will work our best and have everything ready for a twenty year self-sustained stay by tomorrow night, young Lord."

Harry stood there blinking at the retreat, 'Young Lord?' "How come I can never get away from people who treat me as their child or younger sibling?" Shaking his head, Harry decided that the rest of the grounds could wait until he had someone to explore with, and he headed inside for some dinner and sleep.

Eight O'clock, Next Morning

Harry bounced in place in the reception room as he glanced at his watch again. He had gotten an early start since he had been a little excited to see his friends again. His bouncing wasn't helped any by the double portion of chocolate milk that he had had with breakfast. He fidgeted again, and was about to look at his watch when there was a red flash of light and Remus was suddenly standing in front of him with a wry smile. "Moony!" Harry bounced over to him and gave him a big hug, then started dragging him out of the room, babbling non-stop.

Remus let out an 'umph' and quickly levitated his trunk as Harry pulled him rapidly up to the second floor and over to a room. As Harry threw open a door, announcing it as his for the summer, Remus barely had time to set his trunk down before he was grabbed again and dragged back out of the room. The next little bit could only be described as a whirlwind tour as he was swiftly shown around and given such a speedy explanation that he was sure Harry had only taken a breath once per floor.

By the time they stopped Remus found that they were somehow back in the transportation room and Harry was bouncing in place. Looking at his watch Remus saw that the tour had taken fifteen minutes. A flashing light made him look up and he saw Tonks arrive in her usual fashion, by falling on her face. After Harry bounced over and helped her up, Remus groaned as they both started bouncing and babbling. He only had to listen for a moment before he realized they weren't talking about anything in particular. The conversation ranged from Quidditch to weather to pranks never staying on one topic for more than thirty seconds. Remus was ready to either pull his hair out or hex someone out of shear frustration. He almost throttled both of them when they started drifting into his love life, and he had just pulled out his wand and was aiming with a spell on his lips as a light flashed again and blessed silence fell.

Severus Snape stood in all his glaring, black clad glory. Looking at the relieved gaze of the wolf and suddenly cowed stance on the two children who had been yammering when he arrived he smirked, 'I still got it.'

Harry straightened up from his automatic cringe and cleared his throat as he stepped forward. "Welcome Professor. If you'll come with me I'll show everyone to their rooms." As he led the way up to the second floor, left wing where he had already placed Remus, he mentally grumbled at Snape ruining a perfectly good sugar high. "All the...ah...adult will be on this side of the house. Remus already has a room at the end. Professor, you and Tonks may choose any of the other five." As they started to move off, Harry stated, "Once you are settled in please go to the library; it's the central room between either wing. When everyone arrives we can all meet there and discuss what is going to happen." He quickly made his retreat, and headed back down to wait for the next arrival.

Luna appeared at eight forty-five and when Harry went to show her to a room in the 'children's' wing he was halfway up the stairs when he realized that she wasn't behind him. Walking back down Harry found her in an intense discussion with Rowena's portrait. "Um...excuse me Lady Ravenclaw, if I could barrow Luna, I need to get her settled in a room, then she can speak to you in the library with the others." Harry gave both of them a lopsided smile as they turned to him. Luna nodded in agreement said goodbye to Rowena and followed him up the stairs.

Harry barely made it back down to see a flash of light and one furious Hermione Granger stalking towards him. "Harry James Potter!! I...you...oooo...HOW DARE YOU!?" As she brought her hands up in a throttling motion Harry gulped and quickly backpedaled, tripped and fell, then scrambled back until he was pinned against a wall. As Hermione closed in Harry stood back up, closed his eyes, and braced himself for anything that she would do...well almost anything.

Harry's eyes opened wide as slim arms wrapped around his neck and he automatically put his arms around her back to hug her tightly to him in return. "Thank you so much Harry. I hadn't realize how much stress my lies and evasions were putting on my relationship with my parents. They knew that I hadn't been telling them everything. They felt that I was pulling away from them...They thought that when I graduated from Hogwarts that I would immerse myself so much in the Wizarding World that they would never see me again." Harry's arms tightened as he felt tears on his neck and Hermione shuddered with sobs. "When I explained everything to them they, at first, wanted me to quit magic altogether. But when I clarified your idea on me already being a target they agreed that learning as much as possible would be the only way I can defend myself." Hermione pulled back to look him in the eyes. "They specifically told me that, after my summer training I am to introduce their new son to them." Harry goggled for a bit, then remembered that he had called her his sister in the letter. He smiled brightly at her, gave her another tight hug, and quickly swung them both around as the room flashed again.

As Harry stepped away from the wall to greet the Augusta and Neville, Hermione slipped behind him to wipe her face and compose herself, then stepped to his side to greet the new arrivals. Harry promptly showed all three of them to the second floor mentioning to Neville and Hermione to choose their rooms from the right hand wing and meet in the library. He then turned to Augusta and asked her if she would prefer to choose a room with all the other adults or use the VIP suite that was opposite his. She smiled kindly at him and said that she would stay with the others.

After showing her a room, Harry made his way down just in time for the last arrivals. Once the light show was over Harry was surprised to see four Weasleys instead of three. As he opened his mouth to greet them, he was engulfed in a patented Weasley hug. "Harry it's so good to see you dear. Let me take a look at you." Molly held him at arms length and let her eyes roam critically up and down his body. 'Shadowed eyes, sharp bones, baggy rags...he's still grieving, not eating enough, and his stay with his...relatives...didn't help him any.' Noticing his cheeks starting to redden with her scrutiny, she shook herself, "Dear just look at you, you haven't been eating properly have you? Well, no matter, now that I'm here I'll make sure you're proper taken care of." She smiled as he looked like he didn't know whether to be thankful or worried. Stepping back she explained Bills presence and Harry greeted the other three Weasleys then led them to the second floor. Molly stood in front of the library doors and looked back and forth from one wing to the other. "Harry, you stated that all of you kids will be de-aged. Where will you be sleeping then? Will you still have separate rooms?"

"Actually I thought that, since Lady Longbottom doesn't want it, I would have the second suite on the third floor made into a type of double dorm for the boys and girls to share. That we'll have some familiarity to ground us when we're in kids bodies." Harry quickly explained the current rooming situation and then to the library so they could start the summer training off.