Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, premises of or anything to do with the television show, CSI. I make no financial gain from the production of this twisted tale. All recognizable material is the property of the creators and the television networks who hold the contract rights there of. All "original" characters are fictional and any similarities to existing or deceased (or other fictional) persons is completely coincidental and no harm or offence is intended.

Rated M for Mature: Graphic scenes of Violence, Adult Situations and Themes, Nudity, Disturbing Imagery and Course Language.

Femeslash Warning: The following story includes adult relationships between persons of the same sex. Femeslash ahead, folks. If the idea of a loving relationship between two consenting adults who just happen to both be female somehow offends you, please stop reading now.

In all honesty, there are both femslash and heterosexual relationships in this tale. I would list them, but I don't feel like giving everything up in the first bit. Some are already established cough Sara/Sofia cough, others have been HEAVILY allueded to, all in all I don't think there are too many surprises in the 'ship department...or are there? (insert evil laughter right here)

Spoiler Warning: The following story contains spoilers from the Season 6 finale, Way to Go. If, for whatever reason, you have yet to see this episode and do not wish to know what has occurred, stop reading now. Come back when you're sure you won't be spoiled. I'll still be here, wondering when you're going to get back…waiting…alone by the computer.

Further more, this is the third story in a three part series. At this point, it is probably necessary to have read the two preceding stories, Angels of Vegas and Demons of Vegas to follow the plot and characters completely.

Author's Note: This is the third and final installment of the 'Of Vegas Trilogy'. It had been a pretty long trip from the beginning and we're not quite through yet. This story, while keeping with the ensemble feeling, is going to focus on Gil Grissom a lot. I know, I'm surprised too. As previously stated, multiple times, I am not the biggest Grissom fan on the planet and I often struggle when I write him. So, this will definitely be a learning experience if nothing else.

I'm bringing back all the characters we've all grown to know and love. That's right, there shall be plenty of Sara, Sofia, Catherine, Warrick, Wendy, Lindsey, Lady Heather and yes, Dr. Cambridge Parker will be returning as well. I recieved a big positive response to her, which surprised me, honestly. Of course, one must take the good with the bad, so there will be a new criminal(s) for the team to track down and the return of someone from Grissom's past.

Extended Author's Note and Disclaimer. PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE PROCEDING: The plot, this time around, however, is one I have struggled with. After weighing it out and thinking about it and pondering, brooding and stewing, I have decided to put an M rating and a long disclaimer and use the plot anyway.

Gods of Vegas deals with the subject of terrorism in the Post 9/11 World. It acknowledges the current climate and the participation of the American military on the world stage. I am not trying to belittle the loss of loved ones, or make any kind of political statement. This story is written with the utmost respect and sympathy for anyone and everyone who has lost someone to terrorism, and to all the soldiers who are risking, and have given their lives for or freedoms. Furthermore, this story deals with the themes of racism and paranoia, specifically pointed at people of Middle Eastern descent and those who follow the Islamic faith. The opinions and statements in this story in no way represent the author's feelings on above issues and are not meant to be offensive in any way.

If you are uncomfortable with the idea of reading something that deals with the above mentioned subjects, graphically at times, please stop reading now.

Character Owchies Ahead.

Italics represent dream and flashback sequences, quotes and or television coverage.

Finally, before I stop yakking and get to the story, big thanks go out to HoneyLynx86 for beta-reading this for me.

Gods of Vegas

A CSI Tale

By RebelByrdie


Jonas Wright had dropped out of high school in his junior year. Adulthood had settled heavily on his thin seventeen-year-old shoulders in the May of 1966 when his girlfriend, Dee, came up pregnant. He had done the honorable thing and married Dee and they'd brought Violet Marie Wright into the world. He'd worked in Casinos, in clubs, in warehouses, doing every kind of blue collar job a man could do in Vegas, but between that and Dee's waiting tables, they'd raised Violet and her younger brothers Byron and Oliver just fine. Violet was a Professor of English at WLVU and had given him two beautiful grandchildren. Byron had followed his passions and was a professional photographer and his wife had added another grandchild to the Wright brood. Oliver could do whatever he wanted to with computers, which was why the NSA had grabbed him right out of college and his wife, Renee was expecting twins. He still had his health and his wife who was still, in his eyes, as beautiful as she had been in high school. Yes, Jonas had lived a good life. He had worked hard and had done pretty damn well, if he didn't say so himself.

Now, he was a few years from retiring. He and Dee had scrimped and saved to get a modest home and then they'd scrimped and saved to put each of their three children through college and now they were carefully planning for their retirements. It wouldn't be fancy, but they would never have to panhandle.

Right now, though, it was eight fifty-three and he had a surprisingly empty load. He had spent the last ten years driving a city bus and he was quite content to spend his next few years with his butt firmly planted in the seat behind the wheel. He glanced in his mirror to look at his passengers.

There were two white-haired ladies right behind him, chattering about nickel-slots and bridge hands. He smiled at them, Gladys and Helen were regulars and he would drop them off at their bingo hall and would probably pick them up again around six. They needed to be home by eight, though, so they could watch their 'Evening Shows'.

Behind them were two tourists, he could spot them from a mile away. A young, just-married couple had their eyes glued to the window, oohing-and-awwing at the glitzy streets of Vegas.

A little further back a young man was dozing. His white shirt, which had probably started out starched and crisp, was limp and there was a stain on it. He was resting after a long shift of waiting tables, Jonas had been in his position and felt for the boy.

Directly across from him was a young woman. He wasn't exactly sure if she was rooting for the hero or the monster on the cover of her paper back. Though from the solid black attire, facial piercings, and the heavy metal pouring out of her earphones, he had a good idea.

In the far back was Alejandro. From looking at the young immigrant, one would immediately peg him as a bad guy, a gang member maybe. Jonas knew better. Alejandro, decked out in baggy pants and a scruffy wife beater was seriously considering entering the seminary to become a priest. If anyone had the heart to do so, Jonas knew it was the young man.

Another sweep brought something else to his attention. An abandoned backpack was sitting in an empty seat about half way back. He sighed and took one of his hands off of the wheel to wipe at his balding head. That was just great. Paper work and a side trip to the garage to take care of some forgetful idiot's bag. Perfect.

He hit his turn signal and his stoplights and slowly brought the bus to a stop at the red light. The intersection was huge and the traffic was thick. Driving in Vegas was like battling a constant rush hour while trying to weave through a gaggle of triathlon runners…it was challenging even on the dullest days.

While the pedestrians darted across the crosswalk in front of him, Jonas glanced up at the sun visor where he'd clipped a picture of his family and smiled. Gladys and Helen were in a heated discussion over Hearts versus Spades. The young couple had a bunch of pamphlets spread across their laps, trying to decide how to spend their evening. The tired waiter shifted ever so slightly, but did not open his eyes. The black clad girl licked her thumb and turned another page in her book and in the back Alejandro stared out of the window. The light turned green and Jonas eased on the gas, and began his wide turn.

Bus number twenty-seven exploded in a violent ball of red and yellow fire half way through the turn. Glass shattered outward and metal shrapnel ricocheted everywhere. Acrid smoke filled the air and the destroyed shell of the bus continued to move, plowing into other cars, spreading the carnage in a weaving path of destruction and death. The constant buzz on the Vegas streets was overwhelmed with screams and the still echoing shockwave of ear-drum bursting explosion.

The bus lost it's momentum when it jumped the curb and plowed into the sparkling plate glass window of the Vegas New Age Fitness Center. The spectacular crash of metal and glass echoed through the streets, harmonizing with the agonized screams and endless honking of car horns that had bodies laid across them.

Author's Note (Yes, another): Usually I prefer the 'less is more' approach. Not this time. As I said before, this is going to be a gritty and graphic story. I would really appreciate any feedback, positive or negative, on this story as I go along.