A/N: Heyy everybody! Ok, so this is my first story ever so it may not be perfect. Plz R&R and be honest on wat you think. but if you don't like it plz don't be too harsh.. TY AND ENJOY!
Chapter 1: The New Girl and Some Drama
"Whoa, who is that?" Riku pointed.
"Who?" Sora asked.
"Her, the super hot chick standing up there." Riku said.
"What ARE you boys looking at now?" Selphie asked. Selphie turned around and saw who they were talking about. "Oh my gosh! Kairi! Over here!" Selphie yelled. The girl started running over to Selphie.
"Hey!" exclaimed the girl.
"Everybody, this is my cousin. Her name is Kairi. So everybody be nice to her." Selphie said.
"No problem." Riku said. Rikku went over and smacked Riku over the head.
"The pleasure is all ours." Rikku said.
"Well they'll introduce themselves. I'm gonna go back to my house. I'll see you later Kairi." Selphie said sadly.
"Are you sure? I mean you can stay." Kairi said.
"It's ok. You'll probably have more fun with them. They're more your age. I'll see you later tonight. You'll probably come over for dinner." Selphie said.
"Ok, well I'll see you then. Bye." Kairi said.
"Ok, let's get down to business. I'm Riku, but everybody calls me RB. If you're lucky, you might find out why later." Riku said in his fake sexy voice.
"The reason they call him RB is because my name is also Rikku. Except I have two k's in my name. So everybody calls me RG." Rikku said.
I'm Yuna. I think I can help you if these two start acting up again." Yuna said.
"I'm Tidus." Tidus said. Kairi could tell he was more of a shy person.
"I'm Roxas. Used to live in Twilight Town. Moved here a couple years ago." Roxas said.
"I'm Namine. I moved here around the same time as Roxas. It's a nice island. I think you'll like it here." Namine said.
"And I'm Sora. I've lived here as long as I can remember. Just like Riku. Nice to meet you." Sora said. He shook her hand. When Sora shook Kairi's hand, her heart leapt. She was in love.
"We were gonna head over to the island to go swimming. Care to join us?" Rikku asked.
"Wait. Isn't this the island?" Kairi asked confused.
"Well this is the main island. Us teens can go over to that island when we want to hang out alone." Rikku said.
"Oh, ok. I'll go get changed." Kairi said. So she ran off to get changed. She came walking back to the dock and Rikku shouted,
"Woo hoo! Sexy mamma. Take it off! Haha!" Kairi got nervous and covered herself with her towel.
"Don't be scared. It's just us. You can trust us" Namine said reassuringly. So they got in their boats and headed towards the island. There were other kids there but when they saw the group coming they dried off and got in their boats and went back.
"Why did those kids leave? Did we do something wrong?" Kairi asked.
"Oh, no. There is this rule that if there are younger kids on the island and the older kids come, they have to leave so that we can have the place to ourselves. Pretty good rule if you ask me." Roxas explained.
"Um, hey Sora?" Kairi asked.
"Yeah?" Sora asked.
"Can you take my necklace off for me?" Kairi asked.
"Oh, sure." Sora gulped. Even though Kairi didn't know it, Sora had the same feelings for her that she had for him.
"Hey Kairi. It's always a tradition here for new people." Riku said smirking.
"Oh, ok." Kairi said. All the boys grabbed her and ran up to the top dock and threw her in the ocean.
"Ahhh!" Kairi screamed. "You guys are so dead!" Kairi yelled in a fake mean voice. All the boys grabbed the girls and threw them in. They stood up laughing at the girls in the water. Kairi ran up to the dock and pushed Riku and threw him in, but he held onto her and they both fell in. When Rikku saw this, her face grew red with anger. How could SHE flirt with MY crush! She thought.
"Kairi! Can I talk to you for a minute!" Rikku yelled.
"Sure. No need to yell." Kairi said.
"Why were you flirting with Riku? You know I like him." Rikku said.
"You like him? I'm sorry, I didn't know. You never really showed it." Kairi said apologetically.
"Well I do like him. So please lay off him." Rikku said.
"Ok, well do you forgive me then?" Kairi asked.
"Of course! Now let's go swim!" Rikku yelled. When they ran back to the docks, the boys were nowhere to be found. It was just the girls. They ran to the edge of the dock, and the boys came up behind them and tried to push them in. But the girls ducked and the boys fell in.
"And you thought you were going to make a joke out of us!" Namine yelled.
"Joke's on you!" Yuna added. Then all the girls jumped in with the boys.
"Come on Kairi, we're going to tan!" Rikku yelled. Kairi turned her head and her and Sora's eyes locked onto each other. It was like she was staring right into his soul.
"Kairi! You coming!" Rikku yelled from the shore.
"Y-Yeah. Be right there." Kairi said. Kairi ran up to the shore and went to tan with her friends.
"Sora, over here!" Riku shouted. Sora ran over to him to see what was up.
"I brought water balloons. C'mon, we're gonna throw them at the girls." Tidus explained.
"Here go fill these up." Roxas said. But Sora was looking at Kairi and wishing he could actually talk to her.
"Dude. Hello? C'mon and go fill these up." Riku said waving his hand in front of Sora's face.
"Huh?" Sora said still looking at Kairi.
"Oh my gosh. Focus! Pay no attention to the girls right now." Riku said.
"Right. What do you need me to do?" Sora asked.
"Go fill these up!" the boys shouted at once.
"Oh, sorry. I'll go fill them up." Sora said.
"Hurry though. I think the girls might be onto us." Riku said. So Sora went to the spring and started filling the balloons. He could hear the girls talking and got nervous, so he tried to hurry. When he was walking back to where the boys were, he tripped on a rock and all the balloons fell on Rikku and Kairi.
"Oh, no you didn't! You are so dead Riku!" Rikku yelled.
"W-Wait! Rikku! Don't do anything you'll regret!" Riku yelled.
"Oh, don't worry. I won't!" Rikku yelled as she started running towards him with a water balloon.
"Oh crap!" Riku yelled as he started running. He didn't know where he was running, but anywhere was better than there. He turned around and didn't see her. Then he looked back and she was standing right in front of him.
"Ok, now you're dead!" Rikku yelled as she hurled the balloon at him. It hit him right in the chest and he fell down, out of breath.
"I have more balloons, so don't even think about getting up!" Rikku yelled.
"Wait, I didn't throw them at you. Sora tripped and the water balloons flew out of his arms." Riku said.
"Are you telling the truth or just tricking me?" Rikku asked.
"I swear. You getting hit was a complete accident." Riku said.
"Oh, I'm really sorry. I thought you purposely threw them at me. Are you ok?" Rikku said apologetically.
"I'm not too bad, but can you help me up?" Riku asked.
"Oh. Sure. Again I'm so sorry." Rikku said. She felt bad because now Riku would never like her. Little did she know, Riku already liked her, and a balloon to the chest wasn't gonna change that. They started walking back to the main part of the beach. When the boys saw Rikku they threw all the balloons they had at her.
"So you did plan to hit me!" she said to Riku. "I thought you said it was an accident. It was all part of your plan. So I would trust you and would come back here so they could hit me. Thanks. Some friend you are!" Rikku yelled. She pushed him and ran off. She thought he was different, better than that.
"Wait! Rikku! Come back!" Riku yelled and he sighed. All that was going through his mind was "Great! Now she hates me. She'll never trust anything I say again. Good going Riku!"
"What happened back there? Why is she so mad at you?" Kairi asked.
"Nothing. It was nothing." Riku said.
"Well, it was obviously something!" Kairi yelled as she pushed past him to go find Rikku. She saw her and started running towards her.
"Go away Riku! You are the last person I want to see right now!" Rikku said. It sounded like she was crying.
"It's Kairi. What happened?"
"Oh. Kairi. He told me that I wasn't supposed to get hit, and then I go back there and all the boys are waiting to hit me. He lied to me. I thought he was different!" Rikku yelled. Now she was crying.
"I think he might have been telling the truth. While you two were gone, the rest of us girls were getting hit with balloons. I think the reason they hit you was because you hadn't gotten hit." Kairi said.
"No, he told me I wasn't gonna get hit." Rikku said.
"Well, maybe you weren't supposed to get hit, but the boys didn't know that. I think you should go talk to him." Kairi said.
"Yeah. You're probably right." Rikku said.
"I think this will all be over by tomorrow morning." Kairi said.
"Thanks. You are like the best friend ever!" Rikku said. They hugged and Kairi said,
"We better get back, everyone will be wondering what happened to us." So they went back and Rikku noticed that Riku was still sitting on the ground where she pushed him.
"Um, Riku? Can I talk to you?" Rikku asked. He nodded and she helped him up. They walked to the other side of the island talking.
"I'm sorry. You're probably tired of me hitting you and then apologizing." Rikku said. Riku laughed.
"Look, I'm the one who should be sorry. I told you that you wouldn't get hit. I'm not mad at you." Riku said.
"Well, I still feel sorry." Rikku said.
"Ok, well, you want to head back?" Riku asked.'
"Sure." Rikku said looking at the ground. Riku started walking and noticed Rikku wasn't walking with him. He turned around and she was just standing there. He ran back and said,
"What's wrong?"
"Nobody likes me, do they?"
"What are you talking about?" he said.
"I feel like I don't belong." She said.
"Of course you belong. The group would be nothing without you." Riku said. He went over and kissed her on top of her head.
"You'll always belong." He said. They hugged and then started walking back. When they got back all the others looked they had been waiting for hours.
"Man, what took you guys so long?" Roxas asked.
"Oh, just settling our differences." Riku said smiling at Rikku.
"Let's go back to the main island." Kairi said.
"Good idea." Sora said. So they set off back to the island.
"I'll see everybody, well when I see you." Kairi said.
A/N: ok so first chappy done i'm gonna update real soon so be ready for the next chapter. plz review!