I'm off sick today, go me. So I figured I'd write something. This is just the prologue; I plan on writing many chapters. Ryou centric. Also, if you're not British, as I know most people on here aren't – I'm using the British schooling system and British clothes sizes. It's not hugely important; I just don't understand the American ones. I don't own Yugioh. Enjoy.
He paused at the open red gate, and stared at the swarms of people congregating around every bench and door. The faceless bastards. Every single last one of them, chattering away about all the trivial things – who fancied who, which drugs were the best, making plans for the weekend.
What, he wondered, would these cretins have in store for him today? Yesterday a jar of crane flies had been emptied into his bag before the first bell had rung. Some kiddie had thought she was clever for kicking a puddle at him, and when he got home he found numerous braids in his hair. It was so juvenile; he could not believe that these people were his age, more or less.
If he could have one wish in the whole world, it would be that he and his very select group of friends were the only students at this school. It was a good school; he would go as far as to say an incredibly good school. The teachers, unlike many, knew how to teach in a way that everybody understood. They didn't have favourites in their classes, so everyone felt equally treated, and they made the students look forward to classes. They were friendly and open; they treated the students more like their friends, and most of them were humorous enough to have him giggling like a girl when he was supposed to be being serious.
But it wasn't just the teachers; it was almost everything. The exam results got better every year, and there were always too many parents wanting to send their children there. There was a uniform, but the school did have its priorities sorted out; it wasn't like others who would suspend kids and prevent their education just because their top button wasn't done up, or their shirt wasn't tucked in. The food in the cafeteria wasn't even horrible; in fact, it was quite nice.
The only problem this school had was the pupils; the disgustingly huge amount of ignorant, conceited, self-centred, narrow-minded pupils who could really do with a kick in the balls or a baseball bat to the head.
What was worse, though, was that despite his utter detestation for the lot of them, he wasn't stupid, nor was he blind. He knew for a fact that, if the idiots actually applied themselves a bit, the majority of them would be doing so well. Yes, the teachers were good, but no amount of good teaching could make up for the laziness of the student.
He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly; it was cold, and he could see his breath in front of him. From his spot by the gate he peered around, and a girl caught his attention. She was really quite pretty. Her hair was long, straight and dark. She was skinny too; she looked to him no larger than a size 8. Her eyes were large and brown, and her skin was nearly perfectly white. She had a friendly smile, and straight, white teeth. He stared at her for a while; this was not, however, solely because she was pretty. He grew more disgusted by the second by the cigarette she held between her fingers, and the weed she almost certainly had in her pocket. It really angered him to see things like that. The girl could easily have become a model or something, but there she was smoking like a chimney. It would eventually dye her fingers and teeth, tar her lungs and make her smell absolutely vulgar. Her looks would have helped her to achieve in later life, but she was taking them for granted. If he was completely honest, that kind of thing pissed him off.
His gaze shifted back towards the building as the first bell rang, and all the people started moving towards the doors. The girl, to his disgust, put out her half finished cigarette and stuffed it into her inside pocket. The six and a half hours of school for today had begun, and so, with the reluctance of a five year old being taken to a dentist appointment, he started making his way towards his form room.
How was that? I'd really like to know; last time I posted something I got no reviews at all, and it was very off-putting. Oh, something else before I forget – the function that lets me reply to reviews wasn't working before. I'll try to reply, but if I don't, that'll be why. Review please.